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Hi, I am located in Australia. I am seeking the best way to offer commerce to my clients but am finding it difficult to please all 4 of my clients common commerce needs all together…Am wondering if anyone can shed light on the below...

1) Products created in their squarespace commerce integration  + 

2) A payment gateway / processor that works in australia and accepts both eftpos and credit cards online and at point of sale + 

3) feeds that sales data into a finance management software (usually Xero but i’d be open to suggesting clients use one that might fit better?) + 

4) shipping calculation integration (only possibly via API’s I think?)

I don’t want to set up products twice - once in Squarespace then again in whichever payment processor is chosen

I would like online AND point of sale purchases to be recorded against customer’s Squarespace accounts - this is for marketing purposes because that way, mailing lists can be segmented according to product’s purchased and subscribers who have purchased can be email targeted according to which products they bought and are / might be interested in.

I don’t want (and clients don’t want) to create products twice - once in squarespace and once in the payment processor.

Can you help me solve this integration nightmare?!

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1 minute ago, dani2 said:

I am located in Australia. I am seeking the best way to offer...a payment gateway / processor that works in australia and accepts both eftpos and credit cards online and at point of sale.

There isn't a solution to this yet.

Squarespace Commerce does not support Point of Sale (POS) outside the US. You can use a third party service to synchronise inventory with a limited number of third party POS solutions but this does involve inventories on two platforms.

7 minutes ago, dani2 said:

shipping calculation integration (only possibly via API’s I think?)

This isn't possible yet either. Third party APIs are not supported. At the moment there's a very limited carrier-calculated shipping feature but it is only available in the US where it doesn't offer value for money (carrier rates are retail rates, not the negotiated rates being offered directly by carriers).

Obviously this is not ideal but I hope the transparency is helpful. 

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Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
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Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
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27 minutes ago, paul2009 said:

There isn't a solution to this yet.

Squarespace Commerce does not support Point of Sale (POS) outside the US. You can use a third party service to synchronise inventory with a limited number of third party POS solutions but this does involve inventories on two platforms.

This isn't possible yet either. Third party APIs are not supported. At the moment there's a very limited carrier-calculated shipping feature but it is only available in the US where it doesn't offer value for money (carrier rates are retail rates, not the negotiated rates being offered directly by carriers).

Obviously this is not ideal but I hope the transparency is helpful. 

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Thanks for the tranparency, not ideal no! Any idea when this may be possible? Is it possible to at least with online purchases made then - have that data recorded against customers with SS accounts? are you aware of any other australians with the same needs and what their best practices are?

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Hi again Paul - I've just been chatting with Stripe relating to customer sales data sharing between SS and them. I asked them : If a customer has an account with SS and makes an online purchase via the stripe payment integration button at checkout - is that purchase info recorded against the customers account on Squarespace? They answered : Yes, that should be right, but also asked me to check with SS so I am still unsure - can you confirm that info, by any chance? It sounds like from their answer a third party API is not required to make them talk to each other? Or am I confusing terminology?!

Apparently Stripe POS  is available to users in Australia and they told me I could possibly create an integration to push sales data from POS sales to customer accounts in Squarespace. I'm not sure how that would work though as the customer wouldn't be logged in to their account during a POS sale. Are you aware of any API's that would allow that to be possible?

Many thanks for your help.

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