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    david_stowe reacted to Kzipknits in Item specific shipping options   
    Just wanting to add to the noise - I could have sworn that this was once an option on here a few years back. Maybe we need to all write in to complain to squarespace directly? It seems like such an easy "bug" or update to add. 
  2. Like
    david_stowe reacted to heatherokane in Item specific shipping options   
    Just adding to this - completely frustrating that I switched my site over because of the shop function here only to find out I can't set the shipping per item. My items vary greatly in the way I need to package and ship and I can't believe that I went through setting everything up only to find out that this isn't possible and SqSp hasn't even addressed this issue for a year???!!! 
  3. Like
    david_stowe reacted to JonJonJon in Item specific shipping options   
    I am also struggling with this. It's a shame that this issue can become customer facing.
    As far as I can tell there is an option:
    Use weights as a way to tag items, use large ranges, and assign products to a range, so that multiple items can be bought without issue. e.g 0kg baseline, 0.1 - 10kg (all items listed as 1kg), so even if they buy 10 products just in that range the shipping wont be effected unless they have a product with the next tag range (10kg-100kg) etc. The downside to this is that the range has to be from zero to infinity, meaning all products will fall into a shipping category, which therefore means all your products have to ship to the listed regions, i.e you can't have some items be globally available and others only regional So that means having to have ridiculous shipping costs listed for regions that you'd actually prefer to not ship to specifically because shipping is so high Not ideal at all, and requires a lot of work/calculations for shipping to every nation, and that will perhaps never be used. Or you use an insane value to deter, which just looks like an unprofessional website bug
  4. Like
    david_stowe reacted to chathamsign in Item specific shipping options   
    The fact that I can't easily have a set shipping cost for each item is infuriating and is preventing me from making my site go live. I'm trying to figure it all out by assigning arbitrary weights to the different items, but it's extremely confusing. It's ridiculous that this feature still doesn't exist.
  5. Like
    david_stowe reacted to unicornbullybites in Item specific shipping options   
    I'm just about to switch platforms. SP is way to clunky on the back end. Best templates and such but its INSANE item specific shipping isn't an option. I am wasting $ on shipping.
  6. Like
    david_stowe reacted to jalapeno in Item specific shipping options   
    I have been having the same issue. Some of my items are dramatically smaller and cheaper to ship than others. So of course everyone started choosing the cheaper shipping option, which wasn't an actual reflection of the shipping cost. I explicitly labeled it "for this item only" sort of thing, but it didn't matter. I feel like I have to honor that cost of shipping even though it's customer error. I'm out like $6 per order. Not the end of the world, but frustrating. For international orders it's worse. If I set one shipping rate, it doesn't factor in adding additional/heavy items. I thought I'd added a cost for additional items, but it turns out it was just an additional charge per item.
    I finally decided to just include US shipping in my pricing, but that means if someone orders multiple items they're charged for shipping multiple times. I've had to do a few partial refunds. Not the end of the world, but not efficient. I feel like it also makes it look like my shop isn't professional or like I'm intentionally overcharging or something.
    I don't even want Squarespace to calculate my shipping costs, I just want to be able to set per item, per country.
  7. Like
    david_stowe reacted to Froggle91 in Item specific shipping options   
    Chiming in on this. Ridiculous one can't do something as simple as setting specific shipping options for particular products :/ I'm not going to send an A5 print for the same price as an A3 etc. 
  8. Like
    david_stowe reacted to MMEbyKiandraTrickett in Item specific shipping options   
    Just joining the thread. 

    My client offers free shipping for all her products (wedding dresses, thousands). But shes just introduced a couple smaller things that she needs to add postage to..
    As the rest of the store is free shipping, I'm only going to add weight to the products needing a cost and then add them that way.. but very messy!
  9. Like
    david_stowe reacted to cmj167 in Item specific shipping options   
    Embarrassing that item specific shipping isn't possible. 
  10. Like
    david_stowe reacted to savvytech in Item specific shipping options   
    Exactly what CheshireGarden said.  Set up by weight, use arbitrary weight ranges, and assign prices to each range.  Then in the custom field of the product details add it's corresponding "weight" and it will show correctly in checkout.
  11. Like
    david_stowe reacted to sruss76 in Item specific shipping options   
    SQSP folk don't really read every post in this forum nor do they respond to feature requests here. you will need to contact customer support and log a ticket regarding a feature you want added. and then pray (if you're the praying sort) because there is no guarantee the feature you want will ever see the light of day. they tend to do what they want rather than actually listen to their customers. if they did, issues/problems/limitations with taxes, order creation, shipping, manual gift card creation, manual order creation, coupons/discounts, etc. would have already been fixed or addressed. honestly, on the backend side, they are severely behind the competition with all the ridiculous limitations and lack of features that you would actually find in other e-commerce platforms today.
  12. Like
    david_stowe reacted to Pleaseassignmeusername in Item specific shipping options   
    Hasn’t this feature of selling products been essentially standard since like 2006? It is a little unbelievable you can’t set shipping per item.
    I’m just commenting to add to the noise.
  13. Like
    david_stowe reacted to Boostew in Item specific shipping options   
    Just adding to this thread. I'm in the same position - selling very different items of size and weight. Would love if Squarespace could help out with selecting product-specific shipping.
    To give the developers an example of how this is difficult for vendors, particularly at this time:
    Australia Post became rather unreliable during lockdown in Melbourne. So it was important to me to be able to arrange a free click and collect option for those who were able to (within the 5km lockdown zone). during a print sale. I also think that if it's possible, this is a more environmentally-friendly option so I can deliver on bike or people pick up from me personally.
    Some people unexpectedly used the free click and collect option on a totally different product option (zines) - people well outside the 5km zone, who I had no choice but to to post out to. I wore the very small cost of postage, but I think that if Squarespace could see how awkward this is, they could hopefully dream up a better solution for the Shop section than this.
    Thank you - Rebecca S
  14. Like
    david_stowe reacted to JRKingdon in Item specific shipping options   
    you would think with all the people asking for it they would implement item specific shipping. It's probably one of the most common requests I see in these forums and they're losing a lot of business because of it. I know several people who have left squarespace because of that and I'm looking at different options myself. Disappointing to say the least
  15. Like
    david_stowe reacted to PhilipStewart in Item specific shipping options   
    I agree with the above comments. Item specific shipping options are much needed!!
  16. Like
    david_stowe reacted to KatherineSwetman in Item specific shipping options   
    I completely agree - I NEED customizable item-specific shipping rates. I'm scouring this forum and online message boards to see if anyone has found a work-around for this!
  17. Like
    david_stowe reacted to eoddistillery in Item specific shipping options   
    I can not believe they do not offer a shipping per item. It seems squarespace wants to conduct business the old school way, the way business is done pre covid. There must be options. 
  18. Like
    david_stowe reacted to SurvivalTechniqiues in Item specific shipping options   
    Site URL: https://www.survivaltechniques.co.uk/shop

    I am moving my shop over to Squarespace from BigCartel and can't find a way to register the correct shipping for my products. 

    I sell a range of paintings, prints and canvas bags which have a big range of shipping prices, ie a painting is going to cost a lot more to send than an A3 print. I can only find an option to set shipping rates by weight or flat rate, neither of which work as customers often buy a combination of products, which each need to be packaged separately. 

    Is there a way I can set a shipping rate per product?

    I used to have my shop with BigCartel and it was very easy to set a specific shipping rate for each product. The current options in Squarespace are driving me crazy with how inflexible they are.

    Any help would be much appreciated. 

    This is my shop: https://www.survivaltechniques.co.uk/shop
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