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Everything posted by raego

  1. Thanks – unfortunately this still does not work. You can set it to two columns but they still do not align horizontally both in the editor and on the live site. In my original post, this code fixes the problem on one shop page but not the others. /* Product 2 columns mobile */ @media screen and (max-width:767px) { .products.collection-content-wrapper .list-grid { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(2,minmax(0,1fr)); grid-column-gap: 10px; } }
  2. Hi, this still doesn't work sorry.
  3. It is only working on the first page, not on the second two pages, either in the editor or on any mobile device.
  4. Thanks - I tried option 2 which was working, but it didn't work for text links or bolded text which is why I added the *, and it is no longer working either way. I would really like to see if there's a way to target all text on the page as there are a lot of different text blocks and would like it to be universal to any changes made to the page.
  5. I have installed some custom CSS fonts to a site and am trying to get them to work on a single page only. Below is the code I am using, this was working for all text however it has now stopped working and I'm not sure why. Headings are working correctly however paragraph text is not – called Sofia below. The font is installed correctly and is working for other elements such as scrolling text and accordion blocks. <style> @font-face { font-family:Cygnet; src:url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60508b4353f74b54f8913bf8/t/6656b97e88db520a0a241d20/1716959614082/CygnetRegular-1Dg4.ttf); } @font-face { font-family:Sofia; src:url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60508b4353f74b54f8913bf8/t/6656b999db64d766b69c3338/1716959641857/SofiaProLight.ttf); } h1, h2, h3, h4 * { font-family: 'Cygnet' !important; } p * { font-family: 'Sofia' !important; } </style> Site – https://www.brontegroup.com.au/central-park-working-1
  6. I have used css to display products in a 2 column grid on mobile which is working on my main shop page, but it does not work on my other two shop pages. The code is under global css so cannot understand why it isn't being applied to all pages. I have also tried adding to code injection of those pages which did not work either. /* Product 2 columns mobile */ @media screen and (max-width:767px) { .products.collection-content-wrapper .list-grid { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(2,minmax(0,1fr)); grid-column-gap: 10px; } } This page is displaying correct - https://www.raegocreative.com.au/handmade These pages are not - https://www.raegocreative.com.au/crochet-patterns, https://www.raegocreative.com.au/photography-prints
  7. Thanks! I had checked this one out but was hoping for a free solution with no branding and no limit to views etc.
  8. I am currently building a website for a new client - please note the site has not been published yet so this is more of a general enquiry. Does anyone know what the best way to embed TikTok videos to Squarespace is? I have used the general code available on individual videos in a code block however they end up looking like this with all these unnecessary elements. Any help would be appreciated for anyone who has managed to do this in an aesthetically pleasing way.
  9. That would be great if possible - thank you so much! Please note the text under each heading will be an anchor link to different sections on the page (these will change as each stage progresses).
  10. Apologies – I am trying to see if it's possible to have the sidebar on this page be responsive in the sense that every time the browser changes whether that be from a desktop to smaller desktop, or tablet to mobile, the sidebar parameters break and the elements move outside the shape block underneath. Is there any css that would make this group of blocks stay in the same position regardless of browser size? E.g. can the 'px' values be something responsive instead of fixed values? This is what I currently have: body:not(.sqs-edit-mode-active) .fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1710823748951_2234 { position: sticky; top: 55px; } body:not(.sqs-edit-mode-active) .fe-block.fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1710820931793_13230 { position: sticky; top: 100px; } body:not(.sqs-edit-mode-active) .fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1710820931793_31196 { position: sticky; top: 700px; } body:not(.sqs-edit-mode-active) .fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1710820931793_29051 { position: sticky; top: 740px; }
  11. I am working on a portal update page for a client and would like to know if there's any easier way to create a simple sidebar using a group of blocks. I have currently created a look I really like and the blocks are sticky, however this is not responsive so when the browser size changes on desktop the blocks are skewed. Is there better CSS I can use to keep the blocks in the same position regardless of browser size? Site - https://brontegroup.com.au/solai-buyers-update-portal
  12. This is great, thanks so much for the info - is there anyway to target this CSS to just one form block? Also if there's any way to do the same CSS for the open form button?
  13. I ended up switching from Image Map Pro to DrawPoint - https://app.drawpoint.io/ Design and styling is a lot more restricted but it works which was the main thing for us!
  14. Hi there! Unfortunately I had to abandon Image Map Pro as they confirmed their current version isn't compatible with Squarespace. I am using Drawpoint as an alternative - not has much functionality in terms of styling etc but it works and is super easy to setup and embed with iFrame. https://www.drawpoint.io/
  15. Hoping to get the code to center align the text in this code block in my footer on mobile only? <p style="text-align:right;font-size:11px" padding=0px> Copyright &copy; <script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear())</script> Raego Creative. </a><br> All rights reserved. ABN 43 719 418 221 </p> Site - https://raegocreative.com.au/
  16. Hi, I'm wondering if it possible to display both arrows and bullets on the same gallery?
  17. Thanks all for your help! Do you know if it's possible to show arrows and bullets at the same time on a single gallery?
  18. Is it possible to make the arrows of the gallery section on this page much bigger and thicker? Currently they are barely visible (under Gallery tab) https://www.brontegroup.com.au/solai-bronte-2023-working Password: solai
  19. Hi there, I'm hoping to install Image Map Pro on my site but can't for the life of me work out how. Are you able to share how you got it to work? There are no installation steps provided with the plugin and can't work out where each piece of code goes, or what other files are needed to be uploaded etc. Happy to pay for your trouble!
  20. Hi, I'm trying to create an interactive 'map' with hover pop-ups and click-through functionality on an underlying image, that I can then embed into my Squarespace site. I found the perfect solution in the Image Map Pro plugin, however have since been told by the developers that it is not compatible with Squarespace. So while I can create the map exactly how I'd like it to be, I'm unable to get it onto my site. Does anyone have any recommendations for plugins etc that can achieve this and are 100% compatible with Squarespace? Desired functionality: - Ability to create poly shapes over my image - Pop-up box with property features on hover - Click through link to a PDF on the pop-up Site - https://www.brontegroup.com.au/solai-bronte-2023-working Password - solai Attached screenshot of the interactive image I created for reference.
  21. Thanks for your help - waiting on a response now 🙂
  22. Thanks so much this has almost worked! The map is now visible and the mouse is recognising the poly shapes on the map - however the actual hover effect is not displaying (e.g. shape overlay and pop up in image below). I have copied the entire script from the editor so not sure what is going wrong. Are you able to take a look? (Under the Floor Plans tab on the page) https://www.brontegroup.com.au/solai-bronte-2023-working Password: solai
  23. Hi, I recently purchased the CodeCanyon Interactive Map Pro plugin - the editor works great and gives me everything I'm looking for. However I'm struggling to work out how to embed the map to my desired site using the code. My main struggle is now knowing where to put the relevant code, or knowing if I need to upload the JS files etc to my Squarespace site as well. Has anyone else managed to embed this plugin to their site successfully? This is their documentation - https://preview.codecanyon.net/item/image-map-pro-jquery-interactive-image-map-builder/full_screen_preview/2792438
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