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Everything posted by Z_R

  1. Thank you! I added just the cname and it worked just fine. Is this one important too? If so why?
  2. Wondering if someone could help me with auto scroll for my slideshow reel at the bottom of my website on my homepage? I already have a code for a different reel which works for the top of my website on my homepage which is the code below: <!-- Gallery Reel Section Autoplay --> <script> (function() { var nextArrowGallery = document.querySelector('.gallery-reel-control-btn[data-test="gallery-reel-control-btn-next"]'); function clickNextGallery() { nextArrowGallery.click(); } setInterval(clickNextGallery, 25000); })(); </script> I would appreciate the help. If there is a better code for my old code too I would prefer it! If you can help and need website password let me know!
  3. Sorted. Thank you
  4. https://greyhound-lynx-5g3p-zingolo.squarespace.com/podcast @tuanphan
  5. https://greyhound-lynx-5g3p-zingolo.squarespace.com/events
  6. Yes so: Left side: Back to all events Featured image Yellow box info Right side: Description Thank you @tuanphan
  7. I I'd like to know this also to try on one of my pages
  8. Thank you! Basically its a text box. Highlight the text you want, then click Highlight > Animation No special coding required.
  9. Hi all, Trying to improve my events page to make it look less like a reading page and more like an events page. Just wondering, how do I add the featured image of the event to the area marked in yellow? And then move the text and content in the current place under the yellow marked area (under the featured image)? Many thanks! (pass is badabing)
  10. Yeah I guess you're right. I've made the header disappear on scroll! Thanks for your feedback
  11. Hi @Ziggy Thank you so much for the feedback! 1. I agree, I think even like a maroon colour would be great and stand out more but my client doesn;t like the idea of that 2. There are other photos but my client is quite stubborn and loves the look of the two hero images repeating lol 3. How can I get it to minimize as I scroll without the menu jumping? That was the issue I was having that made someone suggest me having a fixed header 4. The goal is to me informative to those that want to hire/book her. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
  12. hi all just launched and want genuine feedback for all the pages! https://greyhound-lynx-5g3p-zingolo.squarespace.com/
  13. I guess it's just on the mobile or smaller devices that it does not show. Also could you please remove the screenshot or make it private to just me
  14. in edit mode it shows up but when you visit the website when not logged in, it doesn’t. Strange
  15. Hi all, In edit mode all the dividers I’ve added on all pages show, however, sometimes when I go to certain pages in live mode (currently on the About page), it does not show. And if it does show, it appears for a split second then disappears. Anyone know what I mean and know why? Would appreciate the help and explanation. Thank You
  16. I had the same issue and this code worked perfectly. Just wondering, is there another way to fix this instead of custom code? Something permanent on the Squarespace edit section? RPReplay_Final1691565429.mov
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