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EventPlanner's Achievements

  1. We have a working existing website on Squarespace with a Form for visitors to enter their information if they want to book us or get a quote. We are interested in using Acuity to track the dates and other information in these website submittals. Is it possible to have the data that the visitor enters on the Form automatically copied into Acuity so that we can use the Calendar capability of Acuity? Thank you!
  2. I would really like to consolidate our invoicing into Squarespace, since SS works well for us so far and the integration might make our workflow much simpler. However, the Invoicing in SS that we have seen to date is far too rudimentary for our purposes. I understand that invoicing in SS is a relatively new feature, and arose in response to requests from site owners, and may not have reached full maturity yet. Any assistance will, again, be appreciated!!
  3. Up to now, I have used Quickbooks for formal invoicing for our services after we receive leads from our Squarespace website. I decided to try Squarespace invoicing. I set up half a dozen Products, all Services, with descriptions of various length, and some with prices, which I wish to have appear on the invoice. When I add a Line Item to an invoice, it appears that I have to manually enter the name of the service, rather than choosing from the list of my Products. The description of the Product whose name I enter does not appear, nor does the price. In almost any invoicing system with inventory/products, I would expect to be able to choose from a predefined list and have the related information (description, SKU, price, etc.) entered automatically. Am I missing a step or am I creating invoices in the wrong manner? Any assistance will be appreciated!
  4. On the Search Keywords page, the search terms resulting in the most clicks are variations on the name of our business. At the bottom of the list on the page, there is a line called "Other". The Help associated with this states that these are very rare queries and are not disclosed to protect the privacy of the searcher. The problem we are encountering is that about 50% of the presentations and 75% of the clicks appear on this line, so it is very important for our analysis of our overall performance. Now, we have a modest little event planning business - nothing exotic or likely to offend anyone. I would really like to know what kind of search terms that actually resulted in clicks to our website could be threatening to the privacy of the searcher if revealed to us, or to the public for that matter. I am also curious about the rarity of those search terms, since they resulted in most of the traffic to our website. Could these be clicks with no search words but with parameters, such as UTM or SQF, that fall under the Squarespace Direct Traffic Source and come from ads that we placed or that other websites have submitted? Any assistance will be appreciated!
  5. I apologize. I did not read your comments closely enough. You wrote that links opened in a new window are classified as Direct, and therefore would not show the referral website. I checked the ads on Nextdoor, and they do open in a new tab on the browser. I have added UTM parameters to the Submit button on our ad, and will check Squarespace Analytics to see whether that works for our purpose. Thank you.
  6. Thank you for your extensive and prompt reply, Derrick! On our Squarespace Analytics Traffic Sources page, we see only Direct, Social, Search, and Referral, no DIsplay Ads, no Paid, Paid Search, or Paid Social. The number of referrals from Nextdoor has increased to 4 total (instead of 2) in the last few days. You state that the Referral category is content that does not fit under other channels. I take this to mean that a Referral from a Paid ad on Nextdoor should appear under one of the Paid categories, and will be excluded from the Referral category. Did I get that right? If so, I still have a huge discrepancy, with Nextdoor claiming over 50 clicks and Squarespace showing only 2 (now updated to 4). And again, nothing under Display Ads or Paid categories. If we are getting referrals from paid advertising from Nextdoor, why does nothing show up under a paid category on Squarespace? Thanks once again!
  7. Hello. We have had a Squarespace website for a couple of years, and it has worked well for us. We review the Analytics regularly. In early February, we began a small ad campaign using Nextdoor. From their Analytics, we saw daily or nearly daily clicks on our ad to go to our website. In early March, Nextdoor showed that we had had just over 50 clicks on our ad during the campaign. When we checked Squarespace Analytics at the same time, we found 1 referral from nextdoor.com and 1 referral from ads.nextdoor.com, along with many other referrals. We contacted Nextdoor support to ask about the discrepancy. After some delay, we were told that: 1. A third-party like Squarespace cannot reliably report referral data. 2. To get accurate referral data, we should utilize UTM tracking parameters (presumably in the link in our Nextdoor ad). Our questions are: 1. Would you call Squarespace a third-party? 2. Is it the case that Squarespace cannot reliably report referral activity from a large, established entity like Nextdoor? 3. If in fact Squarespace cannot report reliably, is the solution proposed by Nextdoor one that you endorse? Thank you in advance for your assistance. We began with a small ad campaign with Nextdoor precisely in order to get an idea as to how effective it might be.
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