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Everything posted by catemiz

  1. This didn't work for me either. Did anyone find a solution for mobile?
  2. Yes I'm dying to learn how to use this on just mobile!
  3. Hey did you have a solution for this? I have a business plan and would love to impliment exactly what they said above! website: cejlonstudio.com password: cejlon2024 Thank you!
  4. Hey sorry I thought it was linked before! https://megalodon-disc-n2ep.squarespace.com/
  5. I actually found this code and tried it: line-height: 10px!important; And at 10px it adjusted it slightly, but then when I tried to go smaller it actually did nothing.
  6. Hey everyone. So, I managed to get my custom font onto my portfolio section of the website, and I also was able to scale the font down smaller, too, with custom code. However, using the toggle in the regular 'edit section,' I wasn't able to get the titles close enough together. I want them to be close like they are on this website https://www.technique-pr.com/Home. Can someone help me with a custom code for this? This below is what I'm working with now. .portfolio-hover-item-content { font-family: ArticulatCF-Normal; font-size: 50px!important;} Thanks for your help in advance! Website password: cejlon2024
  7. I've uploaded custom font for h1-4 and p1-4 and it's not working. The font it is putting in the website isn't the one I've uploaded and so I'm confused where it is pulling that from. This is the code I am using: @font-face { font-family: 'ArticulatCF'; src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6617cb34e797113fc4db1943/t/6617ce6386573a001a7a2871/1712836195326/ArticulatCF-Bold.woff'); } h1 {font-family: 'ArticulatCF-Bold';} And if you go to the website you can see that the font isn't loading in there. I've used this code on multiple websites before so I'm not really sure what's going wrong. Thanks for help in advance! https://megalodon-disc-n2ep.squarespace.com/ p: cejlon2024
  8. Hey thanks! But is this code transferable for each page I want to use it? Or just this one?
  9. Hey! Are you still able to help with this? I want the image to go up and extend into the menu/top of the page. I'm working on this now over at https://megalodon-disc-n2ep.squarespace.com p:cejlon2024 The specific page I'm talking about would be the https://megalodon-disc-n2ep.squarespace.com/cejlon/amsterdam-music-festival page or other 2 portfolio pages. Thanks a lot in advance!
  10. I've also got images with some click-through links, so it's not really ideal. Are there any other solutions?
  11. Hey, I saw this before, but it doesn't seem to work. Is there a specific way I should implement it? Right now I just put it in the Custom CSS section.
  12. Hi everyone, So, I need a custom CSS code that makes it so no one can right click to download any of the photos on my website. I was doing this with a header code injection when my website was a draft, but because I have personal plan, this isn't working any more. I do not want to upgrade to a business plan... I just don't need it. So I am super frustrated that Squarespace has made this a 'premium' feature. Is anyone able to help out here? I have a photography website so I want to try and protect my images. Yes, I know there are still workarounds. But this helps a lot. Thanks in advance!
  13. it's https://lolita-248.squarespace.com/ password: letsgo thanks in advance!!
  14. That worked!! Thanks so much. Is there a way to change the color, too?
  15. Hi all, So I did a css code injection to input a custom font on my website. I did it for H1-4 and it's worked everywhere except for the Portfolio Page in this section here. It's the kind of section where when your mouse is over the word, a photo hovers. I'm not sure why it's not working here, as it's clearly one of the header fonts. So I am hoping I can just put a code injection in here to fix it? If anyone knows how to target this that would be amazingly helpful. Thank you!! ps. Website isn't live so I cannot provide the link at the moment.
  16. The website isn't live yet unfortunately, I'm still working on it before putting it live. Are there any details I can provide you with here?
  17. Hi all, I think this is probably a simple fix, but I can't figure it out. Couldn't figure out how to word it and see if anyone else has done this, either! What I want to do is stretch the image block on the right so that it goes up to the top of the page/header. My website isn't live yet and I'm working off of a template I bought from someone else. Any custom code injections? Thanks so much! I also provided an example from another website that's done this.
  18. Yes I do!! Sorry I missed this. The website isn't live yet unfortunately. But, here's a screen shot. The photo doesn't show up as you can see, but I did get the text to align. Thanks for your help in advance!
  19. Did anyone figure out how to add the padding between the text and the image? You can see here the text is just super close to the image, but haven't been able to figure out the code to add padding here. Maybe @tuanphan you have some advice? Thanks any/everyone in advance!
  20. Hello! I'm trying to make my author profile images larger. The placement and circle shape are fine. But can you help me with the code to enlarge it? I'm currently using this code below to make the Author name/bio more centered on the page. It also seems to have taken away the author profile image all together. But, I'm assuming once I can inject the code for it, it'll come back. .blog-item-author-profile-wrapper * { text-align: center !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; margin-left: 200px !important; margin-right: 200px !important; } span.author-name { font-weight: bold !important; }
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