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  1. Hi, I've been creating a new home page, and I started noticing that I keep getting the "Page Unresponsive" pop-up in Chrome. I've even had chrome crash a few times. This happens when I am editing the website, but also when viewing the live website. The pop-up often comes up when I try to edit my CSS code in the PAGE HEADER CODE INJECTION section. I'm not an expert, I mainly just do simple CSS, but this is the first time that I'm getting this issue. I don't think I'm doing anything astronomical, just adding Squarespace blocks, and then changing the width of some index sections and changing the style of text and backgrounds. Things I already tried that did not help: I do use a plugin, however the issue persists even when I deleted the plugin code from that page, and I use that plugin on other pages and I've not had any issues. I tried removing the video from the banner. I tried removing all code from the page header code injection As I'm not an expert, I am not familiar with using Chrome's debugging tools. I noticed a bunch of errors, but I have no idea how to interpret them or if they are related. Could anyone here see any issues and possibly point out what the culprit might be? https://www.xcrafts.com/ Many thanks
  2. Ok great! Thanks a lot! Sorry for not replying sooner, but I only now received an email about your reply.
  3. Hi! As I mentioned, I want to hide this section -> Features: https://www.xcrafts.com/free-ejets#free-ejets-features Note that I know how to hide the section itself, but I need to hide it form the index navigation on the side of the screen.
  4. Hi, in Squarespace 7.0, we get the section indications on the side, showing us on which section of the index we currently are (is there an official name for this element? I'll call it side index navigation) Generic example: I have 10 sections that are only for mobile, and 10 only for Desktop. However, the side index navigation always shows all sections, so no matter if I'm on mobile or Desktop, I will always get all of them which will be confusing for the customer. Why are they seeing 20 lines on the side index navigation, when there are only 10 sections on the page? Is there a way to hide certain section indicators from the side index navigation when we're on desktop and vice versa? Here's a specific example: https://www.xcrafts.com/free-ejets On mobile, if I hide the Features section: https://www.xcrafts.com/free-ejets#free-ejets-features I will also want to hide the Features section on the side index navigation: How can I do that?
  5. Hi, I'm trying to change the height of some of the index sections on mobile in Squarespace 7.0. I'm still very enw to CSS but I'm ahving a blast so far! So excuse me if my questions are trivial. I want to add the CSS in the header of the INDEX Sexction, or even better inject it in the page header of each specific page section instead of the whole index section. I do not wan to add this to Design > Custom CSS. For now, the only way I was able to do this was if I add this code into the header of the INDEX header: section#main-image-mobile, section#large-image-cabin { min-height: 0 !important; } However, I have multiple sections that I would like to apply this to. QUESTION 1: How can I add multiple section IDs at the same time to be affected by some CSS? I know that if I want to apply some code to multiple blocks, I just put a comma between the block IDs and I can add as many as I want. But adding a comma between the section IDs does not work, section#main-image-mobile, section#large-image-cabin { min-height: 0 !important; } so instead I am having to copy the whole code for each section like this. section#main-image-mobile { min-height: 0 !important; } section#large-image-cabin { min-height: 0 !important; } QUESTION2: When I try adding the same code into the actual section called #main-image-mobile (not the index), this doesn't affect anything. Could anyone please explain why? I tried adding: section#main-image-mobile { min-height: 0 !important; } or without the "section" #main-image-mobile { min-height: 0 !important; } QUESTION 3: When do I have to add "section" before the section ID? Always or not? Because it seems that when I add it in Design > Custom CSS, I don't have to add it, but if I add it to the header of said page, it won't work unless I add the "section" prefix. Could someone pleae explain why that is so? Thank you very much. The page is for mobile and you can find it here xcrafts.com
  6. If anyone finds this, here is a solution: https://www.loom.com/share/95d57cb5fd754139add451004c2432d8 Basically, to add Index pages to folders in the navigation menu in Squarespace 7.0, just add LINKS to the FOLDER that will link to the index pages.
  7. Site URL: https://www.xcrafts.com/ Hi, I would like to redirect from a page that is in the PRIMARY NAVIGATION page, inside a folder, directly onto another INDEX page. What I'm trying to do is get around the fact that you cannot put INDEX pages into FOLDERS, so that they appear in drop-down menus in the navigation menu in Squarespace 7.0. So I thought of creating a FOLDER with empty pages, that will only be used for the menu and that if clicked on would immediately redirect straight from the PRIMARY NAVIGATION menu page to the INDEX PAGE. Kind of like this: PRIMARY NAVIGATION will include: PRODUCTS (folder) - Clicking on this will show a drop-down menu with these 3 dummy pages with URLs: xcrafts.com/product-1-redirect xcrafts.com/product-2-redirect xcrafts.com/product-3-redirect If one clicks on them from the drop down menu, it will take them directly to one of the NOT LINKED "INDEX pages": xcrafts.com/product-1 xcrafts.com/product-2 xcrafts.com/product-3 This way I could have a link from a folder, directly onto the index pages. I have tried this: as well as this: https://relativist.space/articles/managing-live-squarespace-website-url-mappings-custom-redirects but the redirects of active pages only work if the pages that I want to redirect from are not in the PRIMARY NAVIGATION menu. How could I do it so that the redirect works also if the pages I am redirecting from are in the PRIMARY NAVIGATION? Thanks and Merry Christmas!
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