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    NoahSnowdayDesign got a reaction from Nick_SquareKicker in Responsiveness to window size, and distance between elements   
    Hi @leylishko,

    You're welcome!

    If the words are just meant to be read and not links, I think the easiest solution would be to use a graphic design software like Adobe Illustrator, Canva, Affinity Designer, etc. to create the perfect layout with the silhouette > export to png > upload to squarespace.

    The words will obviously not be text on the screen (they'll be part of the png), but they'll be guaranteed to have the right formatting no matter the screen size because they're locked into the image.

    Alternatively, if you'd like to use text blocks: I think you could create a similar layout that's relatively responsive by using text blocks and manipulating their positions in relation to the photo by using SquareKicker which is a fantastic tool (by @Nick_SquareKicker), examples below:
    Desktop (using SK):

    Mobile (using SK):

  2. Like
    NoahSnowdayDesign reacted to nowal in Cant upload any images, delaying website publishing   
    hi there,
    Tried clearing my browser with no luck, i'll try the support link. thank you.
  3. Like
    NoahSnowdayDesign got a reaction from nowal in Cant upload any images, delaying website publishing   
    Hi @nowal!

    Can you provide a screenshot of the error message you receive when attempting to upload images?

    Also, what types of images are you trying to upload? Squarespace does not support several image formats.

    Let me know and I'll try to help you out!

  4. Like
    NoahSnowdayDesign got a reaction from Ziggy in Cant upload any images, delaying website publishing   
    Hi @nowal!

    Can you provide a screenshot of the error message you receive when attempting to upload images?

    Also, what types of images are you trying to upload? Squarespace does not support several image formats.

    Let me know and I'll try to help you out!

  5. Like
    NoahSnowdayDesign reacted to creedon in Editing without Publishing   
    If you don't not see the DUPLICATE PAGE in Page Settings for the page then that page type can't be duplicated. Regular pages can be duplicated. Page types like portfolio, blog, event, and etc. can't be duplicated.

  6. Like
    NoahSnowdayDesign reacted to ASmith0412 in Editing without Publishing   
    Excellent suggestion, thank you!
  7. Like
    NoahSnowdayDesign got a reaction from creedon in Editing without Publishing   
    It's been awhile, but for those still coming across this post, another solution is to duplicate the page, set the duplicate page to private (or "disabled") and make edits and changes. When the updates are finished, switch out the updated page for the old version.

    As an example, if you needed to make updates to the "Services" page while keeping it live, duplicate it, set the new page url to "Services-New", and make sure it's set to disabled. Once the edits are complete, go to the page settings for the live, old version and change the url to "Services-Old" while disabling it. Then quickly change the "Services-New" updated page url to "Services" and make it public by enabling it in page settings.

    Far less complicated than it seems and a very easy solution to this problem.
  8. Like
    NoahSnowdayDesign reacted to RickH in Trying to setup unlicensed admin account Google Workspace   
    A client of mine setup Google Workspace through Squarespace. I am trying to add an unlicensed super admin account to manage the account, but not be able to send/receive email etc. Google describes this here (https://knowledge.workspace.google.com/kb/how-to-create-a-super-admin-user-without-a-google-workspace-subscription-000009398), but I can't enable the Cloud Identity Free product as described. It says to contact my reseller when I try to add the service.
    Has anyone been able to add this through Squarespace? I am going to email them from the client account shortly, but just wanted to check here first.
  9. Like
    NoahSnowdayDesign reacted to JessicaM in Embedding Booking Form Into Website Page   
    @MadeByDO You need to get the embed code and then paste it in the "code snippet" section where you added the link in the image in your post (you can remove the link you have).  The code is in the "online booking preview" section of Provet. You can see it above the #4 in the link below 🙂
  10. Like
    NoahSnowdayDesign got a reaction from billfalls in Need to build a link to download images as files, not display them as images   
    Hi @billfalls! Unfortunately, as far as I know this isn't possible with Squarespace out of the box due to the way SQSP hosts photos (CDN).

    One solution to avoid the "right click, save image, etc." process would be to upload the images to a service like Google Drive, copy the link from Google Drive and attach it to a button or text (set to open in a new tab). This would allow your visitors to download the images by clicking a button or link on your site, then clicking a download button on the subsequent image hosting site.
  11. Love
    NoahSnowdayDesign reacted to AFZ in Store Options Button Customization   
    Thanks, this worked perfectly with some modifications! ❤️ 
  12. Like
    NoahSnowdayDesign reacted to creedon in Need to build a link to download images as files, not display them as images   
    I agree with @Noah_Snowday_Design. SS is set up to display their images in the browser. Not download them. And SS does allow access to their backend to change this behaviour.
    On desktop drag and drop might be your friend. Might be easier to explain to folks how to do that then using a context menu. Although you may want to provide instructions for both with emphasis on the d & d.
  13. Love
    NoahSnowdayDesign got a reaction from inside_the_square in Store Options Button Customization   
    This video by @inside_the_square should be helpful!
  14. Like
    NoahSnowdayDesign reacted to nick_sh in Added 'MENU' label beside the burger icon. Need it to change color when opened.   
    .header--menu-open .header .header-burger:after { color: ... }  
  15. Love
    NoahSnowdayDesign reacted to eisanjam in Add subtitle for my portfolio projects!   
    @Snowday Thank you Noah! My page is now exactly as I envisioned it! I appreciate all your help 🙂 take care!
  16. Like
    NoahSnowdayDesign got a reaction from tuanphan in Add subtitle for my portfolio projects!   
    You're very welcome! @tuanphan did most of the heavy lifting.

    Here is updated code to make the font weight of the subtitle text 300. Just add the green line to the current code in the CSS editor (font-weight: 300;)
    /* Add subtitle */ h3.portfolio-title:after { font-size: 20px; color: black; display: block; font-weight: 300; } a.grid-item[href="/grid-simple/project-one-m2y26"] h3:after { content: "subtitle 01"; } a.grid-item[href="/grid-simple/project-two-yttz3"] h3:after { content: "subtitle 01"; }
  17. Thanks
    NoahSnowdayDesign got a reaction from eisanjam in Add subtitle for my portfolio projects!   
    You're very welcome! @tuanphan did most of the heavy lifting.

    Here is updated code to make the font weight of the subtitle text 300. Just add the green line to the current code in the CSS editor (font-weight: 300;)
    /* Add subtitle */ h3.portfolio-title:after { font-size: 20px; color: black; display: block; font-weight: 300; } a.grid-item[href="/grid-simple/project-one-m2y26"] h3:after { content: "subtitle 01"; } a.grid-item[href="/grid-simple/project-two-yttz3"] h3:after { content: "subtitle 01"; }
  18. Thanks
    NoahSnowdayDesign got a reaction from eisanjam in Add subtitle for my portfolio projects!   
    Got it! I think Tuanphan's solution is perfect for you! He has helped me with many problems and issues in the past and is a tremendous resource to this community.

    For his solution, instead of adding the code to the Portfolio Settings > Advanced (Page Header Code Injection), you'll want to add the code to the site CSS area which can be found here: Website > Website Tools (toward the bottom of the website editor side menu) > Custom CSS.

    To make sure the code works for you, take each project URL and add it to the code by replacing the placeholder URLs in the code. So in the code below, replace blue with your URLs, replace green with your desired subtitles. If you have more than 2, just copy and paste the last 3 lines of code until you have enough to cover all of your projects.
    To adjust the color and size of the subtitle text, adjust the lines in red below. Font size will be in pixels and you can mess with this until you find the right fit. Color can be basic like "black", or "red", or for a more custom color you can use a hex code like #FFFFFF (which is white).

    Let me know if you need further assistance!

    /* Add subtitle */ h3.portfolio-title:after { font-size: 20px; color: black; display: block; } a.grid-item[href="/grid-simple/project-one-m2y26"] h3:after { content: "subtitle 01"; } a.grid-item[href="/grid-simple/project-two-yttz3"] h3:after { content: "subtitle 01"; }
  19. Like
    NoahSnowdayDesign got a reaction from tuanphan in Add subtitle for my portfolio projects!   
    Got it! I think Tuanphan's solution is perfect for you! He has helped me with many problems and issues in the past and is a tremendous resource to this community.

    For his solution, instead of adding the code to the Portfolio Settings > Advanced (Page Header Code Injection), you'll want to add the code to the site CSS area which can be found here: Website > Website Tools (toward the bottom of the website editor side menu) > Custom CSS.

    To make sure the code works for you, take each project URL and add it to the code by replacing the placeholder URLs in the code. So in the code below, replace blue with your URLs, replace green with your desired subtitles. If you have more than 2, just copy and paste the last 3 lines of code until you have enough to cover all of your projects.
    To adjust the color and size of the subtitle text, adjust the lines in red below. Font size will be in pixels and you can mess with this until you find the right fit. Color can be basic like "black", or "red", or for a more custom color you can use a hex code like #FFFFFF (which is white).

    Let me know if you need further assistance!

    /* Add subtitle */ h3.portfolio-title:after { font-size: 20px; color: black; display: block; } a.grid-item[href="/grid-simple/project-one-m2y26"] h3:after { content: "subtitle 01"; } a.grid-item[href="/grid-simple/project-two-yttz3"] h3:after { content: "subtitle 01"; }
  20. Like
    NoahSnowdayDesign reacted to zmm0005 in bypass redirect notice for jotform?   
    On my site, I have a link to a form via jotform due to it being hipaa compliant and squarespace forms are not. Is there any way to avoid the "redirect notice: this page is sending you to jotform, to return click this link?" it doesnt flow well and i dont want my customers getting a spam vibe from it. any help would be great, thank you!
  21. Like
    NoahSnowdayDesign reacted to eisanjam in Add subtitle for my portfolio projects!   
    Hello! I am hoping that somebody can help me out with this as I've searched YouTube and tried to do it myself with no success.
    What I'm trying to do is add a line of text (subtitle) underneath the Title of my Projects.

    So for example my first project is NEXT underneath that I would like to write a sentence that basically explains what the person will see once they open that project. I would like the subtitle text to be the font/size of my Paragraph 1 text (the same as the text underneath my name). I would like to be able to do this for all my projects (there are 4 total).
    I am using a template but I do not remember which one unfortunately. 

    I would really really appreciate it if somebody could provide me with an answer to this! Please let me know what additional information I need to provide to get an answer to this. Thank you in advance!

  22. Like
    NoahSnowdayDesign reacted to Inscape in Repeating events on calendar   
    I checked out your app and it looks fantastic. But even your cheapest plan is quite expensive... more expensive than Squarespace's Business Plan. So the calendar would cost my clients more than their whole website. I work with small businesses and nonprofits (such as churches and schools) who are not making money off their events. I want to suggest that your app develop a "non-ticketing" plan that is actually affordable for those who are not selling tickets... comparable to Loxi.io which is $8/month. Thanks for sharing!
  23. Love
    NoahSnowdayDesign reacted to LaunchTheDamnThing in Questions Re: Squarekicker Use as a Designer   
    The co-owners Nick & Hannah are wonderful! I've had many interactions with them through email & social media and their recent webinar was awesome, giving us a chance to give them real-time feedback & ask questions live. The SK team is always extremely receptive to feedback and always happy to help if I have a question, any time.
    As a long-time user myself (I've used it for over a year now, having signed up to try the Beta version when they first launched last fall & just renewed my plan this month), I'll answer your questions with my own experience & opinions:
    Site handoff can still be easy, even if I used SquareKicker! While designing, I try to be conscious of whether I think the client will want to perform edits in SK after handoff or not, and then use that to decide which types of edits I make with SK so they don't cause confusion down the road, as the one downside is that there's not really a visible sign that a block has been edited by SK until you open the SK editor so it can be hard for clients to know whether to edit a style in Site Styles or SK. That said: My clients don't tend to be in industries that keep their site's content updated as often as I do, and so they don't tend to want to edit design stuff after handoff, just content; they also don't want the subscription or to learn an additional thing. I teach my client the how-tos of basic edits & content updates in Squarespace, then remove the site from the Active list in my SquareKicker account so it no longer counts toward my 10 Active sites. If the client needs an adjustment to something I've edited using SK, then I put it back in the Active list, make the changes & once the client is satisfied, I move it back to Inactive. Easy peasy. IF the client DOES want to use SK to edit themselves & take over the subscription, that's easy as well: simply email Nick & tell him specifically what Squarespace website url you need transferred & share the email the client used to signed up for their free trial of SK. Nick transfers the code/changes made with SK and the ownership of the plugin to the client's SK account FOR us; this removes it from my entire site list, gives client full access & they can choose what plan they want, while keeping the changes I made with it & the ability to make further changes themselves. If the client's subscription lapses, the design changes STAY, but further changes aren't allowed until the subscription is active again.
      SK's subscription cost for clients: Of course! I just explain that SK gives them more design power which will help their site be more unique, but it's an external plugin not native to Squarespace. If they want to use it themselves or have ownership of how it works, they can opt to pay for it longterm (annually) or month-by-month as needed, subscribing & cancelling the subscription when they need to use it & when they don't. It doesn't have to be an ongoing cost, which is nice! A happy side effect of keeping their site in my SK site list, is that I essentially take on the cost as I'm paying for the Designer Plan which allows 10 active sites regardless of what they decide, and I can keep their site in my Active or Inactive list as needed. Inactive sites don't count toward my Active 10, so I rarely reach the limit, but I do typically have 3-5 Active at any given time.
      On your last concern about not being a "real designer" if you use a tool like SquareKicker, that's just BS and/or imposter syndrome making you second guess yourself! I daresay anyone can say that about anyone, regardless of whether they used a tool like SK or not –just based on a judgment of skills & what was done in the design, alone. 😂 In fact, I recently had a client reach out who'd had their site designed IN Sqsp 2-3 years ago and I've NEVER seen a Sqsp site look so much like something that originated in the late 90s or early 00s. I honestly had no idea Sqsp sites could even look that dated & with a severe lack of design strategy, –and yes I definitely judged the designer a bit! Here's a few things that actually matter, regarding this argument though: 1) You are a designer if you did the work, the work is functional for the client, the finished product ultimately helped their business, you got paid to do it, and the client is happy. That's really all that matters. 2) Design & Development are 2 completely different things. I am a "web designer"  and I'm confident in that title; while I can write basic HTML and CSS, I would not call myself (& don't want to be) a "web developer" & that's okay with me! There is a place for both. 3) The nature of how the Sqsp platform works means that more extreme customizations HAVE to be coded in, because it's not included in the native features. Whether or not you write the code yourself points more toward whether or not you've ALSO got some development skills. 4) Anything that saves time is gold to people who work with clients 1:1, because our time is literally money, whether that means automations used in our CRMs or tools like SK –both save us time, but one wouldn't mock us for saving time writing emails or reminders to clients manually when we can automate that & save time. Same deal with using SK; it accomplishes the same task, but faster. 5) I think SK works for many levels of designers, who know coding basics, who can code sites from the ground up, or can't write code at all, which is pretty amazing. Those who would scoff at it or make fun of "us" for using it, etc likely aren't designing on Sqsp to begin with, so I wouldn't let this worry you. I've used it for over a year myself, and some of the changes I make with it, I could write myself but the fact that I don't have to is nice! 6) I'd argue that using SK to make custom changes can actually be smarter than writing the code ourselves if the client isn't on a site maintenance package with you, because if Sqsp changes the code on their backend and our custom code stops working because of that change, it's because the static code written won't update itself; the customization may break resulting in a panicked client request to fix it. BUT if we use SK for stuff like that, this is something they stay on top of for us, so as the code changes on Sqsp's end, SK will quickly update the way the plugin implements those design changes, which keeps things from breaking, and our clients from panicking that something looks wrong or doesn't work/display/whatever. 🙌🏻 7) I also do subcontract work for another Sqsp designer who also uses it for her clients as well, and when I build the sites for her (& also use SK during the build), I just handoff ownership of that site's SK plugin to her when the build is done and she chooses whether to keep the site in her plan or pass off to her client. So never doubt that "real" designers are using it in the wild! lol Hope that helps! 😄
  24. Love
    NoahSnowdayDesign reacted to Imanisb in Form Data - How to export to sheet   
    I found the solution on this page: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/206540677-Exporting-orders
    On step 3 of the order export, select a specific product, then check the option to "Include product form data." The exported file will show form responses for each order. The only downfall is you have to do one product at a time during the export.

    Hope this helps!
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