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  1. @paul2009 Adding to this, is it possible to to set a maximum weight so that products over the weight limit cannot be shipped? An example is an e-commerce store that sells prints. Most prints can be shipped with shipping cost depending on the weight of the order. However, A0 framed prints are too heavy / large to ship and must be picked up. Ideally, I'd like to cap the maximum shipping weight so only the "pick-up" fulfilment option displays when a customer has a framed A0 print in their cart. (FYI the A0 prints are a product variants so they cannot have their own fulfilment profile)
  2. @paul2009 I totally understand you're a user and not a part of Squarespace's team. I'm just voicing my frustration in the hope there's a better workaround. Yes, I have considered the product add-on feature, but as add-ons can't have any variations (and can only display 4 at a time), it doesn't work for my situation. Each print has 5 different sizes. That's already 5 frame add-ons required and relies on the user choosing the correct one to match their print size. Then the frames come in 3 different styles and 3 different colours. That means I'd need to create 45 individual add-ons (3 styles, 3 colours, 5 sizes). And only 4 add-ons can be displayed. Unfortunately it just doesn't really make sense for the user.
  3. @paul2009 it seems like a pretty non-sensical restriction to not be able to add different fulfilment options based on product variants. An example is an art print shop. The products have been set up so there are variants which allow for different sizes and framing options. Shipping for a print without framing is $10. But if the user chooses to get the print framed, the shipping cost increases hugely due to fragile courier (especially if the customer chooses a large print). It doesn't make sense to set up different products for framed / non-framed and different sizes. It results in a clunky user experience. It would be great to be able to set up different fulfilment options for product variants such as size. I've tried emailing Squarespace but just got the standard "thanks for your feedback" response.
  4. @tuanphan are you able to elaborate on your above code shared by @morenothing? How does it actually work? I'm still in the dark as to what the actual issue is and why the anchor links aren't working in the first place.
  5. @Ziggy unfortunately doesn't make a difference. Really appreciate your input though.
  6. @Ziggy thanks for the suggestion but it's still not working properly, even with 'name' changed to 'id'. The anchor links work if I'm already on the 'About' page, but if I'm coming from a different page, say, the homepage, they just take me to the top of the 'About' page, without scrolling down to the relevant section (same issue across desktop (Safari), mobile and tablet).
  7. I'm having issues with my anchor links, which I'm using as dropdown menu items under 'About' within the navigation menu. They work fine on desktop when using Chrome. But on Safari (desktop) as well as mobile and tablet (regardless of whether it's Chrome or Safari) they simply take users to the top of the 'About' page, rather than scrolling to the relevant sections. Here's how I have it set up: I've set up a folder menu item in the top nav bar, titled 'About'. The sub-navigation items are set up as anchor links: Our story (which is at top, so I simply link to the 'About' page, rather than an anchor link) Meet the team (anchor link) What we stand for (anchor link) I've added code blocks at the top of each of these sections with the code: <a name="meet-the-team" class="anchor-link"> </a> and <a name="what-we-stand-for" class="anchor-link"> </a> Then in the page settings, I've used the links https://www.aspiringdental.co.nz/about#meet-the-team https://www.aspiringdental.co.nz/about#what-we-stand-for I also tried just using the URL slug and relevant anchor link (e.g. /about#meet-the-team), rather than the whole URL, but I still get the same issue. I've also added some CSS so it smooth scrolls, rather than jumps - and I've offset the Y axis slightly so the title isn't hidden under the nav menu when it scrolls to that section. // ANCHOR LINK OFFSET .anchor-link { scroll-margin: 200px; } // SMOOTH SCROLL FOR ANCHOR LINKS html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } SO. Any ideas on what's going wrong and why my anchor links only work on desktop (Chrome) and not mobile, tablet or desktop (Safari)?
  8. Hi Cass, is this meant to replace what I've currently got there? Or do I add it underneath? In both instances, I get an error message when pasting your code in, "operation on an invalid type." And Tuanphan, the code that I have already used (the code you just pasted) works for desktop, but the sizing does not match the rest of the sections on mobile (see the screenshots I uploaded).
  9. That worked perfectly. Thank you!! Really appreciate your help.
  10. Just wondering if there's a way to change the width of the CTA button in my mobile hamburger menu so it's full width (up to the existing margins)? I'm able to do so throughout the rest of my site using fluid engine, but not the hamburger menu. Website is https://aspiring-dental.squarespace.com Password is Aspiring-Dental-2023
  11. These are the original instructions I followed. Everything works, apart from Step 5 https://www.thecoastkit.com/blog/how-to-update-logo-on-different-pages
  12. I'm using a dynamic menu, which works for most of my pages, but with a couple of my pages (FAQs and Services), the first section is the same colour as my logo. I have managed to implement CSS to switch out the logo to a different colour for the affected pages. It works well, apart from with the hamburger menu on mobile. I have followed the instructions to replace the hamburger logo for affected pages, but it doesn't seem to be hiding the original logo properly, so I get two logos overlapping, giving a funny outline. Can someone help me by taking a look at the code and see what's going on? Code has been implemented in the "Advanced" section of the specific page, and not the site-wide CSS panel. Website: https://aspiring-dental.squarespace.com Password: Aspiring-Dental-2023 <style> div.header-title-logo a { content:url("https://static1.squarespace.com/static/64ae1056de93ab723f53c4f3/t/64c8726fe5dffc761d47c949/1690858095063/AspiringDental_Logo_RGB_Blue.png") !important; max-width: 300px; } // mobile menu // /* hide current image */ body.header--menu-open .header-title-logo img { visibility: hidden; } /* set new image on burger menu click */ body.header--menu-open .header-title-logo a { background-image: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/64ae1056de93ab723f53c4f3/t/64c877652a73de35bf04a12a/1690859365906/AspiringDental_Logo_RGB_Cream.png); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; } </style>
  13. Hi Cass, The link is https://aspiring-dental.squarespace.com and the password is Aspiring-Dental-2023 (it's currently set to private). Thanks so much for your help!
  14. I'm having trouble getting the list section title to match the heading styling of the rest of my site (which uses H1). I have tried the attached code, matching the font size to the H1 size (which is 4rem). This works for desktop, however, when I switch to mobile, the heading size no longer matches the rest of my site. Is there a way to get the list section title to always match H1 styling, regardless of whether its dektop or mobile, rather than inputting a manual size (4rem)? I am already overriding header styling with a custom font (larken) by the way. And I am not yet able to publish the site, so I cannot give anyone direct access, other than the below screenshots.
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