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Posts posted by melody495

  1. 1 hour ago, jordancotton said:

    Does anyone know why my client's Custom CSS area is greyed out and will not let me make any changes? 

    Hi @jordancotton When you say greyed out, do you mean you 1)can't interact with the panel or that  2) you can type in it but that the code remains in a grey colour?

    If it is 2), then there seems to be an opening of a comment here. This will comment out i.e. grey out everything that is within the opening and closing of the pair. This opens a comment "/*", this closes the comment "*/". Look for "*/" further down, possibly at the very end? Delete "/*" and "*/" and you should have the CSS code working again.

    Let me know how it goes.


  2. On 5/12/2024 at 3:28 PM, SeniorsHomeZone said:

    On the upper bar where my pages are listed I would like to have the word Home to go back to my original page.  Please let me know how to do that.  Thank you

    Hi @SeniorsHomeZone To include Home as a navigation item, first locate your Home page under Pages, it should be under your Not Linked section. You can drag your home page from the Not Linked section to Main Navigation.

    Then the item Home should appear in your navigation.

    Let me know how it goes.



  3. On 5/23/2024 at 11:15 PM, AnaMariaCarrera said:

    How do I make changes to a duplicated and disabled page within 7.0? I did it and it affected the live website including logo, font style, and on? My client wants to approve the modifications before publishing them. I found out it tricky.

    You mentioned making changes to the logo and font style, these changes affect the site globally. The only way to test the changes in that case, I would suggest duplicate the site and test it out there for your client to approve the changes. Once approved, apply/make the changes on the live site.

    If the changes are page specific, then the method of duplicating the page would work.

  4. 14 minutes ago, dewilson said:

     All that I know (about my squarespace account/website), is that if you type:


    It will take you to nondomus.com

    You seem to have set up a redirect, so that the URL alphatechintellections.com will redirect to nondomus.com. This can be found in Settings -> Developer Tools -> URL Mappings. What do you see here?



    In terms of editing, you have 2 separate websites as you can see in your account dashboard.

    Can you try this?

    1) If you click through from the dashboard to ALPHA-TECH INTELLECTIONS, what do you see on the home page?

    2) If you click through from the dashboard to nondomus.com, what do you see on the home page?

    You should see that they are different websites.

    The behaviour you are seeing in a browser when you type in the URLs doesn't seem to be reflecting the backend of the websites. However, without seeing it for myself, or shown the issue in a video, it is difficult to say 100%. But from what you have provided, this seems to be the case!


    Let me know how it goes.



  5. 43 minutes ago, bumbplanet said:


      [data-section-id="645bf7c41993a9492acbdf64"] {
          display : none;



      [data-section-id="6570fb87e4fa933c10d5becd"] {
          display : none;

    Hi, these are section ids, so you are hiding an entire section depending on the screen size. Assuming you are trying to add a block to one of those sections, and the block "disappears" because it is inside one of the hidden sections.

    Without knowing how you want the new block to behave in regards to the hidden sections, my only suggestion is to add the new block to a new section, so this new section is unaffected by your code.

    Let me know how it goes.


  6. 12 hours ago, kimmydesign said:

    Hi there, the main section on the homepage is set to 'fill screen'. It works great on desktop but on mobile the button I have at the bottom is below the mobile browser menu. How do I move it up so you can see it when the page loads?

    Hi @kimmydesign It is difficult to say exactly without seeing your website. However, you can independently edit the mobile view, and move the button block up to be within the screen.

    Let me know how it goes.


  7. On 5/16/2024 at 5:04 PM, dewilson said:

     Squarespace Customer Care finally reached out to me ... but their solutions are extremely technical 😞

    What did support say? What solution did they give you? If you let is know, we can try and help. 

    I duplicate sites a lot, I have never seen this issue. It is hard to advice without knowing more detail of what you are doing and what issues you are seeing. 

  8. On 5/16/2024 at 6:08 AM, Anlij said:

    Same here - it's only on one page, and I'd love to know if anyone has found a solution. I'm using a PNG so size is not an issue. In editor the image looks fine. Once saved it distorts

    Hi @Anlij can you share your page URL where you're seeing the issue?

  9. On 5/11/2024 at 5:40 PM, WallerInc said:

    I updated the custom code to reflect it should use Asbigan for h1, h2, h3 and it did, sort of.  The site definitely is using the Asbigan font for headers (shown in blue below) but is NOT showing the ligature of the connected letters, so odd. 

    Hi @WallerInc This seems to be because your letter spacing is not zero. Try adding this line to your Custom CSS, see below. Let me know how it goes.

    h1, h2, h3 {
        font-family: 'Asbigan';
        letter-spacing: 0;


  10. 1 hour ago, kickmouth said:

    looking for is a way to change the H1 tags to H2 tags for SEO purposes - I assume this cannot be achieved by adjusting the site styles method you suggested.

    Hi @kickmouth Having multiple H1 tags on a page doesn't affect SEO (if done correctly), here is a short video explanation from Google. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsgrSxCmMbM 

    I have linked a forum post with the same question as you, please head over there for Henry's answer or to discuss more on the topic.

    Hope this helps.


  11. 17 hours ago, MagnusHenry said:

    However the "Work" page that also serves as the main page is limiting in the way the template presents my cases. I can't add any blocks inside the work section, I also want to divide my projects so that they're clearly separated depending on what topic they cover. In this case I want to make a distinction between my UX Work and my Visual/Branding work. Is it possible to edit this part of the template through code injection?  

    Hi @MagnusHenry Currently it seems like you are using the portfolio home page as your Work and Home page. You would like to have the ability to display different groups from your work portfolio on the same page, is that correct? 

    You can make use of Summary Block. This allows you to pull in from any collection pages including blog and portfolio, and display the content. A Summary Block can be customised with a filter by category, how many to display etc. You can have one Summary Block for each groups of work.

    You would create a new page, and add Summary Blocks. This gives you more flexibility in designing the page.

    But first you would need to organise your portfolio. You can either add category labels or split your work into different portfolio collections. A portfolio can have up to 60 sub-pages, this could be a consideration.

  12. 3 hours ago, Oukside said:

    Oooh what a clever solution! Thanks! 🤩 

    You are welcome 🙂

    3 hours ago, Oukside said:

    Since that page is inside a "Portfolio" type of page, and there SQS allows to inject code only to the whole thing (overview page + specific pages), I added the selector .sqs-position-sticky to better target ONLY that type of buttons.

    (I write this in case someone else wants to use this solution: maybe it is necessary to specify the element even better; in my case, the structure of the pages will be quite simple and that level of specificity in the CSS is sufficient.)

    If you want to be more specific, you can target the block id. There is a very useful browser extension called Squarespace ID Finder.

  13. Hi @Oukside I like what you've done with them!

    You can try extending the button block to align with the bottom of the text block, so that the bottom of both blocks are on the same row. So that when they reach the bottom of the section, they are moved up together at the same height. Hope this makes sense.

    If not already, change the button to "fit" under Design. Let me know how it goes.


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