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Everything posted by DamonCameron

  1. Same...obviously getting no help from Squarespace??
  2. Hi @tuanphan, https://www.photosbydamon.com/ Many thanks
  3. I've added this code, it has fixed the content - But Header Hamburger menu is still pushed left. Any tips? thanks
  4. @Beyondspace Ok. Looks good, thanks. Lightbox Studio Playground 👍🏼 Will look at purchasing the plugin. Thanks
  5. @Beyondspace my site is not loading. Spinning black circle in middle...tried refreshing...
  6. @Beyondspace the recording look good. But the test link doesn't seem to work as per your note. So how does it work? is it code?
  7. Thanks @melody495. And thanks @Beyondspace. Yes it appears thats exactly what Im after. URL: https://www.photosbydamon.com/ Thanks, Damon
  8. Does anyone know if there is a CSS code to enable a page of image blocks to have the "click to next image" function once an image is opened in its own LightBox? In essence giving a page of image blocks the same feature as a Gallery once an image is opened in a light box. The user clicks on an image - it opens in a lightnbox (which is easy to do), and now the user should be able to click to next image on the page and have it appear in the light box. Rather than close the image down, move to the next one and then click to view bigger and in isolation. I find it so much easier and intuitive to arrange and curate a page of images by using single image blocks, but the light box function is basically useless because it only work for one image at a time, and the user has to close each image and move onto the next instead of simple clicking onto the next image on the page without leaving the Light Box view. Galleries are very clunky to curate and the design features are so limiting. many thanks, Damon
  9. Does anyone have a work around to enable a simple "click to next image" once an image block is opened in its own Lightbox? Its a hell of a lot easier to arrange and curate images on a page using single image blocks rather than galleries which are so generic and still very clunky and a headache to use. Surely there must be some custom CSS to enable "go to next image on page" when open in a Lightbox. many thanks, Damon
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