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Ways to Edit, Move, and Organize Contacts in Mailing Lists?

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On 10/6/2022 at 8:27 PM, paul2009 said:

It is possible to delete subscribers from mailing lists. There's a delete button next to each name:


This isn't a reasonable solution for large lists.

It's wild that squarespace has such basic limitations, considering what's available when working with any other platform. Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Flodesk, etc, make this so easy.

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  • 2 months later...
On 7/17/2020 at 8:28 PM, Sensebellum said:

1) How can you edit a Subscriber? I read in the docs that the way to "Edit Subscribers" is to add a new Subscriber with the email you wish to update and then just include the new name. Is that really the only way? Kind of seems like a work around why not just a edit dialogue right there like most fields on the site?

Right now that's the only way to edit a subscriber. The team is aware this is not optimal and hopefully changes will come to this in the not so distant future.


On 7/17/2020 at 8:28 PM, Sensebellum said:

2) How can you move OR copy a Subscriber from one Mailing List to another? Maybe the Subscriber should actually be in List A vs List B. How can I move OR copy that Subscriber? It seems currently the only way is to delete the Subscriber and then manually re-enter (or with a .csv).  

The only way to move between lists is to export and import to the new list. An alternative to this if it is feasible for your workflow is to segment subscribers in one main list.


On 7/17/2020 at 8:28 PM, Sensebellum said:

3) Can you add any other information to a Subscriber like tags, descriptors, dates, etc?

I am thinking that if I don't implement good organizations practices now it could get out of hand and hard to manage with 1,000's of emails.

You can tag but it is done individually. My list is just under 4000 and I can confirm it's a PITA and needs to be updated.


Design Site: https://www.stregaconsulting.com

Author Coordinates: https://bio.site/sayreambrosio

Italian Journey: https://bio.site/ambrosiosjrnyhm

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  • 2 months later...

It seems the only way to edit you mailing list is to download the .csv file. edit it and re-import it. This is plain daft! I am just finding this out while setting things up for a client, it really embarrassing that I am going to have to explain this to them after convincing them Squarespace is the best option. Why offer this service without testing it first? it seems to be under developed.

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1 hour ago, TrevH said:

It seems the only way to edit you mailing list is to download the .csv file. edit it and re-import it. This is plain daft! I am just finding this out while setting things up for a client, it really embarrassing that I am going to have to explain this to them after convincing them Squarespace is the best option. Why offer this service without testing it first? it seems to be under developed.

This gets even more frustrating. You can delete mailing lists and re-import them, stupid but ok. The problem is that it leaves persons information as a  profile.  Apart from unsubscribing each one manually there is no way of deleting the profiles. I have 960 profiles.... this is crazy!


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  • 2 weeks later...

The inability to maintain a healthy updated email list/profile list is the number one reason why I tell my clients NOT to invest into the Squarespace email/marketing add-on. Until they make this adjustment that is in alignment to competitors who are doing it VERY well (i.e. MailChimp, etc.) — I can not in good conscience use their newsletter platform. Despite how NICE it would be to have it all in one place for many good reasons.

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OMG it is now 2023 and this problem is STILL not addressed. I have a subscriber actually mad at me because she asked to be unsubscribed and I cannot do it for her. I also cannot edit anyone's email address. EPIC FAIL on the part of Squarespace Email Campaigns. Please please fix.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/23/2023 at 10:04 PM, sayreambrosio said:

The team is aware this is not optimal and hopefully changes will come to this in the not so distant future.

Does anyone know when "not so distant future" is?

I have issue with Subscribers. I have just created my page and started to test functionality and really don't want to leave xxxxx users into my list. And without proper management tools I can't launch the page because GDPR regulations.

How can I delete Subscribers? From /config/profiles/all menu I can't find the Trash button. I can opt out them but they are still in the list. I want to remove them completely.

Screenshot from 2023-06-05 20-41-16.png

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6 hours ago, Naatta said:

Does anyone know when "not so distant future" is?

I have issue with Subscribers. I have just created my page and started to test functionality and really don't want to leave xxxxx users into my list. And without proper management tools I can't launch the page because GDPR regulations.

How can I delete Subscribers? From /config/profiles/all menu I can't find the Trash button. I can opt out them but they are still in the list. I want to remove them completely.

Screenshot from 2023-06-05 20-41-16.png

I haven't heard about anything in the pipeline yet.


Design Site: https://www.stregaconsulting.com

Author Coordinates: https://bio.site/sayreambrosio

Italian Journey: https://bio.site/ambrosiosjrnyhm

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22 hours ago, Naatta said:

Does anyone know when "not so distant future" is?

I contacted customer care chat. Very fast and friendly service. Now feature request is in development queue. No timeline though 🙂

As there is no functionality available I was advised to contact Squarespace Trust & Safety Team <privacy@squarespace.com> and few hours later got a reply from them (see below). This will solve my problem but not sure if this approach is helpful for others. And reading their answer explains a bit why implementing delete-button might take some time 😅


We've received your deletion request for personal data in the Profiles panel on the Squarespace site ... on June 6, 2023. Please note that this deletion request will not apply to any profiles that have been added after June 6, 2023. We understand this deletion request is for the following profiles and for any orders placed under these profiles: ...

We'll delete customer personal data in the orders by anonymizing it within our platform. Because order information is tied to your Analytics and other areas of the platform, the orders themselves and order amounts will remain in your Orders panel. However, the customer personal data within each order will be permanently removed and replaced with generic data.
Customer records are created in Profiles for every customer who has placed an order on your site. Additionally, some customers may have created accounts, and these will also appear as records in Profiles. After the deletion, this customer will have their account and any saved payment or shipping information deleted. This customer won't be able to login after we delete this information.
Please be advised that these deletions are permanent, and you won't be able to recover the aforementioned customer personal data.
Also, please note that order, payment, and customer data may continue to live in Stripe or PayPal or in connected third party integration tools. Please contact Stripe, PayPal or such other third party tools if you would like data in those systems deleted.
Before we proceed with this deletion, we also ask that you confirm that your request to delete the profiles and orders listed above. We'll be keeping an eye out for your reply.



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  • 1 month later...

I just started using the mailing list and was shocked to find it so primitive. 

I did find a way to delete a subscriber.  Click on a subscriber and you get a pop-up at the side, at the bottom there's a red link, "Opt Out of marketing."  That will delete the address. 

To update an address at a customer's request, I deleted the original and used the form on the website to add it back in. 

NUTS!  Squarespace, y'all are so great in so many ways, it seems like this would be a quick fix!  Hope you escalate!  

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I have nothing useful to contribute except to say that to not be able to edit a profile is insane - It should be flagged front and center so that people (idiots like me) do not start with this feature and find out down the line that I can't event amend a contact's name. I also used to be able to edit a mailing list subscriber details - if they move jobs for example - but that feature seems to have vanished. V disappointing. 

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  • 4 months later...

New to this thread and also shocked I can't edit a customer's name. I believe that they are recently divorced and therefore I wanna update their last name - they are a store customer of ours and on multiple mailing lists and I hesitate to remove the contact in there and re-add it for fear of messing up the store side of things. Any updates from Squarespace? 

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  • 1 month later...

Chiming in and I agree -  Squarespace mailing list function is so primitive! 

I just exported the CSV file and it displays no info i.e. open rate, who is subscribed, who is unsubscribed. Considering unsubs are counted as part of the total count of your mailing list (which in turn affects what you pay) this is crazy! There's no way I can delete the unsubscribes and re-export (which in itself is a messy workaround...but I can't even do that) without checking each individual unsubscriber on the squarespace back end to my spreadsheet. This functionality is FREE with Mailchimp. This is really poor  and might have to switch back.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm kind of appalled by this thread and the lack of response. 

The inability to do batch changes to your mailing list (apply tags, delete groups, etc.) is insane. 

I thought I found a workaround by exporting my full list, editing in excel and then reimporting, but when importing you can only import three fields (email, first, last). What is up with that? Why let me export all that data and then not import it back? Why have things like segmentation and tags if you can't group things over time? 


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  • 2 months later...

I'm surprised to see that the only way to move contacts between lists is to download and re-upload them. I'm trying to create an automated campaign based on when contacts joined the original list. If I have to re-upload them to a new list, will the campaign then start from the re-upload date instead of their initial subscription date? That won't work. There has to be a way to make that work! Has anyone heard anything?

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On 4/30/2024 at 6:54 PM, Nathan17 said:

I'm surprised to see that the only way to move contacts between lists is to download and re-upload them. I'm trying to create an automated campaign based on when contacts joined the original list. If I have to re-upload them to a new list, will the campaign then start from the re-upload date instead of their initial subscription date? That won't work. There has to be a way to make that work! Has anyone heard anything?

Still nothing...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Delete a list

To remove a mailing list:

  1. Go to your Email Campaigns dashboard and click Mailing Lists.
  2. Click the list you want to delete.
  3. Click ....
  4. Click Delete List, then click Delete again to confirm. You'll be alerted if the mailing list is still connected to a form somewhere on your site.

You are welcome :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Just seconding all the frustration here. I can't believe this system doesn't work better after 4 years of being offered. Unusable. Would love to have my newsletters integrated into my website but looks like it's a no-go. Disappointed in SquareSpace. To quote Tim Gunn, "Make it Work!" 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's now been over 4 years and still no progress at all on this issue???  I really wanted to keep everything in Squarespace but this will force me to use Mailchimp for email.  Unbelievable.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just bit the bullet and paid $120 for the Core plan to have the ability to send an automated welcome email, even though our list is still a tiny 300 contacts and we only send 1-2 emails a month.

Now to find out it's so so so impractical to work with the contacts! The task is simple: some contacts subscribed early before I had established the mailing list, so they're floating without being associated with the list. 

1) I need to filter to find those contacts that are NOT on any mailing list—can't do this, can only filter to those that are on the list.

2) Okay, so when I manually find a contact without a mailing list, I need to simply add them to the mailing list. CAN'T DO THIS! There's no way to add a contact to a mailing list from their profile. I have to use the 'add subscribers' tool, copying and pasting their name and email one-by-one to update their profile. Are you kidding? Why on earth would we not be able to add a subscriber to a mailing list from their profile?

How can Squarespace justify the cost they charge for this incredibly limited email marketing tool? With so much competition out there? I enjoy using Squarespace but I'm feeling taken advantage of. They know fans of the platform would find it appealing to use a single ecosystem for website and marketing and they decided they could charge a high price for the privilege, even though the service and features are subpar. Not impressed!

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  • 3 weeks later...

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