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  1. Hello. I chose a header layout with the logo on top and the navigation links at the bottom - see image. However, I do not want the words to be on 2 lines - so either change the mobile menu breakpoint when it does or find a solution to get rid of the blank spaces on either side. Is that possible? Thank you. Marie
  2. Hello. I'm trying to embed this page to my site: https://www.weatherlink.com/embeddablePage/show/7da2f761dc504ed89ea9634f3449d6eb/wide I'm using the embed block but it doesn't seem to be working. When I add the URL, it says "Successfully located" but in red, and then nothing shows up. Any ideas? Thanks
  3. Hello. I'm trying to integrate a weather widget to my site. The link has been provided by a third party: https://www.weatherlink.com/embeddablePage/show/7da2f761dc504ed89ea9634f3449d6eb/signature When using the embed block, it says that the link was "successfully located" (the text in red tho, not too sure if that means anything) but the block says otherwise - see screenshot. I tried looking at the site not logged in but nothing is showing. Thanks for your help. Marie
  4. Hey Duncan, does MemberStack provide the ability to tailor the content for each member/client?
  5. Hey HeatherLeigh, no I haven't found any solution yet! I suspected that MemberStack wasn't providing the option I'm after but just wanted to make sure. Let me know if you find anything and I'll do the same. 🙂
  6. Site URL: http://mmd.com.au Hello everyone! We are looking at adding a client portal to our Squarespace website. We are a marketing agency and have recurring clients - we need them to be able to login onto a portal to access all info about our workload (specific to them). I'm currently looking at memberstack and memberspace but would like to hear about people's experience using similar tools. We need to be able to create a login for each client and for them to see content that is specific to them. Thanks! Marie
  7. I'm following this thread too. My clients are not likely to pay online, they will pay via invoice. Because of this, the PRODUCTS functionality is not of any use for me. According to Squarespace the PRODUCTS feature assumes an online transaction will take place. Squarespace please come up with a solution!
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