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Everything posted by NadineS

  1. Yeah, I get that. But I'm needing it for doing custom animations or cool CSS things with them. I can't just target *all buttons*. Seems silly that it's not an option, but c'est la vie! PS. For example, newsletter blocks, header blocks, form blocks, collection list buttons... you get the idea. I'd love a master reference in CSS for "all buttons"...
  2. Thanks @bangank36, but I'm just looking for a general "all buttons" option. I'd like that ability for creating templates so if users add a block I don't use, the design isn't messed up. I can manually do the CSS for the ones I use etc, but I'd love an option to just target all buttons. Or even "all primary" buttons etc.
  3. Is it just me, or do you want a way to target ALL buttons with CSS across a site? Is there a reason this isn't possible with CSS? Maybe I'm just new?... What are your thoughts? 😅
  4. Site URL: https://joeysilverman.squarespace.com/ https://joeysilverman.squarespace.com/ PW: Fiddler Anyone know how to add padding/margin to the smooth scrolling effect so the top of the section isn't cut off?... ///--- SMOOTH SCROLL SECTIONS html { scroll-behavior: smooth; scroll-margin-top: 100px; } Doesn't seem to be working... :S
  5. I fixed it, I was using the wrong hex code. #facepalm.
  6. There's no Image Overlay just for regular images. I tried changing all the options, Poster, Card, etc. They all do it, and I have the overlay set to 0 (far left.) ? :S
  7. Same question but for a blog post?... How can I remove the overlay/background being added to an image? https://nadinecharleson.com/webdev/helen-day
  8. Thanks for checking/confirming @tuanphan It's still showing up wrong on my iMessage tests... Maybe it's just a iMessage issue? *shrug* Moving on to bigger fish...
  9. Site URL: https://nadinecharleson.com/ For some reason the title of my site isn't coming up correctly when social sharing?... anyone else have this or know how to fix it? I've double checked the text across all pages/locations, and it's not listed as "Actor & Web Designer" anywhere... It's always "Nadine Charleson | Actor & Web Designer"...?
  10. Thanks @tuanphan... I tried it but this error message came up... error evaluating function `rgb`: color functions take numbers as parameters
  11. Site URL: https://monicakayne.squarespace.com/?password=kozlov I'm trying to change the buttons on my site to gold ones via CSS, but for some reason I can't target the header button? Anyone know why? I'm sure it's my own error, but I've tried: .header-button .header-action .btn .header-action-ation .btn CSS Code is: // GOLD BUTTONS .sqs-block-button-element, .newsletter-form-button, .header-actions-action .btn, .form-wrapper input[type=submit], { border-radius: 5px; padding: 10px 25px; color: #000!important; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px -1px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.4); background-image: -webkit-repeating-linear-gradient( left, rgba(255, 238, 170, 0)0%, rgba(255, 238, 170, 0)3%, rgba(255, 238, 170, 0)5%), linear-gradient(180deg, #a95 0%, #fea 47%, #dc8 53%, #fea 100%); }
  12. You can upload a font and use the following code to target/assign it. @font-face { font-family: 'font-name'; src: url(URL.ttf/.otf);} ThE URL can be an external link, but my preferred method is to upload the font under "Manage Custom File" which is right below the CSS window. Then target whatever H or P's your wanting using the following code. h1 { font-family: 'font-name';}
  13. Site URL: https://nadinecharleson.com/blog Question! How can I hide my blog titles on the summary page? I've hidden them on the individual pages themselves, but I'd like to just have the image cards be visible for people when browsing. https://nadinecharleson.com/blog PW: goteam
  14. Thank you so much!!! You're a life saver!!!🎉
  15. What about doing it manually with anchor links? https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/207135178 Or are you wanting a full "second on page/hovering" nav?
  16. Site URL: https://brandonhuntonline.com/ Question: I'm using flexbox (for the first time, and mostly LOVING it!) but am having the issue of my navigation covering my image on the right. How do I get the navigation to not cover any of my sections? (This also happens when I scroll back to a previous anchor link from the bottom. The top part is hidden under the navigation.) PW: Gamer My CSS: // anchor links - smooth scroll effect html { scroll-behavior: smooth;} //-- Change Button Hover Color .btn:hover {background-color: grey!important; color:#000} .sqs-block-button-element:hover {background-color:grey; color:#000} //-- No Underline Links header a { background-image: none !important; } footer a { text-decoration: none !important; } //-- 50% Split Sections WITH CONTENT IN BOTH .sections { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; .page-section { width: 100%; .content-wrapper { box-sizing: border-box!important; }} [data-current-styles*='"customContentWidth": 30'] { width: 30%!important; .content {width: 100%!important;} } [data-current-styles*='"customContentWidth": 70'] { width: 70%!important; .content {width: 100%!important;} } [data-current-styles*='"customContentWidth": 51'] { width: 50%!important; .content {width: 100%!important;} } [data-current-styles*='"customContentWidth": 33'] { width: 33.33%!important; .content {width: 100%!important;} } @media screen and (max-width: 800px) { #siteWrapper & section.page-section {width: 100%!important;} } } //-- Floating Social Links @media only screen and (min-width:640px){ footer{ .sqs-svg-icon--wrapper{ display: block !important; margin: 20px 10px !important; } .socialaccountlinks-v2-block{ position: fixed !important; top: 30% !important; /* Adjust this percentage to move the icons up or down */ right: 5px !important; z-index: 99 !important; } } } /*===Full width Instagram ===*/ section[data-section-id="61a40048e0deb77695c8bf7a"] { min-height: initial!important; .content-wrapper { padding: 0!important; max-width: 100%; } .sqs-row .sqs-block.instagram-block{ padding: 0!important; .sqs-video-wrapper.video-fill { position:relative; } } .sqs-layout > .sqs-row { margin: 0!important; } }
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