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Introduce yourself!

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Welcome to the Online Sellers club, a space for business owners in the Squarespace community! We’re glad to have you here. We’d love to get to know you better so take a second to introduce yourself in the comments. If you’re not sure of what to say, you can use the following questions for some inspiration: 

  1. What’s your name and where are you from? 
  2. Tell us a bit about your business? 
  3. What’s one tip you would share with others looking to start a business online? 

After you introduce yourself, you can react and comment on other members’ introductions!


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  • Jo_SQSP pinned and featured this topic

Hi there, 

My name is Juju and my company is called Juju Rootz, I just launched my website last year.  

I am an artist and a painter and a creative entrepreneur.  I am selling my paintings, prints, artisan goods n crafts. I am very new at handling a website and the business of art or in my case the art business, but I am learning about selling online, marketing and trying to juggle everything!

You can check out my website at jujurootz.com 

I am looking for feedback of my website. 

Advice I would give to others, in my case is to research a lot! Theres a lot required in selling online and I am learning as I go. And if you are starting with a very low budget, emails and blogging does help. 




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My name is Laurie Pace but I have branded Elle Pace since my first art website went up in 1995ish. Back in the 'old days' we did not want to put our real name out there... we have come a long way!  I am an internationally collected artist.  No laughing...but I have painted my entire life from about age 9 forward, but became a commercial artist, then head artist at an ad agency for over 10 years, all while continuing as a print and runway model from age 14 to age 34. Raised three great kids, have an awesome husband that is the best shipper of my artwork worldwide. I am one of the older members in this group. I remember when I was invited in ...was in 2016ish and I had switched all my clients to SQS and I felt totally old compared to everyone!... but I am still at it. I sponsored and created a Texas Art group... The artists of Texas, and it was formed in 2008. I believe in mentoring artists and sharing marketing ideas to those they cannot quite get there.  AND I am not big on Social Media... feel like it drags too much time out of life.  I have had a google blog since 2007ish and while I am off blogging right now with my Mom at almost 95 having health issues... Google blogger rocks!  I have had 1,325,939 Visitors and it would have been twice this had I continued to blog as I was doing 7 days a week!  I am excited about these new group areas!

I also was the creator and Editor in Chief of Visual Language Magazine and for 5 years I put out 12 editions each year creating a fabulous place for artists to get their work seen.  My website for Website Design is https://visuallanguagedesign.com

I LOVE TO PAINT big but am trying to do smaller pieces now....MY ART painting website is:  






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I have been selling productized services. Those are about to transition to memberships while I spin up a template and code store.

Founder & CEO of Resonant Pixel Co.  I've been creating websites since 1996, started with Squarespace in 2010, and now sell web design as a productized service. 

I'm also the creator of the upcoming Productize Squarespace Design course.

If I've been helpful, you can buy me a cup of coffee to say thanks

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I'm Scott and I've been teaching manufacturing (woodworking, metalworking, Computer Aided Design and CNC) for the last 28 years.  Building things, primarily furniture has always been my passion so during the last year I decided to start a side business, Out There Designs, LLC preparing for "retirement" in the next 5 years or so.  I sell one of a kind furniture and wood slabs, as well as some Printful merchandise.

Having no experience with web design I chose Squarespace to design my website, outtheredesignsllc.com 

I'm looking forward to picking up tips from those in the group.



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Hi everyone 👋  ,

My name is Cher from Retrosheep.com , 🐑 and I'm a Welsh craftswoman based in Blackwood, Gwent. I've been making custom-made gifts for over 20 years, including personalised jewellery, clothing, homewares, and more. I also offer laser engraving and 3D printing services.

I'm excited to be joining the Online Sellers club and to learn from other business owners in the Squarespace community. I'm particularly interested in learning how to use Squarespace to create a successful online store.

I recently moved my website from WordPress to Squarespace, and I'm still learning the ropes. However, I'm really enjoying the platform so far, and I'm already seeing some great results.

One of the things I've learned along the way is that it's important to focus on providing top-notch products and services.

My customers are my number one priority, and I always strive to provide them with the best possible experience. I use only the finest materials and craftsmanship, and I'm always looking for new ways to improve my products and services.

I'm looking forward to interacting with other members of the Online Sellers club and learning from their experiences. I'm also excited to share my own knowledge and help others achieve their business goals.

If you're looking for a unique and personalised gift, be sure to check out my website at Retrosheep.com . I'm sure I have something that's perfect for you!


Check out my YouTube Channel  @retrosheep where i post all my Handmade and Just Made Items 

Diolch, 😃

Cher Retrosheep.com



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  • 3 weeks later...


My name is Carmen Segura and I have recently started my online shop called Artistry By Carmen. I am from Minnesota and I am selling art prints of animal and nature art I created for Instagram on my website, www.artistrybycarmen.com 

I am inspired by nature and animals, I have been drawing for years and it is a passion of mine.

I am excited to sell my work online, I have wanted to do this for years and now is the perfect time for me to do so. I am still learning how to sell and how business works, but it is well worth it.😁


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Hello everyone,

My name is Alain Rouschmeyer and I live and work near Lac D'annecy in France. I'm an artist, architect and urban sketcher. My work as an artist is slowly gaining international recognition. I discovered Square space about a year ago and I'm becoming more and more of a fan, despite a few things I haven't mastered yet.

I sell my works on the site.

I'm delighted to discover this forum and I took the time to register with the immense hope of being able to share information here with all of you. 

I'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to visit my website: https://www.alainrouschmeyer.art

Looking forward to hearing from you 

See you soon




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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello all,

My name is David Morley and i'm from the united kingdom (London)

I create various apparel clothing including custom made I.E t shirts jumpers hoodies trousers also including, cup's/mugs , memorabilia wall canvas as in wooden picture frames. my kids inspired me to create my own designs. you can check it out here i am open to criticism but please dont be too harsh im new (;



check out few of my designs below


To other people that want to start your own business go for it we only live once. every day we learn stay positive never give up take the plunge.






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  • 1 month later...

Author and watercolorist. Have been traditionally published as well as self published. Would like to move my store from Shopify to Squarespace (how dumb to have a SS site AND an Etsy store, AND a Shopify store???). But my frustrations is SSpace doesn't have the API integrations for Gooten, Art of Where, Printify (only Printful). And, I want to do more direct book sales (can't see who is buying on Amazon) so that means Lulu and Book Vault. But they only have integrations with Shopify. ARGH! Sooooo, when SS makes it easier for multiple POD publishers, and direct sales via book producers, I'm ALL in.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello my name is Luke, I'm a jeweller and designer from London UK. I decided to try a set up a website selling jewellery based on retro designs with the packaging based on old action figure packaging. My website is www.thenerdsmith.co.uk.

My tip for people beginning setting up is not to get drawn into thinking you need professional photos taken of your products, i worried for ages about product photographs and in the end I just borrowed a friend camera and did some basic photoshopping and I'm happy with the outcome. If it gets off the ground then i will get better photos

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I'm Becca, Owner and Founder of BH Gallery Design. I am an artist and jewelry designer from Northern California. My choice of medium is Oil painting. The subject matter focusing on human form unaware of the viewer. My jewelry designs are hand crafted from found broken down jewelry acquired from unique pieces and vintage jewelry. 

There always seems to be something new I have to learn to do each day when it comes to my little online business. My suggestion is before you start really understand your concept. Marketing is all about concept. Down to every little detail. 



Pearl and Moonstone 2.jpg

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  • 1 month later...

Hello! I’m Miguel, an artist from Chicago who specializes in hand drawn iPad art in traditional styles. Here is the link to my site drawnbymac.com and shop done in Squarespace.

A tip I would give a new shop owner is to write down your ambition with your site and refer to it whenever you have a sense of overwhelm. I find it motivates me to stay focused on what matters and forget the rest.

Also here is a recent drawing and painting for your enjoyment. 🙂



Edited by mglcano

dad of 3yr old super-hero, coffee purveyor, product designer who dabbles in e commerce.

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  • 1 month later...

My name is Drew Robbins, I am a Metabolic Health Practitioner.  I have an active health practice and I also developed the Healthiest Chocolate bar possible for my patients to help them with compliance to their new low carb/anti-inflammatory lifestyle. 

I focus our Chocolate production and development on optimizing health and not optimizing profit.  Profit is essential but providing the healthiest Kraft chocolate comes FIRST!

Our URL is www.eathealthychocolate.com




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  • 1 month later...

Hi, my name is Holly. I am from the Kansas City area (yet have also spent much of my adult life in Miami, FL)! As a Squarespace designer, I began a side project last year (slowly but surely) and would love some feedback on the website. It's an eco-friendly lifestyle and art website where I have photography wall prints & line art stationery available for sale. I'm 90% okay with how it looks, although I believe the user flow/journey/CTAs could be improved... (open to other feedback as well!)


A tip I would share with others: it's possible ❤️ But do some research first, make a list, and break down the steps into doable, actionable tasks!


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Everyone!

My name is Colleen. I live in Tennessee, USA and the name of my business is Irish Colleen Creates. 

I am brand new to online selling and I am working to get my shop open to sell my artwork on tote bags as a first product using a print on demand company to fulfill and ship orders. My website is irishcolleencreates.com if you'd like to take a look.

I've done a lot of research on ecommerce and online selling which has been eye opening and a bit daunting at times, but trying not to let that stop me. I would definitely recommend doing your research before jumping in especially if you don't have any business experience at all.

I'm happy to be here and look forward to learning from you all.

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I'm Kate and I'm the one woman band behind Kate Frances Designs. an illustration business making art prints, stationery and accessories from my home studio in Manchester, UK.

Here's a few examples for your interest. 

I'm happy to be here and look forward to learning from you all.

My advice to anyone starting out is to do one small thing a day towards your goal. You don't have to have it all figured out right away.


user generated content-the world is your oyster print.JPG

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On 10/5/2023 at 11:28 PM, PIppinkeeper said:

Author and watercolorist. Have been traditionally published as well as self published. Would like to move my store from Shopify to Squarespace (how dumb to have a SS site AND an Etsy store, AND a Shopify store???). But my frustrations is SSpace doesn't have the API integrations for Gooten, Art of Where, Printify (only Printful). And, I want to do more direct book sales (can't see who is buying on Amazon) so that means Lulu and Book Vault. But they only have integrations with Shopify. ARGH! Sooooo, when SS makes it easier for multiple POD publishers, and direct sales via book producers, I'm ALL in.

I know what you mean about the integrations! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am Su-ku-mar Sree-ni-va-san. If that's a mouthful just call me Suku. From Chennai India. Online merchant for decades but new to SquareSpace. We are more into B2B than B2C. 

1-Tip = Keep your eyes & ears open. Learn everyday. Never give up. Tomorrow is another day - your day


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On 8/9/2023 at 5:46 PM, alainrouschmeyer said:

Hello everyone,

My name is Alain Rouschmeyer and I live and work near Lac D'annecy in France. I'm an artist, architect and urban sketcher. My work as an artist is slowly gaining international recognition. I discovered Square space about a year ago and I'm becoming more and more of a fan, despite a few things I haven't mastered yet.

I sell my works on the site.

I'm delighted to discover this forum and I took the time to register with the immense hope of being able to share information here with all of you. 

I'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to visit my website: https://www.alainrouschmeyer.art

Looking forward to hearing from you 

See you soon




Amazing work!

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