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  1. yes and i need the code to put that in there. this is what i've asked.
  2. Site URL: https://beersupply.ca/nbf/tasty-nickelbrook-august-2021 I'm looking for the code for image cards. i'm active so often with making new posts that I ideally just want to enter the code that would be to make an image card into the coding box. i generate my own text and info that i'd want to plug into that image card without having to make a new image card every single time. can anyone help with this? I look at this one for an example which is #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1628285269767_20362 on https://beersupply.ca/nbf/tasty-nickelbrook-august-2021 I'd like to re-create this in a CODE box. Please help. Ideally as an example i'd like to recreate the above block-yui but plug the below span, etc into this custom image card box. <span style="font-size:18px"><strong>Mocha Machine</strong></span><br /><span style="color:#000000"><span font-size:13px>Beachwood Brewing & Blendery</span><br /><span style="font-size:12px"><em>9.20% - Imperial Coffee Chocolate Porter </em></span><br /><br /><span style="font-size:11px">Mocha Machine is a well-engineered endeavor in massive aromatics and rich flavors. Brewed with an array British and German malts, this burly brew is infused with masterfully roasted coffee from Portola Coffee Lab in Costa Mesa, CA. It is then aged on cacao nibs from Equador, adding an awesomely deep dimension of fudge.</span><br /><br /><span style="font-size:10px"><strong>Characteristics: </strong>Coffee, Mocha, Creamy, Nuts, Dark Fruits, Chocolate, Fudge, Roasty, Dark</span><br /><br /><span style="font-size:10px">SKU 108676 - 24(1 X 0.354 L) - $4.75<br />Shipped from Container World</span> This is the div code for the image card at the aforementioned #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1628285269767_20362 on https://beersupply.ca/nbf/tasty-nickelbrook-august-2021 <div id="block-yui_3_17_2_1_1628285269767_20362" class="yui3-widget yui3-block-base yui3-block-parent-base sqs-block-image yui3-block-image-base yui3-block-image sqs-block image-block sqs-block-editable yui3-dd-drop yui3-block-image-focused sqs-block-focused sqs-block-editing sqs-edit-dialog-open" aria-labelledby="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_8423"><div class="sqs-layout-insert-point-container"><div class="sqs-prevent-block-focus-change sqs-layout-insert-point sqs-layout-insert-point-type-block sqs-layout-insert-point-position-top"><button class="sqs-layout-insert-point-button" data-test="insert-point-trigger"><span class="insert-point-icon"></span></button><span class="sqs-layout-insert-point-line"></span></div><div class="sqs-prevent-block-focus-change sqs-layout-insert-point sqs-layout-insert-point-type-block sqs-layout-insert-point-position-bottom sqs-layout-insert-point-topmost"><button class="sqs-layout-insert-point-button" data-test="insert-point-trigger"><span class="insert-point-icon"></span></button><span class="sqs-layout-insert-point-line"></span></div></div><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_992" class="yui3-block-image-content sqs-block-content image-block-outer-wrapper layout-caption-below design-layout-card image-position-right image-block-v2 sqs-text-ready" data-scrolled="true"><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_21332"><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_1031" class="yui3-widget sqs-image stretch sqs-intrinsic intrinsic yui3-resize" style="overflow: hidden; transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px); max-width: 500px;"><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_1033" class="sqs-image-content" style="padding-bottom: 100%;"><img style="cursor: auto; object-position: 50% 50%; object-fit: cover;" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-parent-ratio="1.0" class="" data-image-resolution="500w" src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f838db03f116375541aae8f/1628285409210-JO79PCU53HONTKECV1WE/tongue+tied+on+white.png?format=500w"><div class="sqs-editing-overlay"></div></div></div></div><div class="image-card-wrapper sqs-image-card image-block-animation-text" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_19036"><div class="image-card sqs-dynamic-text-container" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_19035"><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_1123" class="sqs-dd-invalid-handle yui3-widget sqs-html image-title-wrapper sqs-editing"><div class="yui3-widget sqs-widget sqs-rte yui3-texteditorrosetta yui3-texteditorrosetta-content ProseMirror rte sqs-html-content image-title sqs-dynamic-text" contenteditable="true" data-width-percentage="42.4" style="font-size: 42.4%;"><h1 style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong><em>NICKEL BROOK BREWING </em></strong>Tongue Tied</h1></div></div><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_1157" class="sqs-dd-invalid-handle yui3-widget sqs-html image-subtitle-wrapper sqs-editing"><div class="yui3-widget sqs-widget sqs-rte yui3-texteditorrosetta yui3-texteditorrosetta-content ProseMirror rte sqs-html-content image-subtitle sqs-dynamic-text" contenteditable="true" data-width-percentage="42.4" style="font-size: 42.4%;"><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>5.60% - Juicy Double Dry-Hopped IPA</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">This brew is sure to tie your taste buds up in knots thanks to mouth-watering notes of papaya and pineapple. Tongue Tied is a bright and juicy IPA with a soft kiss of stone fruit on the finish.</p><p class="sqsrte-large" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Characteristics:</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Bright, Juicy, Stone Fruit, Citrus, Papaya, Pineapple</p><p class="sqsrte-large" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Find at:</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">NEW BEER - <a href="mailto:office@Beersupply.ca"><strong>REQUEST IT BY EMAILING US</strong></a></p></div></div><div class="image-button-wrapper" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_19040" style="display: none;"><div class="image-button sqs-dynamic-text" data-width-percentage="0" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_19039" style="font-size: 0%;"><div class="image-button-inner" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_19038"><a id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_19037"><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_1195" class="sqs-dd-invalid-handle yui3-widget sqs-html sqs-empty sqs-editing"><div class="yui3-widget sqs-widget sqs-rte yui3-texteditorrosetta yui3-texteditorrosetta-content ProseMirror rte sqs-html-content" contenteditable="true"><span class="rte-placeholder ProseMirror-widget" data-placeholder="Add text" contenteditable="false"></span><br></div></div></a></div></div></div></div></div><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_1107" class="sqs-dd-invalid-handle image-caption-wrapper sqs-image-caption yui3-widget sqs-html sqs-empty sqs-editing" style="max-width: 500px;"><div class="yui3-widget sqs-widget sqs-rte yui3-texteditorrosetta yui3-texteditorrosetta-content ProseMirror rte image-caption sqs-html-content" contenteditable="true"><p class="rte-placeholder" data-rte-preserve-empty="true" style="white-space:pre-wrap;" data-placeholder="Add an image description"><br></p></div></div></div><div class="sqs-block-outline" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_18540"></div><span data-test="block-label" class="sqs-block-label-tag" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_8423">Image</span><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_8440" class="yui3-widget sqs-widget sqs-block-editor-button-container" role="toolbar"><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_8442" class="sqs-block-editor-button-container-content" data-test="block-toolbar"><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_8456" class="yui3-widget sqs-widget sqs-label"><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_8458" class="sqs-label-content">Image</div></div><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_8486" class="yui3-widget sqs-widget sqs-data-widget sqs-dialog-field sqs-button-vanilla normal-button data-state-loaded sqs-dialog-button--edit" data-test="button" title="Edit" role="button" tabindex="0"><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_8488" class="sqs-button-vanilla-content active"><div class="label">Edit</div><div class="waiting" hidden="hidden" style="display: none;"></div></div></div><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_8520" class="yui3-widget sqs-widget sqs-data-widget sqs-dialog-field sqs-button-vanilla normal-button data-state-loaded sqs-dialog-button--remove" data-test="button" title="Remove" role="button" tabindex="0"><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1633652808718_8522" class="sqs-button-vanilla-content active"><div class="label">Remove</div><div class="waiting" hidden="hidden" style="display: none;"></div></div></div><div class="sqs-dialog-field sqs-button-vanilla normal-button data-state-loaded Class-button-wrapper" title="Class" style="width: auto;"><div class="sqs-button-vanilla-content addClass-button active" data-action="addClass" data-not-block="-1"><div class="label" style="line-height:36px;color:#000!important;padding:0 10px" data-not-block="-1" data-action="addClass">Classes</div></div></div></div></div><div class="yui3-resize-handles-wrapper"><div class="yui3-resize-handle yui3-resize-handle-b"><div class="yui3-resize-handle-inner yui3-resize-handle-inner-b">&nbsp;</div></div></div></div>
  3. I need the image to span across the page on desktop or tablet and fit to the size of the desktop or tablet and be responsive in expanding in/out on zoom and desktop/tablet browser sizes
  4. Squarespace needs to fix it so we can custom filter........
  5. Site URL: https://beersupply.ca/beers/complex-sour-fruit Hi, Is there any way to get the store's products in alphabetical order when on display for customers? I just moved a bunch of stuff around when making category pages and everything is Z-A instead of A-Z .. thanks https://beersupply.ca/beers/complex-sour-fruit https://beersupply.ca/beers/light-easy-going https://beersupply.ca/beers/dark-strong-pastry https://beersupply.ca/beers/hoppy-hazy-pale-ale
  6. Site URL: https://beersupply.ca/home2 Hi there, I'm looking to try to get an image be responsive and aligned with a page https://beersupply.ca/home2 Looking to do this with #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1623191425464_5833 (the mountain range) padding zero / margin zero / no shrinking / just responsive I've spent about 2 hours on this and i can't figure it out please help
  7. Hey @tuanphan is there a way to also do this with the site button by changing button fill on scroll? I continue to try different codes in the source but they aren't working
  8. I'm so sorry. I didn't realize I missed this @tuanphan. Use tuan as password
  9. Hi Tuanphan,


    Is there any way to get the "search results" to show all found items instead of just a few with the "see more option"?


    When I click "See More" it screws up the code that i've inputted to separate product supplier and product name

  10. I figured it out. any idea how I can get all search results to show instead of having to hit the "show more" ?
  11. Site URL: https://beersupply.ca/search?q=chocolate&f_collectionId=5f83932781c96361ebb0fb10 Hi, I'm looking to get this site URL only on mobile have the results of single row like this. [IMAGE] Producer Product Name I can't find a way to do this but I know it's possible because i've seen it as well. Akin to the mobile store that's 1 image and text underneath. https://beersupply.ca/search?q=chocolate&f_collectionId=5f83932781c96361ebb0fb10 Thank you
  12. Site URL: https://beersupply.ca/search?q=chocolate&f_collectionId=5f83932781c96361ebb0fb10 Hi, I'm finding when a search is done on my website that the search page does not include all items and that we need to push a "See more option". This option also fails to be consistent with the rest of the css on the page. Is there a way that all items can be included? IE maximize it at 150 options before having to click the see more option? https://beersupply.ca/search?q=chocolate&f_collectionId=5f83932781c96361ebb0fb10
  13. Site URL: https://beersupply.ca/search?q=guava&f_collectionId=5f83932781c96361ebb0fb10 Hi, I can't seem to find a way to code my search results page as a gallery like my store. I have products for my store and i'd like the result base to look like that of my online store setup. Any suggestions? I would be extremely grateful. Thank you search page result example: https://beersupply.ca/search?q=guava&f_collectionId=5f83932781c96361ebb0fb10 what i'd like the search page result to be formatted like: https://beersupply.ca/beers/
  14. Site URL: https://www.willisforsurrey.ca Hi, I cannot find a single source for this code. I swear i've used it before. Would anyone kindly please help me get this code? These are what is currently filling with white. I want white icons and then green on a single mouse scroll .header-actions--right .header-actions-action--social {margin: 0;} body:not(.header--menu-open) .light-bold .header-actions .icon--fill svg {fill: #fff;} and using Darkest 2 as color profile Thanks in advance :)
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