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Everything posted by PatrickJ

  1. Brilliant! That worked for mobile, which I think should be good enough for the client, that's mostly what she was concerned about! Still no luck on desktop though 😞 Thanks so much!
  2. Hey @tuanphan! Thank you, but no luck! This code is now live on the site, but the underline still appears on both desktop and mobile 😬
  3. Thought this one was it, but no luck 😂 I've been having the same problem, tried this solution and every other one I could find, but none seem to do the trick. Help please 🙏🏽 Site: https://www.thesproutcollective.com
  4. Amazing, that worked like a charm - thanks again @tuanphan! Always clutch!
  5. Hi there! I'd love to do the same thing, how can I make the whole card in this section clickable? Tried @tuanphan's and @paul2009's solutions above, but it still just defaults to click-and-drag behaviour. Site: https://gar-parsnip-d2gg.squarespace.com/ Password: hello
  6. Yeah perfect! That's the exact effect I'm looking for - it'd be even better there's a way to have the background be playable videos (lol), but no worries if not, I know that's a way bigger ask 😂
  7. Hey @tuanphan, hovering over the text links in your demo doesn't seem to be doing anything (might be broken), but from the title of the page, I think you have the right idea!
  8. Oh I see! In this case I can't use a Portfolio page, so I'd love to hear the Text Block + Code solution! 🙏🏽
  9. Is this in fact possible to do without a portfolio page, @tuanphan?
  10. @creedon Got it. Yeah, I've looked pretty extensively, but I know @tuanphan had mentioned this is possible without doing the Portfolio page method? All I need is some kind of effect that triggers a section background image change when hovering over a certain block.
  11. Correct, the above image is just a mockup from the designer, and I'm trying to figure out how to build that out as a section. Sorry if I'm not being clear enough!
  12. I don't have one unfortunately, all the client gave me is the above screenshot of the designer mockup. All I need is a way to change the section background image when a user hovers over/clicks the respective video link on the right.
  13. This is a mockup from the designer, it's the effect they're looking to achieve.
  14. Hey @tuanphan! I still need help on this - can't use the Portfolio page solution, need to make a section like below on the following site, where changes the section background image when a user hovers over the text-image combo on the right... Site: https://gar-parsnip-d2gg.squarespace.com Password: hello
  15. No worries! Actually figured it out, thanks!
  16. For sure! https://www.bronsondesign.ca/about
  17. Ah, sorry! I actually figured it out, it was at strategxcorp.com The free widgets over at tradingview.com/widget are fantastic, for anyone looking to do the same 👍🏽
  18. Got it! Thanks @tuanphan! Sorry to hear that! Is it possible if we don't keep the same layout?
  19. I believe he means the one under the Quick Links navigation on the Bloomberg site. I'm looking to do the same thing on strategx.com 😁
  20. @tuanphan @timjphoto Having the same problem! Website is https://sam-comen.squarespace.com
  21. This is great! Is there any way to have the overlay cover the whole image, and not have it only behind the text content?
  22. Does this apply to a trial site? As in, these features just won't work to even try them out without subscribing to a Business plan?
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