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Posts posted by melody495

  1. Hi @EventPlanner, unfortunately as you've read, Google doesn't disclose information on search terms that have been categorised under "Other". There is no way to get more information than what Google has decided to show you. It is annoying! But the good thing is that everyone has that same issue, so you are not disadvantaged in comparison in that regard.

    It depends on how your website is set up and what your strategy for driving traffic to your website is, I suggest getting yourself Google Search Console for SEO, and Google Analytics on how users are engaging with your website. 

    If you haven't already, ideally you would have done SEO research to create content for your website, then monitor performance. That way you already know what your audience is likely to be searching for, and you're not left guessing.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!

  2. On 2/28/2024 at 10:51 AM, Gouzy said:

    I would like a code for introduce "Read more" button on my pages Squarespace web site.

    Depending on what content you are looking to load, you could try this plugin.

    This works on Summary Blocks, it allows you to have a "load more" button. 


    See if this does what you are looking for? In terms of customising the button, it'll have to be done with code. 

  3. 21 hours ago, collgrimes said:

    I updated it so that this only happens on desktop not mobile which is definitely better. Would like to figure out a solution for blog posts as the header completely disappears there making it hard to navigate back to the home page.

    I see what you've done. Hmm, I don't think this approach would work universally across all of your web pages. You would want to insert a common div rather than move a div within each page.

    I came across this, this sounds like it would do what you are looking for?


  4. @Bexxx welcome! Please can you share your page URL, unfortunately even if you've shared it in your post, that is not shown to the forum for some reason.

    Re removing underline, it will depend on which underlines.

    But most should be able to be removed with the below CSS. Add this to your Website > Website Tools > Custom CSS. This will be applied to all text link that has text-decoration set.

    a {
      text-decoration: none!important;

    Let me know how it goes.

  5. 15 hours ago, KaysiDK said:

    This is the screen shot - as you can see the red arrow is pointing to the extra site title wording but this is not reflected in the wording used below it without any variables! 

    Can you share a screenshot of your overall SEO settings? Where you tried to delete the %s under Pages. The screenshot you've shared is for one specific page only, not site wide, which is where that extra title is coming from.

  6. On 3/6/2024 at 6:48 PM, Roselion said:

    Thank you! Do you know how to fix these issues, as well?

    You're welcome!

    Have you tried playing around with the blog layout to see what works best for you? Masonry grid is a style that places elements in available vertical spacing. If you want each row to line up, you can try the basic grid.

  7. The password to your website is incorrect.

    Instead of code, you can add a line block, if you drag this to span the width of your grid, this will then resize dynamically to your site margins.

    To hide that block on your homepage, you can add this to your Custom CSS

    .homepage #block_id {
      display: none;


  8. On 2/27/2024 at 6:02 PM, Newbie135 said:

    Within a section, I moved blocks of texts up and down to reorganize.  I did the editing within the Desktop View.  However, the Mobile View won't update.  Any idea why?  Using website template 7.1.  Thank you.  

    For mobile view, you will need to do the same as you have done for desktop. 

    Top right corner of edit, click on the Mobile View icon, and Edit. You can drag and drop, much like you did for desktop, or click on a block and click the up/down arrow to move them.

    Let me know how it goes.


  9. 7 hours ago, stef-thys said:

    Thank you so much for your respond.
    As you said, I've submitted the sitemap in Google Search Console. I guess I'll just wait for now. It's frustrating that it's not visible immediately 🙂

    "Not appearing on Google", it depends on what you mean by this! What did you search on Google?

    Did you try the site search? This will confirm if Google knows about your site or not. This might not be the same as your site "appearing on Google" though. Being in Google's index and for Google to show it are different things. 

    In terms of being indexed, unfortunately no one can control how long Google takes to index a website, if you've done everything and no errors, the only thing is to wait. 

  10. 35 minutes ago, IDS said:

    And this is the code which I believe made the brush strokes of the header happen:

    /*header brush effect and gradient overlay */
      #brush {
        display: inline-block !important; 

    Hi, between 7.0 and 7.1, the html has likely changed. There is no #brush class in Squarespace, so this must have been a custom code, added using Javscript. Is there code in your Code Injection that adds the class "brush"?


  11. On 11/22/2023 at 1:37 PM, NadjaK said:

    I've published my SS website (domain: www.aperture-pix.com) a few weeks ago. ...the website is not coming up on google searches (using firefox and brave browser), even when I put in my company name: aperturePIX.

    Hi @NadjaK it can take Google quite some time (up to a few weeks) to index a new website. If you've connected to Google Search Console and there are no errors, then patience is key.

    I just did this check on Google

    site: www.aperture-pix.com

    and can see that your website is in Google's index, so it is searchable on Google. That is good!

    I have noticed that your business name contains words that are very specific but also highly searched keywords for photography; "aperture" and "pix".

    This unfortunately means that you are competing with a lot of photography content on the internet. 

    SEO experts might be able to help more on this front. But I would suggest focusing your SEO effort on keywords that your potential audience would search to find your content, rather than your business name alone.

    Hope this helps. 

  12. Hi,

    Type this into Google


    Does your website show up?

    If yes, then your website is indexed by Google. The issue of not seeing your website in Google is to do with SEO.

    If not, then I would wait, as 72 hours is not that long, could take weeks for a new website. Submitting your sitemap in Google Search Console can help speed things up.


  13. 16 hours ago, NickStern said:

    However when I resize my browser window the button moved relative to the text and sometimes ends up overlapping some text. 

    This sounds like your text block and image block are overlapping. Double check that the blue outline (visible when dragging blocks around) of the text block and button block are not overlapping each other.

    16 hours ago, NickStern said:

    I'm creating a page of text and at various points at the end of paragraphs I want a button that directs the view elsewhere.

    When you say "at the end of paragraphs", is this one continuous text block where you've placed buttons on top of?

    I would suggest splitting the text block up. So you have a text block with a button placed below, another text block with a button placed below etc. This way they won't overlap each other, and should respond nicely to different screen sizes.

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