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  1. Thank you Sam! Do you know how to also adjust the mobile nav so it is equally spaced? Shop seems to be doing Its own thing!
  2. Hello! I have added a link to an external page in my navigation but the link isn't aligning with the other internal pages and looks very off. The URL is: https://www.keenaco.com/ You can see that "shop" in the navigation is aligning higher than the other elements.
  3. Yes! I had it in there it is https://www.keenaco.com/las-vegas-show-specials
  4. Hello! I am embedding a google doc on my client's site and having trouble customizing the formatting to THIS PAGE: https://www.keenaco.com/las-vegas-show-specials Is there a way to make it: 1. Centered and fill the Screen on desktop. 2. No Shadow Boarder 3. Mobile: text not as compact as it is showing up. This was the code that I embedded: Embedded Code <center> <iframe src="https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRpAnSS71x0kR9qrZSDGNCdgyktzvQgrgkXplytPY_XrcquGYkokFt2nL9SfZogUQ/pub?embedded=true"height="1000px" width="100%" scrolling="yes"></iframe> </center>
  5. Hi @tuanphan Just wanted to see if you had any advice!
  6. Hi @tuanphan I would like for the Showroom name to drop down like it is on the second and third option (Seattle & Vegas) and then the actual address to drop down another line, and the City, State Zip yet another line. July 24th- July 28th Keena Showroom 200 SW Michigan Street, Showroom 201 Seattle, WA 98106
  7. Hello! I would like to add the address on a thrid line to a summary block - web page https://www.keenaco.com/shows-test I have tried adding the whole address to the first line but it ends up not formatting together well. If I add the address normally using all the form prompts you don't see the full address at the summary level. Is there a way to show the name of the space on one line and the full address below? As an example, this first entry I have the address entered in all the form lines. The next Two are entered on just the first form entry but it pushes all the information together in a difficult-to-digest way.
  8. oh sorry! the Text to change and the Icon as you hover over the line.
  9. Thank you! The site and page is: https://www.halsadesign.com/services Hex: 918A6F
  10. Hello - is it possible to change the color of an accordion if someone hovers over a title in an accordion? ex site: https://www.halsadesign.com/services
  11. Hello! I have a client that would like to add a function for a buyer/customer to input their zip code in a search bar and it connects them to their local rep. Zip codes, territories and reps change often so just curious about what solution would be easy to maintain and update!
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