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  1. The main, uploaded logo in this website is white. On some pages I've change the logo in the header code to a black logo. I've did this already for many websites, but this time 2 things go wrong: - You'll see on the desktop version a black line under the logo - On the mobile version the logo is repeated Can somebody help me out? This is te code I've placed in the header code: <style> .header-title{ background-image:url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/65cf343da7d0e57f8421179f/t/666870f9d3f2505c2f32e4f9/1718120697480/Logo_RienGriffioen-Zwart.svg'); background-size: contain } .header-title img{ opacity:0 } </style> - Many thanks!
  2. @LoftyDevs-Squarespace > Perfect, thanks a million!
  3. With some css code, I was able to place 2 buttons in my header / naviagation on the right. On the desktop version it looks perfect with the 2 buttons next to each other. But when we go more narrow to tablet, it looks messy with the buttons crossing the logo and navigation. Is there somebody who can help me out with code to show the buttons only on the tablet version like the attached / second visual? (SSL is processing, but you can off course view the website)
  4. Hi, can anyone help me out with some CSS? I want to remove link underlines ONLY in header style fonts (H1, H2, H3 and H4) (So not the header or footer part of the website, I've already found CSS for this) Is there an code for this? Many thanks!
  5. Thank you so much Ziggy! A bit silly from me that I did not found this 😉
  6. Can anyone help me with the right code? I want to decrease the fonts of the testimonial block on this page: https://www.riengriffioen.nl/home I've tried a few codes which I've found on the forum but with no result. Many thanks in advanced!
  7. For example this event. But I want to remove the time on all event pages. also for future events
  8. Hi @Ziggy, I've tried the code but it's still not working unfortunately
  9. Hi Ziggy, it's this page: https://www.wijckers.nl/agenda/2024/valentijn Many thanks in advanced!
  10. I'm struggling with removing or hiding the time on all event pages. Actually, the time can be removes on all events and pages. I hope somebody can help me out, thanks in advanced!
  11. Yes, thanks! I tried a few things with the code and did find the solution. Many thanks!
  12. I've a question regarding this page: https://www.cableparkaquabest.nl/board-balance-day I wanted to change the header style for only 1 page and found this code on this forum: <style> #mainContent { display: none; } .header-actions .btn { color: #fff !important; } <style> I've added this code to the page header and it works. the only thing is that all my H1 headers are changed to black, also on other color themes in the page. For example: In the footer you see 'nieuwsbrief' which turned out black on this page. But the H1 in the header needs to stay black. Is there somebody who can help m out with this one
  13. Hi @tuanphan, this code you've send over worked perfect. I have the same block on the 'over Gentes' page. But because this code is only for the section on the homepage it's not working on the section on the 'over gentes' page. I tried to copy the code and to find the id of the blocks. But I think I've placed maybe the wrong one ;-)) Can you advise me? (Did I used the wrong code of the block ID?) I've used this one: @media screen and (min-width:768px) { div#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1677523591472_633 .summary-item-list { display: flex; } div#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1677523591472_645 .summary-item { flex: 1; background-color: white; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; border-radius:5px; } } Many thanks!
  14. Thank you so much! I've found te code in the article!
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