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Everything posted by djm

  1. I've noticed this too. We just completed a new site with a 7.1 version and the headlines and body copy always jump (glitch) in sizes at the start of scrolling on mobile. This reformats the text and makes it break at different points, so the glitch is sometimes even more drastic. We need to solve this. Any ideas? (BTW: I think, Squarespace should look into this)
  2. @tuanphan Hi Tuanphan The above code doesn’t work for me. Wanting to change the close »X« colour in the mobile header (see picture) from this website: https://www.thermodynamx.ch/ It’s live.
  3. You would need use code specifically for the block intended. Find out what your block id is with this chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/squarespace-collectionblo/bggpdfnccodbnmcndckmeehdjkjojkde Then use custom CSS do define the line height for that specific block id.
  4. Just found my error for my summary block titles on mobile: I had this code: /* summary block titels mobile */ @media screen and (max-width:640px) { .summary-title-link { font-size: 20px !important; line-height: 1.2 !important; } But needed this — so without the »link« in .summary-title : /* summary block titels mobile */ @media screen and (max-width:640px) { .summary-title { font-size: 20px !important; line-height: 1.2 !important; }
  5. Hi @squareface Did you solve this? I am interested in doing this also. Especially changing line height in summary blocks on mobile doen’t seem to work.
  6. Thank you @tuanphan, this works perfectly. 😃
  7. Nice. Thanks so much. Noticing 2 last things here: the X for closing the menu is dark the Button is not displaying in my usual button style (capitals). Any code for this? @tuanphan
  8. Thanks @tuanphan I see what you are doing here. But is there no way of changing the picture entirely? There’s just no way to display a portrait photo on mobile:
  9. @tuanphan I would like to do the same. Your code snippet: what does it do? My site: https://thermodynamx.squarespace.com (public) > Klick on »Kontakt« on top right. On mobile it looks like this:
  10. Thanks so much @tuanphan Now it looks really neat. Nice workaround.
  11. Somehow the gallery options in 7.1 are really constrained. I cannot tell it, how many logos it should show at once. Is there code to display the logos in 2 columns instead of one? @tuanphan
  12. Thanks @tuanphan. This works perfectly with the logo. The background colour works too. But now I need to change the font colour.... Why is there no mobile options for mobile design in 7.1? I miss that.
  13. https://thermodynamx.squarespace.com I just noticed: the logo on mobile changes, depending on what page I’m on (I’ve already used the »invert« code on the pages »Home«, »Angebot« and »News«. So I would need a separate »invert« command for the mobile menu. I also cannot find, where I can change the mobile menu background colour...?
  14. This works great. Thanks @tuanphan. Is there a way of inverting the logo also in the mobile menu?
  15. Thanks for your answers here @christyprice Is there a way to change all, for example, H3 Headings to display at smaller size on mobile only? I have the same problem as abovem on nearly all H3 headings. Would be a ton of code to target every block individually... Thanks, Dave
  16. *bump* @tuanphan Any updates on this?
  17. @tuanphan Yes, just after "Trusted by" 2 Logos per row would be nice. If I had a wish: perfect would be a horizontal scrolling carousel (automatic). 😉
  18. I’ve got the same problem with a client website: https://thermodynamx.squarespace.com PW: 3fN3!^Mn
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