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Item specific shipping options

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Just adding another comment to this thread.  I have multiple items I wish to sell but I have no idea how I can do so without item specific shipping.  Sending stickers to the next town does not cost the same as having my 3rd party merch maker send a hoodie across the country.  I am not going to even try to do this item by weight thing as me having to spend more time to refund or address shipping issues is not cost effective of profitable on a $5 item as it is.  Time is money and we need shipping options by item like yesterday. 

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Yes, this is a very common question these days and where i know the best solution for this specify the shipping cost with the cost of product. And if there are any item which are shipping free just notify it. I am going to work this for mysite and also suggest you to do this.

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Well this is frustrating. I have been working on implementing Printful on my customers SQSP website and just ran into this shipping issue (the last thing before going live!). It is going to take me HOURS to input the weight of each item for their Printful catalog and create the shipping scale. Wish I would have known about this issue before building their catalog! Hoping there is a "fix" or update soon.

With joy,

Designer & Founder of ink & mouse


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To everyone struggling with this incredibly problematic issue: what platform are you go to/did you switch to?

I just did my end of 2020 accounting and my losses are equivalent to the amount of money I lost because I under-calculated shipping costs. I would've broken even for the first time last year had it not been for this, so I'm ready to go.

Who does it better and does it integrate with Squarespace or do I need to move my whole site?

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I'm sick of the backend limitations with Squarespace's eCommerce settings.  It's bad enough I have to manually work out the sales tax on each order for my accounts as some of my products are 0% rated and others 20% which makes my VAT returns a nightmare.   Now I'm stuck on shipping rates being the same for every order.  I've just built a passworded wholesale shop page and need the shipping to be different because of the amounts ordered are far larger than a regular retail customer has.  I'm seriously thinking of swapping out to a shopify commerce plan when my plan is up for renewal!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/16/2020 at 12:29 PM, SurvivalTechniqiues said:

Site URL: https://www.survivaltechniques.co.uk/shop


I am moving my shop over to Squarespace from BigCartel and can't find a way to register the correct shipping for my products. 

I sell a range of paintings, prints and canvas bags which have a big range of shipping prices, ie a painting is going to cost a lot more to send than an A3 print. I can only find an option to set shipping rates by weight or flat rate, neither of which work as customers often buy a combination of products, which each need to be packaged separately. 

Is there a way I can set a shipping rate per product?

I used to have my shop with BigCartel and it was very easy to set a specific shipping rate for each product. The current options in Squarespace are driving me crazy with how inflexible they are.

Any help would be much appreciated. 

This is my shop: https://www.survivaltechniques.co.uk/shop

I agree with this. It’s strange that Etsy can do exactly that and SquareSpace can’t.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am also struggling with this. It's a shame that this issue can become customer facing.


As far as I can tell there is an option:

  • Use weights as a way to tag items, use large ranges, and assign products to a range, so that multiple items can be bought without issue. e.g 0kg baseline, 0.1 - 10kg (all items listed as 1kg), so even if they buy 10 products just in that range the shipping wont be effected unless they have a product with the next tag range (10kg-100kg) etc.
  • The downside to this is that the range has to be from zero to infinity, meaning all products will fall into a shipping category, which therefore means all your products have to ship to the listed regions, i.e you can't have some items be globally available and others only regional
  • So that means having to have ridiculous shipping costs listed for regions that you'd actually prefer to not ship to specifically because shipping is so high

Not ideal at all, and requires a lot of work/calculations for shipping to every nation, and that will perhaps never be used. Or you use an insane value to deter, which just looks like an unprofessional website bug

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just adding to this - completely frustrating that I switched my site over because of the shop function here only to find out I can't set the shipping per item. My items vary greatly in the way I need to package and ship and I can't believe that I went through setting everything up only to find out that this isn't possible and SqSp hasn't even addressed this issue for a year???!!! 

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  • 5 weeks later...

Squarespace does not have a product-specific shipping feature, and it never did.

You can use flat-rate shipping or weight dependent shipping to allow you to set shipping charges based on the total order weight.

If you're based in the US, there's also carrier calculated shipping for “real-time rates” based on FedEx, UPS, and USPS rates, but it's only available for domestic shipping within the United States.

Further details can be found in the guides that I've linked.

Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. 
Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
Forum advice is completely free. You can thank me by selecting a feedback emoji. Buying a coffee is generous but optional.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i'm doing my free trial right now to decide if i want to switch my site over to squarespace or not. one thing i can't seem to find is item specific shipping which is a total bummer as i like where my trial site is going. there are certain items that i CANNOT ship and can only be pick up or delivery but i still have a lot of other items that CAN be shipped. so my trial site will still have the shipping option available for the items that cannot be shipped which is frustrating since i don't want that option there for those specific items. has anyone been able to find a solution to that? (i sell baked goods by the way, can't be shipping full on cakes but can ship cookies or chocolate and what not)

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2 hours ago, sugarbyak said:

one thing i can't seem to find is item specific shipping

Squarespace does not offer product-specific shipping. Weight dependent shipping is the only way to include/exclude shipping options, but is unlikely to be useful in your scenario.


Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. 
Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
Forum advice is completely free. You can thank me by selecting a feedback emoji. Buying a coffee is generous but optional.

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Same requirement in our biz. We're coming off Weebly and shopping eCommerce platform vendors, developer wants us to go SquareSpace, but only WooCommerce seems to have the per item shipping. This will cost us more on web production, but we'll not lose on shipping $.     SQSP would be a slam dunk if this was enabled.

I echo another comment in different same topic thread:  "Hurry up SQSP and get this feature implemented.  I am losing money on shipping and actively searching for an alternative platform. "   +1  

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  • 1 month later...

I sell greeting cards to large artworks and I also find this incredibly frustrating and often lose out either on cost or upsetting customers. I suggest we all send emails to sqsp through the contact us forms requesting this. It should not be a problem and it should be a basic option for all subscription levels, and available worldwide - not just to Advanced Commerce subscriptions within the US. I can't understand why they won't do anything about this.

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7 hours ago, AliceBerry said:

I sell greeting cards to large artworks and I also find this incredibly frustrating and often lose out either on cost or upsetting customers.

Can you explain why the weight dependent shipping option doesn’t work for you?

Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. 
Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
Forum advice is completely free. You can thank me by selecting a feedback emoji. Buying a coffee is generous but optional.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This has become a major detractor for me creating a store with Squarespace. 

Shipping needs to be highly adjustable, right now there is no way to create adjusting shipping rates outside of the very convoluted and cumbersome Weight Option. 

My shipping costs shrink exponentially as customers buy more items. The issue is that each item can be so different that the change in shipping is not the same between them. 

Example: a customer buys a 3 t-shirts and a 2 picture frames - the picture frames needs to be shipped separated and the t-shirts ship in one package. I can't create a cost effective rate for this kind of order using the ridiculous weight options. So shipping by default becomes expensive to ensure costs are covered which also drives customers away. 


Get this fixed ASAP. Shipping needs to have item specific shipping which includes varying categories such as: can ship in grouped or not, adjustable rates dependent on order count in each category, and so much more. Just look at this thread.


You're working so hard to make sharing content easier but ignoring a key factor for many sellers on your platform!


Thank you for your time.

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On 9/23/2021 at 9:26 AM, paul2009 said:

Can you explain why the weight dependent shipping option doesn’t work for you?

The shipping of one thing which weighs 310g costs me €5,70.
The shipping of another thing, which weighs 40g costs me the same €5,70.
The shipping of the third thing, which weighs 90g still costs me the same €5,70.

Now since the shipping up to 500g in a certain package costs €5,70, I would wish to offer my customers to pay just €5,70 for shipping them all three aforementioned positions in a single package for the price of €5,70.

But lo! I have an item which weighs just 30g, but its shipping costs me €15 because it is wider and longer than the normal package, thus it shall always be shipped separately.

Squarespace suggests that I put €15 shipping price for all the products in this case if I don’t want to lose on shipping. This is how weight dependent shipping doesn’t work for any squarespace unlucky user.

I also moved to Squarespace from BigCartel, and I must say I recall my BigCartel days more and more often.

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Hi all! Being at the tail end of my site build, last thing I had to do was set up shipping. And yep! Found out at that point that you can't set item specific shipping profiles and this BROKE me. Just spent forever on chat help and it's something that "ion development" but not available and no idea when. Absolutely heart breaking and I'm having to start again with another platform as this is a must for us. Baffling that from what I can see, all their competitors offer this. So I'm off to try and upload from CSV file to Shopify and start again and get a refund on the Squarespace account. The person on the help chat was lovely but ultimately couldn't make it work. So, long story short, if you need item specific shipping profiles, don't use Squarespace. I am heartbroken as I had spent so long building the site and the shipping was the final stage. 

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On 10/18/2021 at 12:24 PM, RJay said:

Being at the tail end of my site build, last thing I had to do was set up shipping. And yep! Found out at that point that you can't set item specific shipping profiles. I'm off to try and upload from CSV file to Shopify and start again.

I feel your pain.

I meet a lot of potential commerce customers who find out about these limitations the hard way which is why I shared the list of commerce limitations, hoping that it would save others from exactly this pain. I always recommend that you add a handful of products, shipping options and payment options and test the customer experience and the order workflow BEFORE you move on to "design" the site or add a wide range of products. 

Shopify isn't perfect either. At least not the 'standard' version, so the same advice applies. Sure, I could build you an all singing, all dancing store on Shopify Plus - complete with a $2000+ per month subscription - but if we're comparing like with like, you'll probably need to make some compromises on the standard version of Shopify too.

Try adding:

  • products with different variants like size and colour (if you sell them)
  • products with different prices
  • products that are physical, service and digital
  • products with images, size charts, ingredient lists
  • products that require customers to submit information (eg for customisation)
  • out of stock products
  • limited availability products
  • bundles (if you need them)
  • shipping/local delivery (if required)
  • pickup/collection
  • delivery/pickup dates (if required)
  • gift cards
  • discounts
  • payment types (full payment and 'buy now, pay later' if you require this)
  • currency options

I hope this helps.

Edited by paul2009

Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. 
Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
Forum advice is completely free. You can thank me by selecting a feedback emoji. Buying a coffee is generous but optional.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My "solution" was to have a "request shipping quote" option for products that I knew had different shipping requirements. It's that or deal with customers clicking on the cheapest shipping regardless of the product, which of course isn't appropriate.

It's really poor though. Having to explain in my FAQ ... "because of the limitations of my website shipping options" is pretty unprofessional. It requires an extra step, where I have to be involved in each order of a particular category product.

The rest of my items I designated a weight too, 0-9, 10-99, 100-999 etc. to cover the costs so someone can buy multiples of an item. Essentially using weights as tagging.

Not being able to hide certain shipping options is a bummer. Let's hope they upgrade the shipping issues eventually.

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I need this too, and ironically I need it largely because I am using a print on demand provider (Printful) that Squarespace recommend.

Here's my situation. I have three kids of products:

1.) Stickers - Could use either per-product flat rate shipping or USPS calculated First Class (neither is offered)

2.) Printful Products - Need per-product flat rate shipping (not offered)

3.) Everything Else - Need per-product calculated USPS Priority Mail shipping

This could be easily solved by having different classes of shipping each tied to a specific set of products. Without it, my options are to over-charge for shipping, under-charge for shipping, or inflate prices astronomically to offer "free shipping".

I recently moved my other shop to Shopify, and it was so easy to set up as I needed. There's no excuse for Squarspace to be so far behind, especially on the "Advanced" Commerce plan with its "Advanced" shipping.

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On 9/23/2021 at 2:26 AM, paul2009 said:

Can you explain why the weight dependent shipping option doesn’t work for you?

This seems obvious, and the way you asked your poor customer unnecessarily confrontational. The cost of shipping depends on size not just on weight. 10 lbs of post cards costs a different amount to ship that one large 10lb painting.

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