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I've tried entering the tiktok URL for the username and it doesn't work. I've tried a few different URLs. https://www.tiktok.com/@tiktok_username
Beyondspace reacted to a post in a topic: Adding TikTok Icon For Social Links
Nir started following Adding TikTok Icon For Social Links
How does Squarespace still not allow you to add TikTok as a social link? This is wild.
Nir reacted to a post in a topic: Inverting logo and nav including hamburger on mobile
Site URL: https://teenworldarts.com Password: dance Website I built switches from full page photos with white logo and nav and then I have a few pages that are all white (/magazine, /privacy-policy and /impressum. I've added CSS for each of the white pages to change the logo and nav to black but you still can't see the hamburger icon. Code I'm using for the white pages: /* change header text color for Privacy page */ #collection-62f75eeff2f0af4013b3dfb2 .header-nav-wrapper a, #collection-62f75eeff2f0af4013b3dfb2 .header-nav-wrapper .header-nav-item--active a { color: #484955; } #collection-62f75eeff2f0af4013b3dfb2 .icon svg { fill: #484955; } #collection-62f75eeff2f0af4013b3dfb2 header#header a { color: #484955 !important; } This approach seems messy to me but maybe it's the best way? How can I fix it so the hamburger icon shows on mobile? Thanks!
Nir reacted to a post in a topic: Change nav link text color on About page
Site URL: https://marigold-crane-bhtr.squarespace.com/ PW: dance I've searched the forum and web over and over but for some reason I can't get the nav links to change color on this page. I've tried adding a script to the header injection, I've tried using custom CSS and using the ID (#collection-62a79156828cc81398664dbe). Help!
EarvinChong reacted to a post in a topic: Display categories and then sub categories which you can filter
EarvinChong started following Nir
webbroi reacted to a post in a topic: Display categories and then sub categories which you can filter
Site URL: https://marigold-crane-bhtr.squarespace.com/ Hi all, I'm wondering if on the category page (i.e. Dance) I can display sub categories or tags which will then filter the blog posts. Similar to this website https://pointemagazine.com/category/cross-training, they have the category Health & Body and then sub-categories 'ask amy', 'higher ed', 'view all', etc... Is this possible with Squarespace, will I need custom code? I know I can add an archive blog with tags or categories but those will be tags across all the categories. I'd like them to be on the category page and then filter by the three sub-categories.
Nir reacted to a post in a topic: Adding TikTok Icon For Social Links
That worked for the social icons block but then it messed up the icon in the footer.
Nir reacted to a post in a topic: Adding TikTok Icon For Social Links
It's in my post, the password is grit
I used the code below for the tiktok icon but when I add the social link block on the contact page (pw: grit), the tik tok icon sits on the upper left of the box. Anybody know how I can fix it? /* Footer Tiktok icon */ .sqs-svg-icon--wrapper[href*=tiktok] .sqs-svg-icon--social { display: none; } .sqs-svg-icon--list:hover .sqs-svg-icon--wrapper[href*=tiktok] { background: #777; } .sqs-svg-icon--wrapper[href*=tiktok] { background: transparent; } .sqs-svg-icon--wrapper[href*=tiktok]:hover { background: #ffffff !important;; } .sqs-svg-icon--wrapper[href*=tiktok] > div { display: inline-block; background: url(https://www.designbust.com/download/1019/png/tiktok_logo_png_transparent256.png) no-repeat; background-size: cover; width: 50%; height: 50% ; top: 20%; left: 20%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%) } /* Header Tiktok icon */ a.icon.icon--fill[href*=tiktok] svg { opacity: 0; } a.icon.icon--fill[href*=tiktok] { position: relative; } a.icon.icon--fill[href*=tiktok]:after { content: ''; position: absolute; background: url(https://uxwing.com/wp-content/themes/uxwing/download/10-brands-and-social-media/tiktok.png); background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 90%; height: 90%; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); filter: invert() } .highlight { color: #32c247} .lowlight { color: #FFFFF } [data-section-id="618ceedae1861a7310dc6883"] .content-wrapper { padding-top: 0px !important; padding-bottom: 0px !important; }
tuanphan reacted to a post in a topic: Space above the header using background video
Thanks. Got it to work with this: [data-section-id="618ceedae1861a7310dc6883"] .content-wrapper { padding-top: 0px !important; padding-bottom: 0px !important; }
Site URL: https://platinum-denim-t252.squarespace.com/ password: grit My background video is full bleed like I want but as soon as I can add text into the section, it creates a black space above and below the video. I'd like the padding to stay but want it to be transparent and full bleed. Anybody run into this?
Beyondspace reacted to a post in a topic: Image moves on scroll effect
Nir reacted to a post in a topic: Different price display VAT charge and price display - UK vs international sales
Nir reacted to a post in a topic: Different price display VAT charge and price display - UK vs international sales
Nir reacted to a post in a topic: Side by side buttons for mobile and desktop
Having the same issue. Trying to get the Shop Now and Drop By buttons to stay side by side on mobile. Scroll to middle of homepage. https://crane-parakeet-thk3.squarespace.com/ pw: 5ways Thanks in advance!
Site URL: https://www.creativeblackwomansplaybook.com/ I'm trying to get my unpublished site to do a similar effect to this site: https://www.creativeblackwomansplaybook.com 1. Once you scroll passed the hero section you can see how the sports playbook illustration moves down as you start scrolling and then it stops once you're passed that section. 2. The background changes color as you scroll. I've found some code that does this but this website is also changing the text color within the same section which is a nice effect. Any idea how they got that to work?