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  1. Thanks for your response. That seems straightforward but I am unfamiliar with some of this. What do I need to input for collection id, where can I find that? I don't see a design section of my site. Is that a permissions issue, or has Squarespace changed their layout?
  2. How can I change the color of the site's logo when the dropdown menu is clicked? The main logo is difficult to see on a blue background and I'd like to show a white version of the logo when the dropdown is in effect. There's currently a white logo added into the dropdown area itself, but this is just a placeholder/temporary solution. The original logo still appears above it. Screenshots for reference
  3. I'd like to add a custom image/thumbnail to an iframe video. The iframe code provided: Tried making some adjustments with a placeholder image, but I don't have it right yet: <center> <iframe width='853' height='480' src='https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=eZhe3uJuB57' poster='https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/5d71d79f8c38e20001de9c85/1578286628130-Q47BR9LBHDHGJKSFM4CG/RPM+Gallery+Renderings+3020+A.jpg?content-type=image%2Fjpeg' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen allow='xr-spatial-tracking'> </iframe> </center> Any help is appreciated
  4. I am trying to add a conversion tracking tag to my squarespace site (7.0), to replace a phone number with a Google Forwarding number. Google Provided the steps below, but they don't quite align with how Squarespace handles code injection. Where am I going wrong? I have a previous tag installed, which I amended with the gtag config highlighted in green below, (and screenshot attached). Do I need to replace the previous Google tag with the new one provided below? Do I need to install the snippet into the ADVANCED > PAGE HEADER CODE INJECTION area for every index or page that features the phone number I want to replace? Google's instructions below: To add this tag to your website, follow the instructions below. How to use the tag For conversion tracking to work, you'll need to install the conversion tracking tag, which consists of the Google tag and a phone snippet. Install the Google tag on every page of your website. Open the HTML for each page. Choose from the following options: If you haven't installed the Google tag on your website, copy the tag below and paste it between the head tags (<head></head>😞 <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=AW-734834475"></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'AW-734834475'); </script> See more guidelines on setting up the Google tag. If you installed the Google tag on your website from another Google product (example: Google Analytics) or from another Google Ads account, copy the 'config' command below and add it to every instance of the Google tag, right above the </script> end tag. gtag('config', 'AW-734834475'); If you or a manager account already installed the Google tag on your website while setting up the tag for another conversion action, make sure that the tag is on every page of your website and check that the 'config' command has this Google Ads account's conversion ID: AW-734834475 Save the changes to your webpages. Install the phone snippet on the page where the phone number 559.939.1362 appears on your website. Open the HTML for the page. Copy the snippet below and paste it after the Google tag. <script> gtag('config', 'AW-734834475/yNfQCPu_2M4YEKvest4C', { 'phone_conversion_number': '559.939.1362' }); </script> Save the changes to your webpage.
  5. Similar issue here. I have a link in the top nav that I do not want to be clickable: Quick Move-in Homes. https://wilson-homes.com/ I tried some custom css in the Design section, but it doesn't seem to be working. perhaps because the template I'm using is Hayden, not Brine? Is there a solution for the Hayden template? .Header-nav--primary .Header-nav-folder-title { pointer-events: none; }
  6. I would like to add a filter feature to an Index page of homes for sale, by their respective community. There is one index page populated with a page for each home. And the homes belong to 1 of 5 communities. Is there a way to filter the pages by community? I was hoping Universal Filter plug-in would do the trick, but that might not be compatible with 7.0 Pages (only galleries, blogs, events – formats that don't really work with how the current pages are built) . Any suggestions on how to achieve this?
  7. Site URL: https://wilson-homes.com/ I have created several Facebook pixels for different pages/communities that exist on my website. I want to add a separate pixel for each. I went to Marketing > Facebook Pixels and Ads, and found the field to enter a Pixel ID. But it looks like it applies to just the one site overall. How do I add multiple pixels to target specific pages in SquareSpace? Is there a way to do it with installing base code? I'm new to this, go easy.
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