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  1. This issue has still not been fixed. It's been over 2 months. Unbelievable.
  2. Squarespace is run very very badly. The only place for REAL help and support is on this forum. All my problems have been solved by all the amazing users in this forum. Squarespace users/customers have way more knowledge than any squarespace support person because they know all the little idiosyncratic issues of their site and the squarespace system. Squarespace ALWAYS treat you like an idiot and gaslight you. My biggest problem with Squarespace is that a customer is NEVER notified of upcoming changes or bug fixes in releases, be they significant or otherwise. You only know when you happen to look at your site and see that everything has changed. I remember once they made a massive overhaul of the way a store's inventory and categories worked. Without warning, my shop had categories with huge type that I had no way of making smaller. And that's because the all knowing creative chief David Lee likes big type. So everyone has to like big type. It's like a cult.
  3. Squarespace have still not fixed this issue. On hover (or tap on mobile) the first image is supposed to fade to white while the second image loads on top and fades in. On mobile the first image is fading to white without calling up the second image. A workaround is to keep the opacity of the first image and stop it from fading to white. This will stop the product images disappearing on mobile, while still keeping the original effect we were used to on desktop. .products.collection-content-wrapper .grid-item:hover .has-hover-img .grid-image-cover { opacity: 1 ; } It works on my site until Squarespace gets themselves together and fixes this major issue https://theneuter.com/shop
  4. Please report this to Squarespace. I have and I was told that “Squarespace does not support alternate images on hover on touch screen devices” but I was also thanked for pointed out an issue that their engineers are working hard to fix?????? So please report this as an issue. The more that do so the better.
  5. Squarespace have acknowledged that they are experiencing issues with product list images turning white when touched on mobile. However, they say it may or may not be fixed in future releases. They still continue to gaslight me sdd as using that they do not (and never have) support alternate images being called up in touch screen devices, even though it’s been this way for years. Does anyone have a work around due this? @tuanphan do you happen to know anything we can try to stop our sites trying to call up the second product image in product lists on mobile?
  6. I’m on the live chat with Squarespace now and they are trying to gaslight me by saying SS does not support text or image hover on mobile. Such rubbish. This has worked this way for the 4 years I have had my site up…. So frustrating
  7. This is the same for me. The hover over product images in mobile no longer calls up the second image. Desktop works fine. But for me it’s a faster transition. The transition can be controlled using CSS but the image fading to white is a problem Sample templates on Squarespace’s own site are showing the same error
  8. This is not the best solution, but it does help put Terms & Conditions in front of a customer just before they are about to make a purchase. I still have the Terms and Conditions within the checkout pages and on the footer of every page. I used some code for something else I found from @tuanphan (who has so many many helpful snippets of code, the saviour of Squarespace). I'm still using the .tuan in there. I put this as code injection into the header: <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('.CartFooter-checkout-28MW2').append('<div class="tuan">By continuing to checkout, you have<br/>read and agree to our <strong><a style="color: #7a6e65;" href="https://theneuter.com/terms-and-conditions" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Terms and Conditions</a></strong></div>'); }); </script> <style> .tuan { display: block; height: auto; text-align: left; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-size: 1.1rem; line-height: 1.5em; margin-top: -82px; margin-bottom: 300px; } </style> And this in Custom CSS for Mobile @media screen and (max-width:640px) { .tuan { text-align: center !important; margin-top: -20px !important; } } I've had this up for the past month or so and it seems to be working fine. The way the text gets appended means that it also disappears if a customer removes all the items in their cart. My site URL if you want look at it live: https://theneuter.com/
  9. If you haven’t yet updated with that new 7.1 categories update (don’t, it’s terrible), then you can control the categories (delete, create, edit) in the “edit product” panel of the product itself. Or through the inventory list in commerce.
  10. I am so annoyed about this update and regret that moment I clicked upgrade. I've asked (via Twitter) if this can be reverted, and they said no. I complained more and put in Anthony Casalena (CEO). And nothing. I'm still waiting for a response from Customer Service. I put a long critique of their practices on Instagram and included everyone I could find of their directors. I'm going to cancel my subscription unless this reverts back. All the reviews about squarespace and their great looking templates are meaningless unless their service is backed up by thoughtful, robust functionality. Perhaps the new Adobe guy they have appointed will fix this. Because frankly, having a business that is based solely on user experience is just not good enough.
  11. After spending a lot of time setting up my online store in Squarespace, and finding solutions and work-arounds to the many problems and issues one is faced with, I have now reached a complete stop with a particular issue. When you sign up to use Squarespace (or indeed this forum) you are faced with checkboxes that require you to agree with Squarespace's Terms and Conditions, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy etc. No such action is available for me to put on my site. It makes me (and Squarespace) look 10 years behind everyone else. And it is certainly not compliant with any kind of contract law, no matter what territory you may be operating from. We are well past the old days when users of e-commerce sites "agreed" to the Terms and Conditions just by virtue of them using the site. Look at how we have to allow users to agree to the use of cookies. I am at a loss on a solution around this problem. These are the options that I have tried but are not viable: Use Squarespace's fields for Store Policies Terrible. The links to these pop-ups are just dropped, like a second thought, underneath "Review and Purchase". There isn't even a prompt to get customers to read them. I'm not sure what they were thinking by putting this here. At lease allow us to place some text above them like "by continuing you have read and agree to the store policies below" Custom Checkout Form This was almost a winner. But no. You can add a checkbox requiring customers to "agree to store Terms and Conditions". You CANNOT, however, add an HTML link to these "Terms and Conditions". Why? Because you cannot add HTML to forms in the checkout area like you can elsewhere. You cannot ask someone to agree to something they cannot read. The only way around this is to ask customers to copy and paste the URL to your Terms and Conditions. I don't think so. Add text to the Shopping Cart Page I found a way in this forum to add some text to the Shopping Cart Page to read: "By continuing to checkout you have read and agree to our Terms and Conditions". However, this is not a very elegant solution. It really needs to be at checkout. It is also tricky to control where this appears on this page and on a mobile for example. And I have not been able to find away to stop showing when the cart is empty (I'm sure there is a way). Perhaps there is an elegant solution along this route. I have just not found it yet. Checkbox Form or Text on the product page I have also seen suggestions to get agreement to Terms and Conditions on the product page itself, before customers add to cart. This is not a great option as it is kind of off-putting and a few steps behind actually placing an order. Does anyone have any ideas about solutions to this problem? I'm so irritated with Squarespace's lack of of fulfilling this very basic requirement for e-commerce. And it is one they use themselves!! So annoying. I think I'm going to send this post to their CEO.
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