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  1. Hi, I'm trying to make the linkedin logo at the same level as the menu text here www.tucanogold.com. At the moment it's positioned on the right side but too high (vertically), and i want it to align with the menu. Thanks
  2. I think we'll want to do the gradient effect in various pages of the website
  3. Hi, i'm trying to make a gradient overlay in our squarespace site so it gets slightly darker at the top of the background image, like they do in this website https://www.anglogoldashanti.com/portfolio/americas/serra-grande/ Is this possible in Squarespace? Our site url is https://raccoon-arugula-mg32.squarespace.com/gallery Thanks
  4. Thanks, actually if there is a better code for the countdown timer i would use it instead but this is all i found so far. Code that i'm currently using is below: <script src="https://cdn.logwork.com/widget/countdown.js"></script> <a href="https://logwork.com/countdown-1j8e" class="countdown-timer" data-style="columns" data-timezone="Europe/London" data-textcolor="#ffffff" data-date="2023-10-02 18:00" data-digitscolor="#ffffff" data-unitscolor="#ffffff">. </a> Also this timer links to their page which is not ideal for what i want. Would prefer it not to link. If you have a better code for this that i could use that would be great. Thanks
  5. Forgot to add this - this is the URL: https://flamingo-mauve-t7fb.squarespace.com/laiva-gold-equity-1
  6. Hi, I'd like to fix this block in position (on desktop only) so that it stays in the same position until you scroll to the end of the text in the block on the left side of the page. In fact this is several blocks layered on top of each other in the image below, but i'd like it to remain visible until you scroll to the end of the left hand column which is longer.
  7. Hi, that's how it should look on mobile, but i've noticed on other mobile devices the countdown clock is either too high or too low. Also when i reduce the size of my screen on desktop the countdown timer moves up and down, not aligning with the green background image properly. For example when i decrease the screen size on desktop it starts to look like this: Then I decrease more and it looks like this, with the text below it also going out of size:
  8. I have a css code block with a countdown timer layered on top of a background image in my Squarespace page. The background image is for the countdown timer - the issue is that when i resize the page, or view on different devices like Iphone etc, the background image misaligns with the countdown timer. Is there any way to avoid this happening and keep them aligned all the time? https://flamingo-mauve-t7fb.squarespace.com/laiva-gold-equity Thanks
  9. Thanks i've resolved it now. I ended up changing the global font style to a better one that suited all pages.
  10. Hi, On my Squarespace website i have one page that will be a landing page for ads. For this page I need to use a different font set to the rest of the site (one of the ones in Squarespace). I've been pulling my hair out all afternoon trying to do this but can't figure out how to change the fonts without it affecting all the fonts in the website. For example when I change the paragraph font, it changes for all the paragraphs in the website, but i just want to change the paragraph font and header fonts on this one page. Any help much appreciated.
  11. Hi, I'm trying to put a live gold price in the header of a website, sort of like how they do on this site www.pilargold.com on the top right. The Squarespace site i'm wanting to do it for is www.laivagold.com I can't figure out how to do this so any help would be much appreciated.
  12. The logo and menu button at the top should be vertically centralised. At the moment they're sitting on the baseline of the navigation bar .
  13. Hi, thanks it's www.puretungsten.ca
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