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  1. That did it @tuanphan thank you!!
  2. @tuanphan Correct, the portfolio list page (where the project thumbnails reside) does not need a different logo color. I'm trying to target the individual project pages to insert a white logo on those. For example, in the screenshot below, the project "Highland" (and all other project pages) need a white logo. Note: I have tried the invert css coding but the logo color comes out lavender or light pink. It should be true white.
  3. Thank you @tuanphan. That code changed the site logo on the portfolio landing page as well as the interior project pages. Is it possible to add the ":not selector" so we can eliminate the portfolio landing page from that code? The landing page with thumbnail images needs to have a dark site logo and the interior project pages need to have the light site logo.
  4. Hello!! @tuanphan @creedon I'm trying to change the color of this logo only on the portfolio project pages to white. I actually have the correct white logo uploaded to the site title, but I guess since I uploaded a dark version in the Portfolio's advanced settings on the landing page (where thumbnails reside), the dark version is taking affect on all the interior project pages. Can I override that so the white logo (uploaded to site title) applies to all project pages? I have tried the invert css but the color comes out almost lavender or light pink. So ideally, I'd like to use the actual png file uploaded to the site. Here's one of the project pages: https://misfit-house.com/portfolio/highland Many thanks!
  5. My client's e-commerce shop doesn't have breadcrumbs leading back to the main shop categories. Is it possible to add code to support that or is there a built-in option I'm missing? When you visit the link I provided, you'll see that the breadcrumbs exist for the Earrings category, but if you're in Limited Run or Wristies, there's no way to get back to the main shop page without hitting the back button or going to the header navigation menu. Any ideas!? https://www.dustandsunshineleather.com/shop-styles Here's a shot of it in mobile view...
  6. Site URL: https://goose-papaya-mpf7.squarespace.com/about Hello! For some reason the accordion blocks under our Team Bios aren't showing up on mobile view. Has anyone ever had that problem or know a solution?
  7. Hi @violettag Thanks for your response! I've explored Product Blocks but not Thumbnail Navigation. This is the first time I'm seeing a tutorial on that. Thank you. Any chance you have an example site implementing thumbnail navigation? I'd love to see a couple IRL so I can understand how it may be utilized best on my client's site. Thanks again.
  8. Hi @tuanphan Thank you for your response. We've taken the site live so we're going to hold off on making any tweaks right now while customers are shopping. Appreciate you getting back to me!
  9. @tuanphan I resolved the issue! Thanks for your follow up.
  10. Site URL: https://www.dustandsunshineleather.com/shop Hello, 1 - I would like to limit the number of products shown on my client's main shop page. Is that possible? As it stands, when a customer goes to the shop, it's quite overwhelming. 2 - I'd love to have a thumbnail image for each category be the first thing a customer sees on the shop page. Is that possible? They would have to click on the thumbnail or the category name listed in the left-hand column to get to the full list of products within that category.
  11. @tuanphan I am trying to center the sunburst image located in the content block below the header (not in the footer) - aka the second content block below the header on the home page. Below the text that says ELEVATED. EMPOWERED. ECO-FASHION. Thank you for your help!!
  12. @tuanphan I would like to get the sunburst graphic positioned in the center of this block in mobile view.
  13. @tuanphan Mobile view. (However, it needs to be centered in both, but I'm only trying to correct mobile view.)
  14. @tuanphan Hi! That code didn't move the sunburst graphic to the center in mobile view. I corrected the typo fotoer to footer but that didn't seem to be the issue.
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