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Everything posted by DevonHarris

  1. @tuanphan @creedon can you check out www.BAHFineArt.com? I’d like the title, subtitle, price, add to Cart button, THEN description in that order but nothing I do seems to change it 😞. Thanks for any feedback you can provide!
  2. worked great, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Can you please post a link to the blog when you write it? 🙂
  3. Hey @ievavi I did get the correct code from a friend but haven’t tested it yet, will do so tomorrow night and post here when I do 🙂
  4. @creedon I fixed it with some code I found on another forum thread...however do you know the CSS I can use to target the title, both on-product detail pade and on shop page? Would love to style it a little better on each, separately. Thank you so much!!
  5. @tuanphan @creedon do you know how I can target the product name? Currently SS is putting the product NAME second, which I'm not sure why. I'm hoping to style it exactly as how it appears in their image attached. With the product details floating right, and images floating left. Hoping you can assist! www.BAHFineArt.com thanks again!
  6. @creedon you're right. I added a text block with the bottom two 'words' linked, and then styled the links in css by targeting the block they belonged to. Thanks again!!
  7. Thanks @ievavi I’ll post an update if I figure it out! @rebeccagracedesigns do you have any ideas? I know you have a blog post similar, I’m looking for css specific to when the nav menu is open. Can you help?
  8. @creedon would you mind taking a look at the mobile version? It’s making the section super long not sure how to fix, already tried min-width:0px. Domain is now www.BAHFineArt.com thank 🙂
  9. Site URL: https://www.BAHFineArt.com Hello! I'm trying to make the: Mobile Navigation menu appear half width (in mobile view only) like the one pictured below. Additionally, how can I make it open and overlap the rest of the page? Make the rest of the page semi transparent when open? Reduce font size when open? Of course I would also love to reduce the font size, all mobile only. Thank you so much!!!
  10. @tuanphan this code didn't work for me. Trying to left align the text on a card layout, can you please share the css? Thank you so much!
  11. @creedonawesome thank you so much!! How did you create that PNG? Photoshop isn't letting me save. And I can't figure out how to download the link you sent lol 😂. Thank you!!
  12. @creedon this is how it should look: Hopefully you can figure out a fix- I tried editing the z-index and everything 😞
  13. @tuanphan can you help? I'm having exactly the same issue at www.BarbaraAnneHarrisFineArt.com can you check it out for me to see why? I did use square kicker to edit the location, and I am intentionally leaving no image in the block because I want it to overlap the background image. Hoping you can think of a fix, thanks!!
  14. Hey guys! I think I found a fix! Shoutout to Tiffany Davidson for posting! Copied below from her website: .slide { visibility: visible !important; -webkit-transition: opacity 3s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: opacity 3s ease-in-out; -o-transition: opacity 3s ease-in-out; transition: opacity 3s ease-in-out; } 🙂
  15. Hi! is there a way to automatically have a “low stock” image (uploaded by me) display on top of the images of products/services that are low in stock. Similarly with Out of Stock? Little image would ideally display on regular shop or events page and on the item details page. Also- since quantities are not updated until the customer checks out- is there some CSS where I can make in bold, italic red font below the item description (or just style the last line of the item description) to say “please note that inventory is not updated until checkout” or something like that?
  16. @paul2009i think I may have a workaround- what about having member pages with information (like address etc) stored on their member profile, which would at least speed up the ‘registration’ process. It’s not a solution but it does enhance the user experience a little. And then on the product/service listed, badges with “limited quantity” or “5 left” or “sold out” would be displayed to prompt the buyer’s urgency to buy. So the main Q is whether SS memberships can suooort this, and whether multiple child profiles can be saved within one member account...
  17. Hi! I’m creating a website for a kids gym, and need to be able to set up one single member account where parents can access & buy classes (aka “workshops”) for one or more of their children - and additionally I would need to store certain info about each child profile within the member account, such as food allergies, home address etc. ideally, when the parent sees a course they would like to sign their child up for, they can click on the course, and a drop down list will appear with all of the profiles in their account, which they can select. For example, I as a parent would create one member account for my family. Once logged in, I add a unique profile for each of my kids, with customized information. Then, when I want to sign up for spring soccer, the ‘product’ page will hav a dropped which shows all of my kids names, and I just select the one that I want to sign up, and add to my cart. Additionally, given that I would have already input important information about my kids, I won’t need to fill out any extra forms. Does this make sense? I’m hoping this is possible!!
  18. @paul2009 this is truly amazing- thank you so so much for your help and support on this!! I will definitely report the issue to Squarespace because I know a ton of users who would be really upset if they thought they had a spot booked, only to find out at the end of filling out the lengthy form that the class is sold out. Thank you so so much!!
  19. Site URL: https://www.BarbaraAnneHarrisFineArt.com site password: Cinderella56! I'm trying to set up workshops (by creating service products, and adding limited-quantity variants) for a client. I have implemented the mandatory form be filled out when they "add to cart" however, I need that same form to be filled out if they are purchasing multiple spots. The client is a children's club, and some parents might be buying space in the workshop for more than one of their kids (i.e. twins, siblings, etc). Therefore, the form needs to be completed for each 'item' sold, even if it is the same exact item. Is there a way to do this? Also, I have set a maximum quantity to each variant, however SS is allowing me to add more than the max quantity in my basket- not sure what I'm doing wrong here? Furthermore, I need to add a 'wait list' email option for when the class becomes 'sold out' and a notification/stop-sale when the class is full and the max quantity has been reached. Hoping someone can assist with this! Thanks in advance!!
  20. Did anyone ever find the answer to this? I’d like to know too!
  21. @tuanphanany advice on this? I would love to do this on a food truck website I’m proposing next week. Thanks!!
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