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  1. So I did some digging. When uploaded as an "Asset Library" (images.squarespace.com) img, squarespace does some magic to reduce the file size (to 380kb from 1.5MB in my test case). It looks like squarespace returns the smallest version of the image while maintaining quality. Interestingly, my duplicate test image uploaded as a CSS Custom File downloaded faster (39ms vs 70ms) despite being much larger in file size (squarespace didn't perform size reduction). Interesting that a larger file downloaded faster, likely due to the server-side logic running on images.squarespace. Also, static1 downloads faster even when there are no query string parameters in the images.squarespace URL. Seems like CSS Custom Files should be prefered for images unless an end user will be using the GUI to manage images.
  2. When we upload images via the "Asset Library" or an image block GUI, they're hosted on images.squarespace-cdn.com and they appear in the "Asset Library". When we upload images via the CSS "Custom Files" or as an "Unlinked File", they're hosted on static1.squarespace.com. Pros and cons either way? Besides appearing or not appearing in the "Asset Library", are there benefits for hosting images on one domain vs the other? I suppose the "Custom Files" panel gives a little easier access to the img URL for use in CSS.
  3. LOL I'm so glad I saw this, thanks Derrick. I was going down the road of "how do I modify an Embedly embedded RSS feed" ... your method rocks!
  4. In the "Custom CSS" area, there's a control to allow uploading "Custom Files" (font files). When uploaded this way, the CORS headers are set correctly, automatically. Clicking on an uploaded file automatically inserts the file's path in your custom css, but you need to check where the path is inserted.
  5. I'm new to SquareSpace and I'm looking for a way to re-order the HTML order of sections and blocks. Does anyone know of a built-in way, or an extension or plug-in or tool to do this? I learned that the HTML order depends upon when blocks are added to a page, but I'm looking for a way to re-order them after they're already in a page. My reasons for re-ordering the HTML order is for SEO and WCAG Accessibility. Thanks for any ideas!
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