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Posts posted by melody495

  1. 22 minutes ago, BlateCo said:

    Instead of using <script type="text/Javascript" .... just do <script type="module"

    Ah, you were adding it to the script tag. Side note, instead of 'module' you can more directly use 'defer'. 

    I normally would use DOMContentLoaded for situations where I need to read from the DOM. 'defer' is run before DOMContentLoaded. It seems to be working for you, but if you do run into issues, then using DOMContentLoaded would work for what you are doing.

    Good luck!

  2. 50 minutes ago, BlateCo said:

    Awesome, thank you. I have the script as inline code so wrapping it in

    $(document).ready(function () {

    shows that text on the page. However, I did change the code to "module" from "text/javascript", which has made it run like a deferred external js file.

    I'm not sure what "module" is, is this a third party plugin you're using? But glad it's all working for you!

  3. Hi, you should be able to change the CTA button in the header in Site Styles. Site Styles -> click on Button -> bring to edit page



    In terms of the code flashing up on load, you should put the CSS code in Website -> Website Tools -> Custom CSS. Remove from code injection, this would not have changed your button font, as this is just text you've added to the footer.


  4. 4 minutes ago, spmentor said:

    Hi, the URL is sportsmentor.nl. I wanna change the color setting/customized color settings from 'site styles'. When I click different options from ''customize your themes' nothing changes. 

    Hi, each theme can be customised individually. Make sure you are on the section/page that you want to customise -> Site Styles -> click on the relevant theme you want to change (in the red circles below)

    If this doesn't work then please provide screenshot and descript of what you are changing and how it has not changed.


  5. 13 hours ago, BlateCo said:

    Yes! It's injected at the end of the footer on the code injection page. In my console there seems to be a countdown running on all pages, even though the code isn't being called.

    Hi, sounds like you have put the code in Site Wide code injection, so it is in every page. If you only want this on a specific page, please put the code in the code injection of that page only.

    In terms of your issue, I went back to look at your post again, your console already tells you what the issue is. That 'textcontent' is null. So at the point of the code being run, there is nothing in 'textcontent'. The footer is being run at website load, so it's likely not when you want to run your code.

    I suggest you wrap your code in document ready or domcontentloaded.

    $(document).ready(function () {


  6. On 7/17/2023 at 11:41 AM, Danyah said:

    Hello,  I am having the same issue. no matter what editor I am using: word or even a normal text editor. the text keeps defaulting to italic. I have deleted, and added new text blocks: still the same issue.  I have used the clear formatting button, and paste as plain text button, still the result defaults to italic.  It is very frustrating! spend the last 3 hours to find any solution online but could not.

    Help please

    Screenshot 2023-07-17 at 13.42.42.png

    Have you tried selecting the text, then toggle Italic? It doesn't work by just selecting the text block, need to select the text.

  7. 23 hours ago, katharinebolin said:

    Every single time I copy any text and paste it in a text box, it goes in as italic and bold. I thought they would have fixed it by now, but looks like the issue is still going on. Would love for Squarespace to fix this—it takes a lot of time reformatting clients text and making sure the original bolds and italics are correct.

    Hi, please try copy and pasting as plain text, otherwise it will try and preserve and match your formatting, which often doesn't work out.

    Please note SquareSpace doesn't monitor this forum for issues, this is a peer-to-peer forum to help others. Please contact SquareSpace if you wish to raise an issue with functionality of the platform. https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

  8. Hi, if none of your CSS code is taking effect, then there is a syntax error in your code. If that is the case, please copy and save all code somewhere, then remove everything in Custom CSS. You can then add one block of code back at a time, to make sure each is working as expected. You should be able to find the culprit fairly quickly.

  9. Hi, desktop and mobile have different aspect ratio, so they will look different. Do you have an mock up of how you want both the desktop and mobile to look? I suggest make the desktop version how you want then there are a couple of options to edit the mobile version, depending on how you want the mobile to look.


  10. 16 hours ago, gsmadonna said:

    I was removing a plugin code, I did not change any of the code I did not intend to change. This is what has me baffled.

    Sounds like what you were doing affected the site. If you have a way of putting your site back to before you tried removing code, you can investigate from there. 

    If not, you should get a developer to look at the problem for you.

  11. 9 hours ago, ShortAngryViking said:

    I tested for this website. Try putting the below code in your Code Injection, Footer. 

    I used the code from the video, just changed the selector to the specific ID, because that search bar html is structured differently.

    Let me know how it goes, or if you need help with the other website.

    <!-- =====
    Adjust Search Block Placeholder Text
    From Will-Myers.com
    ========== -->
      window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', changeSearchPlaceholder);
      function changeSearchPlaceholder() {
        let newText = "Search Me";
        let searchBars = document.querySelector('#yui_3_17_2_1_1699789732927_371');
        searchBars.forEach(el => el.placeholder = newText)


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