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  1. In case anybody is still waiting, I've just been able to create folders and move images to them today (March 2023). Here's how: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/206542377-Managing-and-reusing-images-and-videos#toc-organize-content-in-the-asset-library
  2. I came here to ask exactly the same question. I use it with the first field labelled Subject to get unique email subjects when people fill in the form, so it's rather important in gmail NOT to get multiple people's form submissions as part of the same email conversation. Time to submit a bug report to Squarespace!
  3. OK thanks. I've submitted a request to Squarespace. We really don't want our customers to think we're ripping them off!
  4. Thank you for the reply @paul2009. However, although it may be normal for Squarespace, it is absolutely not normal practice in the UK for showing prices. You EITHER don't show the tax at all (because it's fixed, and everybody has to pay it - it's not like the USA where different states have different taxes), OR you show the ex-VAT price as the subtotal, plus the VAT, and the total is the sum of the two. Another alternative is to show the total price, and have a separate line at the very bottom that says words to the effect of "Price includes VAT of £x.xx). The way it's presented by Squarespace is alarming for UK customers who aren't a VAT registered business. People are used to understanding that the price they see advertised is the price they'll pay. So in this example, they (rightly) think they're going to pay £20, and then see something that makes it look as though we're going to add an extra £3.33 to that. In my initial example with one item with a nice round number price, it's not quite as bad, but if they buy multiple tickets and some merchandise with shipping, and the figures are not nice round numbers, that then looks like Subtotal: £24.95 Shipping: £3.95 VAT: £4.82 Total: £28.90 There it's much less obvious that you DO add the shipping to the subtotal to get the total, but you DON'T add the VAT. So, does anybody know if there's a way to suppress the tax line altogether in the invoice? Thanks
  5. We're in the UK and all of the prices on our site include VAT. However, in the checkout, the price is displayed as: Subtotal: £20.00 VAT: £3.33 Total: £20.00 This will be alarming for most customers, as it looks as though we're adding VAT to the price they thought they were going to be paying ... but we're not. If VAT is going to be shown there at all, it should show Subtotal: £16.67 VAT £3.33 Total: £20.00 ... but as the vast majority of our customers can't reclaim their VAT, it would be better not to even show it in the checkout at all. Have I got a setting wrong somewhere? Or is this something that Squarespace doesn't allow you to control? Thanks
  6. Hi folks I see that the cart display has improved compared with 6 months to a year ago (which is when I last looked at it), when the option for Click and Collect was quite hidden on a separate tab - at least now it's a radio button with that option visible. However, I would still like to make Collection the DEFAULT option. To make things even better, I'd like to omit the word "Store" from the Pickup option, as it'll be in a field, not a shop! I don't want people to be confused 😉 As background, we run a small, local annual music festival, and last year for the first time, we decided to sell some festival t-shirts. We made them available on the website, together with advance tickets, but we're really not set up for shipping, so would much prefer people to collect them when they come to the festival. From reading other questions in the forum, it seems that the cheapest shipping option will always be the default choice, so why can't I even choose to make free collection the default choice? Am I missing something? Hoping somebody has some ideas about either of these two issues.
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