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  1. Thank you @wayneand @tuanphanfor a quick response. I tried Tuanphan's solution and it worked. Perfect. thanks.
  2. Site URL: https://www.orbetron.com/ezi-dock I have sections with 4 items and once in awhile we have a section with only 1 or 2 and the client wants me to center those items. Can this be done? In this example the AS25 under "Screw Feeders..." they want centered. Thank you, Scott
  3. @creedon thank you! It worked. The client decided to keep it below the menu items. I appreciate your help and I also messaged you. Thanks!
  4. I did this code solution and it works. I have used it on two different sites. So far so good, and no conflicts. @lindz5223 I see you didn't use the code due to conflicts. Can you share more info? My question. with the code @creedon created. How do I place the "Register" text to the left of the shopping car icon? Or at least on the same line as the menu. It puts it below the centered menu. Thank you! https://www.providencepilatescenter.com/ Best, Scott
  5. Thanks @tuanphan. That top image has been a challenge for me and the client really wants it. It will be a Business plan. I'd love to know how to add the top banner with the logo and phone number being clickable. But would I lose the texture they want behind it? Thank you!
  6. Great! This works. Thank you. Shrinking the header is awesome. Can you share? Thank you!
  7. Site URL: https://aargo-environmental-tools.squarespace.com/ On the home page I created a simple list. Then turned on the Card style. Is there a way to set these "cards" to be the same size? The column size is good. The vertical changes based on the amount of text and I'd like to set it to a card with the larger size, so less text will result in the same card size with some space between the text and the button. See screen grab. Site password is - thrive Thank you, Scott
  8. Never mind. I didn't go into incognito and log in that way.. It worked. Thanks! I share that in case someone has the same issue.
  9. Exactly what my client wants. I added this code and the image seems to appear above as the page is loading, and then is moved behind the header. Any insight? Here is a screen grab.
  10. Hi @tuanphan - thank you. My apologies for my delayed response. For the most part your code really helps. Thank you very much! Every once in awhile (depending on screen size) it gets a little funky. Typically the "Learn More" button is a little higher. while the other buttons are in line (a .jpg file i embedded). I have attached two .png. The good one is a 16" Macbook screen and then I get the same results if I make the browser a bit smaller. The second one is a larger screen in a vertical format. Which I'm sure most people do not view the site. Client is happy. If you do see a tweak, I'm happy to add it and see what happens. thanks again!
  11. I made some changes to this client's home page and now the buttons are not aligned. The "buy now" buttons are from a script and the "learn more" is created with Squarespace's button. Attached are two versions from different screens. Any insights? Here is the injected code thanks to @RyanDejaegher help. I'm thinking last year the buttons were SS generated buttons and not from a script. Website - https://www.providencepoweryoga.com/ <style> .sqs-col-3 {border: 2px solid ##F7F5F4;width:22%!important; height:690px; margin-left:3%;box-shadow: 5px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.4)} .sqs-col-3:hover .sqs-block-button-element {background-color: ##F7F5F4!important} @media only screen and (max-width:768px){ .sqs-col-3 {margin-left:0%!important; margin-bottom: 5%} } @media(min-width: 768px) { #page-section-5ee26c737f2406082d597b29 .sqs-col-3 { display: flex !important; flex-direction: column; padding-bottom:20px } #page-section-5ee26c737f2406082d597b29 .sqs-col-3 .sqs-block.button-block.sqs-block-button { margin-top: auto !important; } } </style>
  12. @RyanDejaegher - PERFECT! Thank you very much!!!! Best, Scott
  13. Site URL: https://providencepoweryoga.squarespace.com I have created four columns, and each column contains an image, text block, and a button. Also, I had a border and drop shadow created for each column. How do I make all the buttons show up at the bottom of the box? https://providencepoweryoga.squarespace.com Password - power See screengrab. Here is the code I injected into that page for the border/drop shadow/hover. <style> .sqs-col-3 {border: 2px solid ##F7F5F4;width:22%!important; height:690px; margin-left:2%;box-shadow: 5px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.4)} .sqs-col-3:hover .sqs-block-button-element {background-color: ##F7F5F4!important} @media only screen and (max-width:768px){ .sqs-col-3 {margin-left:0%!important; margin-bottom: 5%} } </style> Thank you! Scott
  14. Your code looks very similar to mine and it's working. Hopefully yours is now working.
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