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Everything posted by prettypositivejksnmedia

  1. Yes, please, but the 'site' folders for both to still be on the line *below* the site title logo and social /cart etc 🙂
  2. @tuanphan Could you assist me with similar please. website is pretty-positive.co.uk (password if viewing before public again is 'levelup222') I would like pretty positive site folder to stay on the left, and jksnmedia to move to the right. PP where it is, but the space between to make jksnmedia more under the social icons, probably so that the words end at the same lineup as the last instagram logo. Is there also a way to make the pretty positive folder heading bold so it directs people there more? Thank youuuuuuuuuu !!
  3. Thank You. If I'm honest, this is way beyond me 🤭 I only started coding things back in May, and mainly aesthetics. Regarding the URL remapping, I don't think I'll need to do that as my website that I'm discontinuing only had 1505 visits since July 2021, but the site it's going onto has had 2202 visits (1.3k in analytics though) since July 2022. What I've done is taken the website domain off the site so the domain jksnmedia.com now redirects to pretty-positive.co.uk/jksn-media. I just didn't see the point in paying for 2 websites when one isn't getting traffic, and then potentially having 2 stores - costing even more. As one is product based and the other is more regarding artwork, i felt they could sort of work together, even though they also totally don't 👀 For the time being, could you please assist me with code to make the two heading folders further apart from one another so it looks less shoved on 🤭 Thanks for all your help, always 🙌🏻
  4. Thank you, but it says I don't have permission to see the content 😞
  5. Hi @tuanphan My site is pretty-positive.co.uk is it possible to code my header (which are 2 folders), to be with a large gap between - ideally central underneath my social media buttons. Sorry to be so awkward, basicallyi'm putting 2 businesses onto the same site to cut costs, but want them to feel fairly separate. Thank you for any help you can provide.
  6. Doesn't appear to alter anything, but wasn't a necessity, so no worries. Thank You anyway 🙂
  7. Thank You, this worked for the active link, but the font sze on mobile view is still incorrect. (see image)
  8. so this is my duplicate website (some things different), but added into the 'store' folder so you can see- hopefully it works! https://butterfly-cube-z252.squarespace.com (password: october) [lowercase] firstly, on mobile the actual options in the folder are huge in font size, secondly, how would i get the 'active navigation link hover' underline thingy, on this sub menu also. thank you so much
  9. i have 'basic grid blog' and i assume that's why, as the code is for list?
  10. This doesn't appear to work for me. Tried two other codes from another thread too... my site page is www.pretty-positive.co.uk/blog
  11. Thank you so much! @tuanphan Can I also ask.. I have created a folder for my main navigation and titled it 'store'. I have then added my store categories to the main navigation to put them into the folder - so people can filter down what part they'd like to view. BUT on mobile when they click in to view the cateogories, the font is HUGE. What code would target this type of sub-folder menu? (currently not visible on my website and obviously not working) Thank you!
  12. @tuanphan hey, I used the code to align my header left, what code could i use to move the social icon to the right with the cart, please? Also, the cart has some issue where I used CSS and it has a separate 'bubble' around the cart, and the cart quantity, instead of one around both (and their hover command words independently too) Not sure which is my code as i have loads, but i think it's somewhere here: .header-actions-action--cart .icon {stroke: #fccfe8!important; background-color: #ff69b4; border-radius: 100px; padding-left: 1.5px!important; padding-right: 1.5px; padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px} .header-actions-action--cart .icon:hover {background-color: #fccfe8!important; stroke: black!important} .header-actions-action--cart .icon-cart-quantity:hover {color: black!important} .header-actions-action--cart .icon-cart-quantity {color: #fbb7dd!important;} website is: www.pretty-positive.co.uk
  13. Thank you! Really cool to change the numbers colour to stand out! I also found this code to target all font on the page: /* Cart page custom font */ div#sqs-cart-container * {font-family: calibri}
  14. @tuanphan i seem to have solved it myself somehow? it now just shows the images underneath with no scroll bars https://www.pretty-positive.co.uk/shop/p/self-care-isnt-selfish
  15. @creedon I've also used your code for the subtotal font -thanks! How would you target the font for the prices in the cart (per item and subtotal) please?
  16. Hi @tuanphan I can see that the code you've provided for the original query targets additional images which is what I too am after, but what do I add to the code instead of 'display: none', to make the sidebar of additional images larger, as it currently shows half of them with a scroll bar and makes my site look tacky. I've tried adding (width: 100%) coding in, but it isn't altering anything even when adding !important. So any width code i can mess with would be great thank you!
  17. I would love to know the answer to this too, as I have a similar thing where it's saying in facebook that there's missing info as you stated.. So weird
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