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  1. I have a site with a gallery of white logos — but when adding in the logos or trying to switch the order, because they are white, it's hard to be able to control them in the Squarespace page editor. Does anyone know if it's possible to make this page editor pop-up have a different background color? See screenshot!
  2. I have a few clients at the moment who are seeing indexing errors using Google Search Console — mostly the errors "Duplicate, Google chose different canonical than user" and "Page with redirect". After some researching, it looks like some of these errors are to be expected, and not actually affecting the SEO of the site. However, clients get multiple emails per page from Google Search Console that alert them to these errors (with subject lines like "New reasons prevent pages in a sitemap from being indexed") and freak out that their site is not set up properly for SEO. Is there any way to remove these errors in GSC? I've tried explaining to clients that these are more informational errors and their site is still available properly in Google Search, but I would love to be able to not encounter these errors at all to avoid this confusion.
  3. Thanks @tuanphan! I figured out it was because of a psuedo element I had, when I contained that width, it fixed the error!
  4. Hi! I've added this code, but I'm still seeing a lot of overflow on mobile specifically. Here's the site: https://www.drjessicabstern.com/ And attaching a screenshot of the overflow I get on mobile!
  5. Hello! I've tried using this code below to remove the horizontal scroll on mobile and for some reason it's no longer working in the site. I've also tried "overflow-x: clip !important;" and that also doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated! Site: https://drjessicastern.squarespace.com/ pass: testing html, body { overflow-x:hidden; }
  6. Squarespace support was able to help! I think it was an issue with the connection from Bluehost
  7. Hello! I'm having an issue with a domain that I recently connected to Squarespace. The domain was connected from Bluehost about a week ago, and was working fine until now several people have reported getting either a "Too Many Redirects" error, or even getting the old Wordpress site instead of the new site. Has anyone experienced this issue before and know of a solution? Website URL: https://miriamkirmayer.com/
  8. Hello! I'm having trouble with a client site — the gallery block I added at the bottom of the page in the footer has started disappearing on some pages and appearing on others and I can't figure out why — wondering if some custom code I added has inadvertently affected ti? Any help would be appreciated!! https://sarahdubow.squarespace.com/ pass: demo
  9. Hello! Working in the course platform in Squarespace, and I would love to have the course navigation on each lesson always visible, rather than only visible by clicking an icon — is this possible with some code?
  10. I'm having trouble with image focal points all of the sudden – when I try to move the focal point of the image in the backend, the image preview disappears from the editor — has anyone run into this before?
  11. I just chatted with squarespace support and they said they're aware of the issue but don't have a timeline for when it will be resolved
  12. I'm seeing this too on a client site - all the sudden padding is everywhere??
  13. I would love a way to be able to change this text as well! It does not appear to be editable at the moment
  14. @tuanphan - that worked! You're a genius, thank you!
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