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Everything posted by imdanielduncan

  1. SITE URL: imdanielduncan.com PASSWORD (IF THERE IS ONE): 23_lock Hi, I was wondering if there is any way to crop a video in Squarespace 7.1 or align it to the left? Maybe with CSS, or if there is an easier way? I added a 1080x1080px (square) video into the video block, and set it to mute, autoplay, and loop. The issue is that the block keeps the full 1920x1080 width instead of cropping to the same size as the actual video. I've attached two screen recordings that show the problem. I am on Squarespace 1.7 and have the personal plan. If there is any way to fix this, please let me know. Thanks, Daniel Duncan As you can see in this video, the video I added to the "Video" block in Squarespace autoplays, loops, is muted, and has no controls. I want it to look like the image behind it, where it's aligned to the left of the section. But, the video block keeps it's full width instead of cropping to 1080x1080. Screen Recording 2023-02-11 at 11.47.24 AM.mov
  2. Awesome! That worked, thanks! Do you know if there is any way to have the button slide up on hover as well? Or is that not possible
  3. I put this code in the Custom CSS section and it said "Syntax Error on line 1"
  4. Site URL: imdanielduncan.com Hi, I was wondering if there is any way I can create a "Slide up button on hover" effect in Squarespace like the one on https://www.mous.co/. A drop shadow on hover along with the slide up animation would be nice, but is not necessary. I am on version 7.1 and have the Personal Plan. Thanks!
  5. Site: imdanielduncan.com It was password locked yesterday, but should be available now. If not, the password is: 23lock The area where I'm using the Grid Strips layout is on the homepage toward the bottom. It should be the 2nd to last section on the homepage (not including the footer.)
  6. I was wondering if there is a simple way to add a zoom in / slide up on hover effect to a Gallery Grid: Strips section in Squarespace 7.1 (personal plan.) Thanks!
  7. I was wondering if there's any way to add a video that automatically pops up and autoplays in Squarespace 7.1 on the Personal Plan.
  8. Is there any way to add this codepen.io countdown timer to my website? I have the personal plan. I tried copying the code into a code block with the "CSS" option but that didn't seem to work.
  9. Thanks! So how would I make it appear on scroll for my header in Squarespace? What would be the CSS I would use
  10. Site URL: https://imdanielduncan.com I'm trying to add a drop shadow to my fixed header on scroll with my Squarespace site, imdanielduncan.com. Everything I tried did not work. I was wondering if there is a way to do this using custom css.
  11. Thank you! Sorry to bother you with one more question, can I also change the color of the button outline on scroll?
  12. That worked, thanks! Is there any way I can change the text color on scroll as well? Or does that require javascript code?
  13. Sure. I attached a screen recording. I'd like to change the button in my navigation to black when I scroll. 2008957657_ScreenRecording2022-10-07at9_31_43AM.mov
  14. The password is: 22_fall_update The website doesn't look great right now, because I'm still in the process of updating it, but you can see what I'm trying to do with the header.
  15. Site URL: https://imdanielduncan.com I'm updating my website, imdanielduncan.com, and was wondering if there's a way to change the color of my navigation button on scroll? I was able to change the header background color and the navigation links to the color I want on scroll, but can't seem to find a way to change my button color on scroll as well.
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