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Everything posted by humxahafeex

  1. Hi @arek It's way too easy what you have to do is to put the following code to Settings > Advance > Code Injection>Header ,What this code will do it will pop up every time user visit the website. <script> window.localStorage.setItem('test', '0'); window.localStorage.setItem('squarespace-popup-overlay', '0'); </script> Tested and it worked perfectly fine , Hope it works perfectly fine for you 🙂 NOTE: TEST IT ON INCOGNITO OR ON PRIVATE WINDOW. If it works for you don't forget to mark it as solved by clicking arrow on top left of this answer 🙂
  2. Hi @tero.h.hakala First of all Yes its Important as servers uses these records as Trust/authentication checks when they receive something from other websites. So it is important to set it up. To set it up you can simply use these guide. https://support.google.com/a/answer/7026550?hl=en & https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001280748-Verifying-third-party-domains-for-Email-Campaigns Hope it Helps 🙂 Do Let us know if it works or not 🙂
  3. Hi @ppsu, Please do share the code so I can look in to it and assist you futher with it 🙂
  4. HI @MagIngMech , If the above solution doesn't work try to change the script from your script menu in Cookiebot to Manual & then copy and paste the new code to your header section , (see attahced Image ) I hope it works as I tested it on my sample wesbite.
  5. Will you please try to clear cache or try to check it on Private/Incognito Window and let me know does it helps or not 🙂
  6. Oh Sorry Missed That , Can you do 1 thing real quick , Will you please remove the code from header and put it in footer (see attached image below). Please do this I hope it will work if not do let me know 🙂
  7. It's simply issue of conflict between the external api/plugins you are usgin with your website try to disable the external codes you are using and check if it resolves the issue or not.
  8. Got it , Actually you have to use some file path in@ import like below instead of just link. @import url("https://somelink.com/example.css") If you just simply use the link it will return one of 2 errors : f.location undefined or href is undefined. Please try to use the link to file and let me know if it helps It should fix this issue 🙂
  9. Oh Thank you , Will you please try to change url in 1st line to https://hello.myfonts ... instead of //hello.... & let me know if it works or not 🙂
  10. Hi , Site seems Private Please make it public or password protected so I can have a look 🙂 To make it Public ot Password protected : Home > Settings > Site Availability
  11. Hi @Lystnr Oh sorry I missed that point , It's quite easy to do this on personal plan too not a big deal , Let me tell you how 🙂 I see @tuanphan shared a nice solution but it's quite long and need tons of css. Let me suggest some clean solution to this. Let's Use squarespace own social link block (It will do css by it self) here Just use the following code as below in Code Block: <div class="sqs-svg-icon--outer social-icon-alignment-center social-icons-color-black social-icons-size-small social-icons-style-regular "> <nav class="sqs-svg-icon--list"> <a href="#YOUR FACEBOOK LINK" target="_blank" class="sqs-svg-icon--wrapper facebook-unauth"> <div> <svg class="sqs-svg-icon--social" viewBox="0 0 64 64"> <use class="sqs-use--icon" xlink:href="#facebook-unauth-icon"></use> <use class="sqs-use--mask" xlink:href="#facebook-unauth-mask"></use> </svg> </div> </a> <a href="#YOUR INSTA LINK" target="_blank" class="sqs-svg-icon--wrapper instagram-unauth"> <div> <svg class="sqs-svg-icon--social" viewBox="0 0 64 64"> <use class="sqs-use--icon" xlink:href="#instagram-unauth-icon"></use> <use class="sqs-use--mask" xlink:href="#instagram-unauth-mask"></use> </svg> </div> </a> </nav> </div> I hope it works as required 🙂
  12. Hi Yes it is 100% Possible to put it on site you Just have to follow the code which link you gave or Simply you can do is simply paste the following code in Code injection: Go to Settings > Advance > Code Injection and paste this code , save & Refresh the page , Voila It's Done. <script> var colour="random"; // "random" can be replaced with any valid colour ie: "red"... var sparkles=100;// increase of decrease for number of sparkles falling var x=ox=400; var y=oy=300; var swide=800; var shigh=600; var sleft=sdown=0; var tiny=new Array(); var star=new Array(); var starv=new Array(); var starx=new Array(); var stary=new Array(); var tinyx=new Array(); var tinyy=new Array(); var tinyv=new Array(); colours=new Array('#ff0000','#00ff00','#ffffff','#ff00ff','#ffa500','#ffff00','#00ff00','#ffffff','ff00ff') n = 10; y = 0; x = 0; n6=(document.getElementById&&!document.all); ns=(document.layers); ie=(document.all); d=(ns||ie)?'document.':'document.getElementById("'; a=(ns||n6)?'':'all.'; n6r=(n6)?'")':''; s=(ns)?'':'.style'; if (ns){ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) document.write('<layer name="dots'+i+'" top=0 left=0 width='+i/2+' height='+i/2+' bgcolor=#ff0000></layer>'); } if (ie) document.write('<div id="con" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px"><div style="position:relative">'); if (ie||n6){ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) document.write('<div id="dots'+i+'" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:'+i/2+'px;height:'+i/2+'px;background:#ff0000;font-size:'+i/2+'"></div>'); } if (ie) document.write('</div></div>'); (ns||n6)?window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE):0; function Mouse(evnt){ y = (ns||n6)?evnt.pageY+4 - window.pageYOffset:event.y+4; x = (ns||n6)?evnt.pageX+1:event.x+1; } (ns)?window.onMouseMove=Mouse:document.onmousemove=Mouse; function animate(){ o=(ns||n6)?window.pageYOffset:0; if (ie)con.style.top=document.body.scrollTop + 'px'; for (i = 0; i < n; i++){ var temp1 = eval(d+a+"dots"+i+n6r+s); randcolours = colours[Math.floor(Math.random()*colours.length)]; (ns)?temp1.bgColor = randcolours:temp1.background = randcolours; if (i < n-1){ var temp2 = eval(d+a+"dots"+(i+1)+n6r+s); temp1.top = parseInt(temp2.top) + 'px'; temp1.left = parseInt(temp2.left) + 'px'; } else{ temp1.top = y+o + 'px'; temp1.left = x + 'px'; } } setTimeout("animate()",10); } animate(); window.onload=function() { if (document.getElementById) { var i, rats, rlef, rdow; for (var i=0; i<sparkles; i++) { var rats=createDiv(3, 3); rats.style.visibility="hidden"; rats.style.zIndex="999"; document.body.appendChild(tiny[i]=rats); starv[i]=0; tinyv[i]=0; var rats=createDiv(5, 5); rats.style.backgroundColor="transparent"; rats.style.visibility="hidden"; rats.style.zIndex="999"; var rlef=createDiv(1, 5); var rdow=createDiv(5, 1); rats.appendChild(rlef); rats.appendChild(rdow); rlef.style.top="2px"; rlef.style.left="0px"; rdow.style.top="0px"; rdow.style.left="2px"; document.body.appendChild(star[i]=rats); } set_width(); sparkle(); }} function sparkle() { var c; if (Math.abs(x-ox)>1 || Math.abs(y-oy)>1) { ox=x; oy=y; for (c=0; c<sparkles; c++) if (!starv[c]) { star[c].style.left=(starx[c]=x)+"px"; star[c].style.top=(stary[c]=y+1)+"px"; star[c].style.clip="rect(0px, 5px, 5px, 0px)"; star[c].childNodes[0].style.backgroundColor=star[c].childNodes[1].style.backgroundColor=(colour=="random")?newColour():colour; star[c].style.visibility="visible"; starv[c]=50; break; } } for (c=0; c<sparkles; c++) { if (starv[c]) update_star(c); if (tinyv[c]) update_tiny(c); } setTimeout("sparkle()", 40); } function update_star(i) { if (--starv[i]==25) star[i].style.clip="rect(1px, 4px, 4px, 1px)"; if (starv[i]) { stary[i]+=1+Math.random()*3; starx[i]+=(i%5-2)/5; if (stary[i]<shigh+sdown) { star[i].style.top=stary[i]+"px"; star[i].style.left=starx[i]+"px"; } else { star[i].style.visibility="hidden"; starv[i]=0; return; } } else { tinyv[i]=50; tiny[i].style.top=(tinyy[i]=stary[i])+"px"; tiny[i].style.left=(tinyx[i]=starx[i])+"px"; tiny[i].style.width="2px"; tiny[i].style.height="2px"; tiny[i].style.backgroundColor=star[i].childNodes[0].style.backgroundColor; star[i].style.visibility="hidden"; tiny[i].style.visibility="visible" } } function update_tiny(i) { if (--tinyv[i]==25) { tiny[i].style.width="1px"; tiny[i].style.height="1px"; } if (tinyv[i]) { tinyy[i]+=1+Math.random()*3; tinyx[i]+=(i%5-2)/5; if (tinyy[i]<shigh+sdown) { tiny[i].style.top=tinyy[i]+"px"; tiny[i].style.left=tinyx[i]+"px"; } else { tiny[i].style.visibility="hidden"; tinyv[i]=0; return; } } else tiny[i].style.visibility="hidden"; } document.onmousemove=mouse; function mouse(e) { if (e) { y=e.pageY; x=e.pageX; } else { set_scroll(); y=event.y+sdown; x=event.x+sleft; } } window.onscroll=set_scroll; function set_scroll() { if (typeof(self.pageYOffset)=='number') { sdown=self.pageYOffset; sleft=self.pageXOffset; } else if (document.body && (document.body.scrollTop || document.body.scrollLeft)) { sdown=document.body.scrollTop; sleft=document.body.scrollLeft; } else if (document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollLeft)) { sleft=document.documentElement.scrollLeft; sdown=document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else { sdown=0; sleft=0; } } window.onresize=set_width; function set_width() { var sw_min=999999; var sh_min=999999; if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) { if (document.documentElement.clientWidth>0) sw_min=document.documentElement.clientWidth; if (document.documentElement.clientHeight>0) sh_min=document.documentElement.clientHeight; } if (typeof(self.innerWidth)=='number' && self.innerWidth) { if (self.innerWidth>0 && self.innerWidth<sw_min) sw_min=self.innerWidth; if (self.innerHeight>0 && self.innerHeight<sh_min) sh_min=self.innerHeight; } if (document.body.clientWidth) { if (document.body.clientWidth>0 && document.body.clientWidth<sw_min) sw_min=document.body.clientWidth; if (document.body.clientHeight>0 && document.body.clientHeight<sh_min) sh_min=document.body.clientHeight; } if (sw_min==999999 || sh_min==999999) { sw_min=800; sh_min=600; } swide=sw_min; shigh=sh_min; } function createDiv(height, width) { var div=document.createElement("div"); div.style.position="absolute"; div.style.height=height+"px"; div.style.width=width+"px"; div.style.overflow="hidden"; return (div); } function newColour() { var c=new Array(); c[0]=255; c[1]=Math.floor(Math.random()*256); c[2]=Math.floor(Math.random()*(256-c[1]/2)); c.sort(function(){return (0.5 - Math.random());}); return ("rgb("+c[0]+", "+c[1]+", "+c[2]+")"); } // ]]> </script> Hope it Helps 🙂
  13. Hi , It's Quite Simple Please follow the steps as follows: Step 1 : Create a code Block. Step 2: Paste the following code in it. Step 3 : Replace the links for your facebook /insta in the code and save it . <link href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-wvfXpqpZZVQGK6TAh5PVlGOfQNHSoD2xbE+QkPxCAFlNEevoEH3Sl0sibVcOQVnN" crossorigin="anonymous"> <i class="fa fa-instagram" aria-hidden="true"><a href="#your_instagram_link"></a></i> <i class="fa fa-facebook-official" aria-hidden="true"><a href="#your_facebook_link"></a></i> How it will look is shown in attached Image. Hope it Helps.
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