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Everything posted by Alexandherpixels

  1. Thank you for this detailed reply. I'm not sure I can code a solution, but I'll forward this on to our developer! I've also sent you a PM 🙂
  2. Sorry, I thought I already had it linked. https://www.smokintex.com/
  3. I'm not sure if this helps, but this is Tapfiliate's Squarespace integration code (referral link tracking only) that is injected into the order confirmation and order status page: <script src="https://script.tapfiliate.com/tapfiliate.js" type="text/javascript" async></script> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(t,a,p){t.TapfiliateObject=a;t[a]=t[a]||function(){ (t[a].q=t[a].q||[]).push(arguments)}})(window,'tap'); tap('create', '47272-f7587c', { integration: "squarespace" }); tap('conversion', '{orderId}', {orderSubtotal}, {'customer_id': '{customerEmailAddress}'}); </script> This is the latest version of code our developer tried, also injected into the order status and confirmation pages, but he was unable to get it working: <script src="https://script.tapfiliate.com/tapfiliate.js" type="text/javascript" async></script> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(t,a,p){t.TapfiliateObject=a;t[a]=t[a]||function(){ (t[a].q=t[a].q||[]).push(arguments)}})(window,'tap'); tap('create', '47272-f7587c', { integration: "squarespace" }); tap('conversion', '{orderId}', {orderSubtotal}, {'customer_id': '{customerEmailAddress}'}); (function () { document .querySelectorAll('[data-test="gift-and-promo-code-input"]') .forEach((inputField) => { inputField.addEventListener("input", function (ev) { tap("click", { code: ev.target.value }, (err, res) => { console.log({ error: err, result: res }); }); }); }); })(); </script>
  4. We integrated Tapfiliate with Squarespace Commerce. Regarding Autocode or Cloudfare, can you elaborate on what is needed from the 3rd party in order to make this work? I have a very very basic understanding of Javascript but since our developer is also stumped, I'm trying to do as much research/learning to aid this process as I can. I really appreciate your time! *editing to add: the only transaction data we need is the discount code used, and the order total. I had hoped this meant we would not need a secure API key as I understand that can be an issue with Squarespace, but please correct me if I am wrong.
  5. Hello! I have Tapfiliate integrated and working with our Squarespace website, however, we are only able to track conversions that come through a referral link. We require the ability to also track conversions when a discount code is used. Tapfiliate's support has advised us this is possible through the rest api and supplied their dev docs, "Create a Conversion": https://tapfiliate.com/docs/rest/#conversions-conversions-collection-post We have hired a front-end developer but he has been unable to resolve this issue. Any insight or help into this would be greatly appreciated, we have been working to resolve this since January.
  6. Thank you so much for that code! Is there a way to rework it so that the "add to cart" button for each product will show if that specific product is already in your cart? e.g. "Add to cart +1" or "update cart quantity" etc. once that product has already been added to the cart.
  7. This solution worked for me as of June 2023, BUT instead of: Data Sources > Add New Feed It is now: Data Sources > Data Feed (spreadsheet/file upload option) > then upload via URL (instead of a file) > paste SquareSpace URL This is where you use the SquareSpace provided URL mentioned in this solution, but the description says "spreadsheet or file" so it's easy to miss that you can also add a URL here.
  8. Here's some visuals. The disclaimer in the code block forces the section to have too many rows at the bottom. I have the block resized via CSS, but I'm not sure how to remove the additional rows from only the bottom of the footer.
  9. Thanks for your help! When I add the JavaScript into the footer via code injection, it appears below the footer as plain text. I preferred using the script in a code block so it would maintain the styling and alignment of the footer section theme, but I can't figure out how to resize the footer to reduce all the unused rows at the bottom of the footer due to the code block forcing additional grid rows.
  10. I put a code block in the footer that uses a javascript function to automatically update the year in my copyright line of text. The code works perfectly, and I used the following css to resize the code block to the same height as the other text fields on that row. /*footer copyright sizing*/ #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1674572709417_110386 { max-height:1rem } The row of text (that includes the code block) is intended to be at the very bottom of the page footer, but because the code block contains the javascript disclaimer about not being able to run while in edit mode, I cannot remove all the excess rows from the bottom of the footer. Beneath the row where I want my footer to end, there are 8 rows I cannot remove. I tried setting a max footer height via CSS, but it cuts off the footer content from the top, not the bottom. How can I fix this to reduce the excess empty space at the base of my footer from the code block? Thanks!
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