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Posts posted by melody495

  1. 3 hours ago, joshuahext said:

    Hi @melody495

    I'm afraid that isn't the solution. I can't shrink the text block any further than it's current size whatever alignment I set it to. So there's something causing this massive spacing that's unrelated to my code (as the issue persists even if I remove it all) and the alignment. 

    Sounds like probably a SquareSpace issue then. Have you contacted their customer care support? 

    Might be able to use code to reduce the gap otherwise. 

  2. 28 minutes ago, Felix-FfFrichlkofen said:

    Sadly doesnt work. You probably misunderstood me: It is not centred on the y axis, it is centred on the x axis.

    Can't check until I'm back at the desk, but it's probably currently centered from left to right of screen, but are you looking to center from left of screen to left of the burger menu?

  3. @rwesleyslaven I'm not familiar with Amazon ads, but looks like what you have there is just <script>, you should have some <div> or similar where the ad would go? It might be running but there is no where for the ad to appear in the html.

    Suggest double checking to see if that is all the code you need.

  4. 4 hours ago, NorseCr said:

    Unfortunately, the issue remains: the bottom item of the menu gets cut off on the client's screen. With this code, they said it's the same...only now scrolling seems to be locked and they can't scroll down to the bottom item. 

    Apologies, not sure why I thought that worked!

    What screen sizes are they having issues with? Has to be very small, I'm only seeing the menu turn into scroll at less than 520px tall.

    Try this in Custom CSS. The menu items are not display: flex, that's why spacing-between etc didn't work for you. Each text has margin around it, so the simplest way is you can adjust those numbers to make them closer together.

    .header-menu-nav .header-menu-nav-item  a {
    	margin-top: 0; //change number to what you want
    	margin-bottom: 0; // change number to what you want


  5. On 12/5/2023 at 7:52 AM, tuanphan said:

     You can use this CSS code to Website Tools (under Not Linked) > Custom CSS

    /* Footer newsletter spacing */
    .fe-641fc9caeeb8e8453ac7f320 {
        grid-template-rows: repeat(10,minmax(calc(~"var(--container-width) * var(--row-height-scaling-factor)"), auto)) !important;

    Hi @tuanphan, this works! A question, do you know if it's possible to detect it programmatically and adjust the number? e.g. repeat(10,..) in the above example, I can see what what number would fit best, but if there a way of calculating which number would fit the content?

    I have this issue on quite a few pages, trying to see if I manually do it in Custom CSS or if there is another way.

  6. Hi @harlowbogie, "Beginner and Level 1-2" fits within 1 grid height, that's why there's no space top/bottom. Whereas the line height of "David Slack" is taller than 1 grid height, so the text box stretches to 2 grid height. You can't have in-between height for blocks.

    If you want less space between "David Slack" and "Beginner and Level 1-2", you will need some Custom CSS code. Please share where this is located on your website.

  7. 18 hours ago, GeothermalCanada said:


    Just scroll down you'll find the buttons. I've rounded the edges.

    Try adding this to Website -> Website Tools (under Not Linked) -> Custom CSS

    .sqs-block-button .sqs-block-button-element--medium {
    	display: flex;
    	justify-content: center;
    	align-items: center;

    This will apply the changes to all buttons that is .sqs-block-button-element--medium.

    Let me know how it goes.

  8. 7 minutes ago, MichV said:

    However, it looks like the background of the site (the blue) doesn't continue to the end of the footer after making this change. Not sure how to adjust this..

    Can you describe what you are trying to achieve with the footer? Setting background to transparent will mean there is nothing to show as a background. But I'm guessing setting it to blue isn't what you want either? 🤔

  9. 10 minutes ago, JuditLorincz said:

    Yes, I am waiting for their reply. 

    I found this by Googling your code, but I'm not familiar with Termly so don't know if this is what you are looking for. 



    13 minutes ago, JuditLorincz said:

    I also tried to contact Squarespace Support again to find out from where the forms load, but they refused to help in any way.

    This is a third party plugin, not by SquareSpace, not much they can do to help as they don't control what the third party plugin code does. 

    Hope you resolve this with Termly soon. Best of luck!

  10. 28 minutes ago, Priscillia said:

    Still not changing anything ! I don't understand how it is possible really.

    I have no idea! It seems to be turning your CSS into .summary-item-list. Here is a screenshot of what your CSS on your website is, these I think are what you put in, but all have .summary-item-list appended.



    Maybe others can chime in 🤔


  11. On 12/1/2023 at 12:55 AM, Jl87 said:

    I tried that. It stretches the image weird and no matter where I move the focal point or how I change the height of the image, it wont put the full image in view. See screenshot below. Any suggestions?


    Screen Shot 2023-11-30 at 4.53.50 PM.png

    Your image is not stretched in your screenshot here. You simply need to increase your section height so that the image has enough space to fit.

    9 minutes ago, Jl87 said:

    Yes. I did all of this. I originally added just as image block and it wouldn’t show right now matter how I adjusted. Then I tried the full bleed and it got funky again.

    Part of the issue is that your text is part of the image. If you use a text block for your hero text, then the text will be responsive independent to your background image. 


    But anyway, looks like you've found a way to make it work for you. This only becomes an issue if in the future you decide to change your site margins.

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