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    Hi - is there a way to do this now? Thanks
  2. Hey! We still need help on the below: 1. to make the menu items on the blog page in white text. 2. for the individual blog pages the header is still transparent - can this be the same colour as the individual product pages / the blog page too? Thanks so much,
  3. Thank you - Please can the menu items and the facebook / instagram etc all be in white too - like the other pages? Also it still doesn't quite work when you click on the blog article - the header bar disappears and only appears when you scroll down. How can we change so it's like this page: https://www.soulfruit.co.uk/shop-dried-dragon-fruit/p/dragon-fruit-chips-1 Thank you!
  4. Site URL: https://www.soulfruit.co.uk/blog Can anyone help with my blog page? 1. The title of each blog post to be the same font as my custom font - lazy dog. 2. The header of the blog page to be the same colour as the individual product pages (currently it's transparent and you can't see the logo. Thank you so much,
  5. I've changed all the banner images now. For the homepage - it still seems to no be full width (because of the small promotional banner at the top. Can the homepage image start from under the promotional banner? Thanks so much
  6. But that screenshot you took is exactly what we are trying to do for the mobile image size! I've just changed the banner image for the shop page. And going to change the rest today. If you were able to change the coding for each page to make the banner the same as the shop page that would be amazing. Thank you so much!
  7. We will be uploading new images today - and not having any text on the headers any more. Thank you so much for your help!
  8. yes please - thank you so much! our website is www.soulfruit.co.uk
  9. yes - for every banner on each page, so that it looks the same on mobile view. Thank you so much!
  10. Yes this is better - but now there is a little bit too much space - so sorry! Ideally the Soul Fruit Logo would be in the top third of the image - for all of the banners / pages . Is this possible? Thank you so so much!
  11. The code worked for the homepage - can you help me with all the other pages. If we could keep the image height too / so that the logo doesn't overlap with the image? Thank you so much!
  12. Will this code keep the same size of all banners for each page when coverting mobile view? We will be changing all banner images so that the text is already in the image. We want the logo on the mobile view to stay at the top centre of the image and not be placed over the image so you can't see it. I've attached an example of a banner we are going to upload. Thanks so much!
  13. Hi! Yes! Although ideally a little more space at the top for the logo? Thank you so muhc
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