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Posts posted by melody495

  1. 2 hours ago, catemiz said:

    I've uploaded custom font for h1-4 and p1-4 and it's not working.

    Hi @catemiz

    1) Not sure if this is the full code you've declared, but you have only applied the custom font to h1. So need to do the same for h2, h3, h4.

    2) The font-family needs to be the same as when you load your font file for it to be recognised. Change your code to the below

    h1, h2, h3, h4 {font-family: 'ArticulatCF';}

    Let me know how it goes.

  2. 47 minutes ago, Manu67 said:

    Hi Melody 

    Thanks for your answer.

    Seems that everything is in H3 here; that's probably what I see on my screen when going on https://digitalsace.fr/blog, BUT the title stil have H1 balise in the code

    I see why it could be misleading! If you look at the <a> tag, which is where your text is, that text is using H3. (see the red circle in the screen shot on the far right).

    You can test this by changing the font style in Site Styles between H1 or miscellaneous and H3 to see the changes being applied.


  3. 1 hour ago, oneoakstudios said:

    Outfit font doesn't appear in Squarespace font selection. Could this be a reason? 
    I wanted to use this font on our site but it's unavailable.

    If you have the font file, then you can use a font that isn't supplied by Squarespace.

    Here is a step-by-step guide that you might find useful https://www.melodylee.tech/squarespace-tutorials/custom-font-in-squarespace


  4. 19 hours ago, blckswmp said:

    Hey Im little late but I have same issue in One note. The fonts worked last night well and now when i select the font its name section just stays blank? Pretty wierd, anyone have found answer to this? Im having same problem but without code...

    Hi @blckswmp if you haven't used any code, then it doesn't sound like it is an issue with custom font, but rather with Squarespace's font.

    Can you provide more details of the issue you are having (e.g. screenshots)? Or if the issue is with the platform, you can contact Squarespace's Support

  5. Hi @Kathy155 I would suggest checking all the places for any custom code that might be causing this; Custom CSS, Code Injection (site wide and on the page itself), and Code Blocks on the page.

    If you can't find the offending custom code, please share you site URL and page to see if the community here can help. If you have already shared your URL in the post, it is not shown on the forum publicly unfortunately!

  6. On 3/28/2024 at 6:23 PM, heatherjacksonio said:

    Ok, I've placed each anchor link with the corresponding heading I'd like it to scroll to. 

    Good news - they are behaving as expected! 

    The issue is that you have a fixed header, so when it is scrolling to the anchor link, the placement of the anchor link is at the top of the screen, which is behind the header. That's why it works when you position the anchor link a distance above your title in desktop.

    You have two options:

    1) place the anchor links for mobile a bit higher than the title, similar to what you've done for your desktop version


    2) use this code so that the ancho links scroll to position plus margin from the top, adjust the number to suit your fixed header height. If you do this, you'll have to re-position the anchor links on desktop view, so that they are directly where your titles are.

    html {
        scroll-padding-top: 8vw!important;

    Hope this helps.

  7. 26 minutes ago, kellsung15 said:

    @font-face {

        font-family: 'Mona Sans';

           src: url('FontURLhttps://static1.squarespace.com/static/654be898a0e99642a3023894/t/65551e86203db543e89a0be9/1700077190867/Mona-Sans-Medium.otf');


    h1 {font-family: 'Mona Sans' !important;}
    h2 {font-family: 'Mona Sans' !important;}
    h3 {font-family: 'Mona Sans' !important;}
    h4 {font-family: 'Mona Sans' !important;}
    p {font-family: 'Mona Sans' !important;}

    Hi @kellsung15 you're almost there! There is some extra text in your URL line. Remove "FontURL", leaving only from "https://...", then it should work. Let me know how it goes.


  8. On 3/31/2024 at 2:55 AM, allthethingsbyautumn said:

    I would ideally love the text box to start way further left so there is less dead space on the left which is also the solution you're suggesting,.. that the text box goes wider. 

    Hi @allthethingsbyautumn I actually would suggest extending your textbox to the right! Sorry for not being descriptive in my previous response. This way you don't affect your design, whilst allowing a more suitable responsive design for different screen sizes.

    On 3/31/2024 at 2:55 AM, allthethingsbyautumn said:

    However, I can't drag the text box over any more as I can't figure out how to make the grid expand further left. Is there a solution for that?

    You could actually move the textbox to right up against the edge of the screen, but that is probably not what you are looking for.

    The space left and right of the grid space is determined by the margin of your website. This margin is normally scaled with the screen size. May I ask what screen size your screenshot was taken from?

    You have the option to adjust the margin of your site, so that there is less/more space on the left and right side of the grid. You can adjust it here, this effect is site-wide. Site Styles -> Spacing -> Site Margin

    It looks like your current site margin is 4vw.



  9. On 3/29/2024 at 3:33 PM, reshoot said:

    I tried to use this for other shapes by changing "circle" to the name of the other shapes, like "tv" for example, but it makes the tv shape into a circle when it adds the border. Any idea why that might be?

    Hi there! A circle can be defined by a radius, but other shapes are more complex.

    For other shapes, I would suggest creating a shape block, in the same shape as your image. Then place it behind the image. You can adjust the thickness of the outline of the shape block to match the appearance you are looking for.

    Let me know how it goes!

  10. On 3/27/2024 at 5:37 PM, allthethingsbyautumn said:

    Dependent on the width of the browser being used, the text goes over the photo in a way that is hard to read

    Hi @allthethingsbyautumn this is happening because your text box is too narrow. When there isn't enough room in the text box horizontally, the text wraps and moves onto the next line. 

    Try dragging your text box wider, so when the browser resizes, your text box width can remain wide enough for your text to fit in the box. 

    Let me know how it goes!

  11. Hi @smallbusinesslorijhern Sorry to hear that. As described by the Squaresapce support team, the issue is caused by adding third-party code. So there is nothing Squarespace can do.

    4 hours ago, smallbusinesslorijhern said:

    My assistant went to the website and tried to place an order, but encountered the same issue. After about 30 minutes of clicking around, the issue finally resolved itself and the website worked properly again. 

    Do you mean the issue is resolved? So there is no issue with your website currently?

  12. 23 hours ago, heatherjacksonio said:

    I do, in fact, want them to scroll to the headings, but no matter where I place the code blocks I can't seem to get it to adjust.

    Can you pretend it's all working as they should, and place the anchor links where you'd like them to scroll to in mobile mode? And I can check to see what's going on.

    At the moment they're placed at weird places, so it's more difficult to diagnose what the issue is.

    Let me know when you've done that!

  13. 8 minutes ago, kbradfield said:

    The text colour in the buttons on this page: https://www.reflections.photo/instagram are wrong.

    Hi @kbradfield the text colour is coming from the settings for Instagram. Try checking the code injection for that specific page (not site wide), you will likely find your custom code in there.


    Hopefully once you find that code, you can start to unpick what you don't want and your buttons will follow your site wide theme colour palette settings again.

    Let me know how it goes!

  14. 3 hours ago, heatherjacksonio said:

    On mobile, this doesn't seem to work all the time. The links still scroll, but no matter where I place the anchor link blocks, there doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to the exact position they scroll to. It's in the general area I want it but the spacing is not consistent.

    Hi @heatherjacksonio have you tried going into mobile edit mode to place the anchor links? They seem to be placed really far above their respective headings, which explains the behaviour you are seeing.

    For "hours" and "entrances", the distance from the code block to the heading are placed at different distances.

    Hope this helps!



  15. 14 hours ago, kpaquette1999 said:

    @paul2009 @melody495 Can either of you confirm that the steps will work and I will be able to collect and connect the Ads.txt? IT IS 2024 - if  Square Space can't build this to help their customer then I will leave and does anyone have a GOOGLE friend. I am so frustrated and in shock about SQ SP. 

    Hi @kpaquette1999 did you try out Creedon's steps above?

    I can confirm that I did them and it worked for me. I have also seen other Squarespace websites that have AdSense running. 

    I cannot confirm if this is THE solution, as there may the other reasons, but I found this method worked for me. Let me know how it goes. 

  16. On 3/12/2024 at 3:16 AM, smiler4ever said:

    Thank you for sharing this video! I have tried these steps but I am still not able to change the aspect ratio. I feel like the block id I found for the video is not correct but I am not sure how to look for another one. I used the Squarespace ID Finder plug in to locate the block ID.

    Hi, @smiler4ever did the code work without the block ID?

    I can't access your video source, but if your video is landscape then this won't work. You will have to crop the video using a video editor to portrait before uploading to Squarespace. Then follow the video.

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