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Everything posted by jjk291

  1. Hi! looking to add some padding between the header/navigation and body in mobile only. Does anyone know how this can be accomplished?
  2. Is there a way to have it fade in and out as it looks choppy when I scroll back to the top and the title reappears? any insight on this would be amazing! Thank you!
  3. Is there a way to add animations to the gallery page images as you scroll down. Just a simple fade in/out so it doesn't feel so choppy scrolling down as the images load on my site https://jasonkim.com Using the site wide animation feature only works on the text in the gallery but not the images. Here's an example of what I'm kind of looking for but can be just a basic fade: https://wakawaka.world/furniture Much appreciated!!
  4. hmmm it's happening to me on 3 different Mac devices. On my desktop and see attached my iPhone when its turned horizontally
  5. It shows up when you make the desktop window smaller. It seems like the responsive design is formatting it strangely when its smaller. Is there way to force it into mobile mode before it gets to the size that makes it misaligned?
  6. The mobile layout looks great - see attached. its the desktop version for small screen that looks bad. it also has the misalignment when viewing on my iPhone turned horizontally.
  7. Ive come across a new problem now using this method at small screen sizes. The text will not align with the image. and when I have the image fit right to have it align with the text, everything is pushed to the right of the title which looks strange. See attached. Is there a solution to this besides centering the text?
  8. that works!! thanks so much!!! didn't realize there was a way to align to bottom.
  9. The problem is I cannot adjust the row-gap and column gap to be same or else it will crop the images in a strange way. I have the images on "fill" as when I use "fit" it leaves space around the edges of the image and does not allow the text to align correctly. Is there a way to adjust the padding while leaving the row and column gaps the way it is in each respective sections?
  10. Hi All, So right now I have my site title hidden on the home page only using this code. .homepage a#site-title { visibility: hidden; } But I wanted to see if it could become unhidden when scrolling down the page? And with a fade in effect? Also would be great for it to disappear again when reaching the top of the page but not totally necessary. Just want for the home page only. https://harp-cobalt-g6lj.squarespace.com/Password: blueberry2 Let me know your thoughts! Much appreciated!!
  11. Attached is a marked up screen shot for clarification 🙂
  12. Hi! So for my portfolio homepage, I have staggered image blocks in different sizes with captions added using a text block. Every section has different block padding in order for the entire image to be shown/fit. With that said, the padding in between the images and caption texts are different between every image. It's very subtle but the difference is there. Is there a way I can adjust the padding between them so it is consistent without adjusting the way the images are presented? This is only needed for the homepage. https://harp-cobalt-g6lj.squarespace.com/ Password: blueberry2 Much appreciated!
  13. Hi!! is there an update to this code for 7.1. Also would like it to slowly fade in while scrolling. Much appreciated!!!
  14. Hi!! sorry to bump this, is there a way to apply this effect to only images that are links?
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