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Everything posted by danielcul

  1. I've noticed this as well, and wondered what had happened. I now go into each specific page to amend the inventory.
  2. Thank you Paul, incredibly grateful for this. Service reviews are now pending once again. Brilliant.
  3. https://www.reading-glasses.co.uk/ You'll see the icons towards the top right. The cursor doesn't change when hovering over 'customer accounts' icon. At least not on an iMac or Chromebook using Chrome. Can you also provide a link to a site where this doesn't cause an issue with the same icon? Thanks.
  4. https://www.reading-glasses.co.uk/ You'll see the icons towards the top right. The cursor doesn't change when hovering over 'customer accounts' icon. At least not on an iMac or Chromebook using Chrome. Can you also provide a link to a site where this doesn't cause an issue with the same icon? Thanks.
  5. Re. the following icons specifically viewed on laptop/desktop: search, customer accounts, shopping cart/bag The above icons are placed in the top right area of my site. When hovering over the search and cart icons the cursor changes to a hand pointing (indicating a clickable link) however this does not happen when hovering over the 'customer accounts' icon. I have alerted Squarespace to this a couple of times now, the first time several years ago and the second time just yesterday. I understand that it's probably not a huge issue but, in my opinion, it is something which needs addressing. Does anyone have a fix or workaround for this? Thank you 🙂
  6. A question about Trustpilot service reviews? Since the new Order Status Page has been introduced on Squarespace I've not been able to send out any automatic Trustpilot invitations. Invitations were sent when script was inserted in the old order confirmation page but as I understand it, this is now for gift certificates etc and the order status page is for physical products which applies to me. I clicked on 'I've migrated the code' to tell Squarespace that I'd done what was requested. The script inserted is as follows and I've added {.if firstPageView} {.end} to the order status page to try and ensure the code fires only once and not if customers return to that page in order to check on despatch etc. Incredibly grateful if you have any help you could offer. Thank you. HEADER <script> (function(w,d,s,r,n){w.TrustpilotObject=n;w[n]=w[n]||function(){(w[n].q=w[n].q||[]).push(arguments)}; a=d.createElement(s);a.async=1;a.src=r;a.type='text/java'+s;f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; f.parentNode.insertBefore(a,f)})(window,document,'script', 'https://invitejs.trustpilot.com/tp.min.js', 'tp'); tp('register', 'MY KEY HERE'); </script> ORDER STATUS PAGE <script> function sendTpInvitation () { var trustpilot_invitation = { recipientEmail: '{customerEmailAddress}', recipientName: 'Alex', referenceId: '{orderId}', source: 'InvitationScript', }; tp("createInvitation", trustpilot_invitation); } if (tp) { sendTpInvitation (); } else { document.addEventListener ("DOMContentLoaded", function () { }); } </script> {.end}
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