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Posts posted by melody495

  1. 1 hour ago, addisonpann said:

    The back-to-top must be inheriting its z-index from somewhere. I set it to 999 with...

    z-index do not inherit, but it's also not as simple as that. You can read more here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23349394/z-index-inherits-parents-z-index-or-not


    1 hour ago, addisonpann said:

    I was able to achieve the effect I'm looking for by targeting the code block with the HTML that generates the back-to-top button. The button was inheriting its z-index from the code block.

    Glad it's all working for you now!

  2. On 11/29/2023 at 4:18 PM, dwaynesmom said:

    Hey Melody. The website is lamsa-bekaa.com and the image I attached was just a mockup. I don't know how to get my circle png to float at the top of the page! Thanks for your help.

    Hi, @dwaynesmom can you point me to the page that you want this image to go? I can't see the menu bar as referenced. Is the position of the image in the mockup exactly where you want it? it seems to be covering up a menu item. or you want the image next to the shoping cart icon?

  3. 5 hours ago, Jl87 said:

    my banner image for a background image kept showing white space on the sides. 

    You shouldn't have to change site margins to achieve this. 

    It looks like you've set the background image as "inset". Changing it to "full bleed" would make the image fill the section without any spaces around.

    Edit Section -> Background -> under Background Width, choose Full Bleed. You would have to set your site wide margin to non-zero to see the difference.


  4. 2 hours ago, adamrl said:

    I dont know what to do as its showing that its accessible via password?

    If you open your link in incognito mode, does it ask you to login with the password?


    On 11/28/2023 at 1:10 PM, melody495 said:

    Can you try to view your page in incognito mode and see if you are seeing the same issue?

    Once you've logged in via the password, have you tried this? 

  5. 2 hours ago, addisonpann said:

    On mobile, the button is hidden beneath images and shapes, despite having a much higher z-index than almost anything else on the page.


    Any idea why this might be?

    Because it doesn't 🙃 in your screenshot, the lady icon has z-index = 13, the back-to-top has z-index=9, which is lower.

    Here is when I changed back-to-top z-index to 999


    Suggest setting the z-index of your back-to-top to something like 999. Let me know how it goes.

  6. Hi @Jl87, unfortunately your iphone has a smaller screen size so there physically isn't enough space to keep the text on the same line. If you want to optimise for that particular screen size, then you could reduce the text size until they fit how you would like them to.

    Mobile devices come in different screen sizes, I'm not sure what exactly is the SquareSpace mobile view edit screen size is, but looks like it's wider than the particular iphone that you've tested on.

  7. 1 hour ago, Jl87 said:

    The only way I could get my header image to expand across the entire screen was with some custom CSS as shown on the screen. 

    Hi, how did you "delete" all your site margins? I can see your site-wide margin is set to 0, but this can be done in Site Styles without using Custom CSS. I would suggest doing it via Site Styles to keep it less confusing to maintain, unless there is a specific reason to do it via Custom CSS.

    1 hour ago, Jl87 said:

    How do I do this just for the navigation? I'm also open to alternatives if my original idea of deleting all margins was a bad one.

    You can target just the navigation bar margins like @Web_Solutions has provided above. I would suggest not setting Site wide margins to be zero, because then you come into issues like this page


    Unless this is the desired effect, all blog posts to be right up against the screen edges?

  8. 7 hours ago, evergreendazed said:

    Added just now. the Chinese font changed to Noto Serif but the English font also changed. I'd like it to remain Baskerville Poster PT like before. 😞 

    Screen Shot 2023-11-29 at 10.05.06 PM.png

    Hi, can you add a Code block and put the below code in the code block. At the moment you have set your site wide h3 font-family to be 'NOTO Serif', this means all h3 text will be in 'NOTO Serif'. You need to decide which one you wan to use as your font for all h3 across your website, 'NOTO Serif' or 'baskerville-poster-pt'.

    I would probably suggest keeping 'baskerville-poster-pt' as your h3, then just change the chinese font as and when you need it. Like the below text.

    <h3 style="font-family: 'NOTO Serif'">
      "Exploring "<em>Masculine Sensuality</em>" in " <em>Cinematic Narratives</em>

    If that works, you can remove your old text block. Let me know how it goes.

  9. 5 hours ago, RobinD83 said:

    It should be a general setting, which I cant find.

    Hi, if you think it is a SquareSpace issue, you can contact their support.

    But if you share a link to the page you are having the issue, the community here can try and point you in the right direction, either to a setting within SquareSpace, or with custom code.

    However, without seeing the issue or a link, it's harder to help you.

  10. 14 minutes ago, evergreendazed said:

    Hi @melody495, here's the quote that I use to apply Noto Serif for the Chinese text:

    @font-face {
    font-family: 'NOTO Serif';
    src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5e934051ea41e51dc718dd8d/t/653a370374cec457f5dc63aa/1698314059472/NotoSerifTC-Regular.otf');
    h2, h3 {
    font-family: 'NOTO Serif';

    Hi, can you share a screenshot of where you've put this code? I can't see it in your CSS.

  11. 31 minutes ago, Melonmade said:

    @melody495 yes exactly that! 

    Hi @Melonmade, try adding this to your Custom CSS and let me know how it goes

    .sqs-block-image div[data-shape-mask="circle"] img {
      border: red solid; // change first value to different colour
      border-radius: 100%;
      border-width: 5px; // change value for thinner/thicker border
      box-sizing: border-box;

    This will target all your circle images. If you need to target specific images, then you need to add the specific ID for each image.

  12. On 11/18/2023 at 6:49 PM, soloye said:

    So does that mean we must pay for another website altogether just to change a template?

    My answer below and this thread is about 7.1.

    No you do not have to pay for another website, because there is no such thing as a template anymore in 7.1. From the 7.1 templates you can choose from on SquareSpace's website, you can pick one and "change" to another template using Site Styles and all the native features available.



  13. 8 minutes ago, Jmontgomery said:

    I'd love to do the other option, but I'll have to hire a dev to work on that later. Right now, it's more trouble than it's worth. Thank you so much for your help. I'm sorry to have wasted your time, but I did learn lots. Thank you so much. 💜 Once I get my deadlines sorted, I'll be back.

    Sorry couldn't help more on here. I find it easier to answer specific questions over the forum, whereas for your page because it's highly customised, I would need to sit down and look through your page and all the code to make sure they work together or work a different solution.

    You can drop me an email if/when you want to look at this again.

    Best of luck!

  14. 10 hours ago, Jmontgomery said:

    This didn't work. I tried adjusting the footer's (the section that gets invaded by the sticky menu) z-index as well as the block's z-index. Failing that, I tried adjusting the z-index for the section before it, and still no change. It isn't overriding the original CSS.

    It worked when I set the footer z-index.


    Try this code?

    footer#footer-sections {

    If works, then add the section selector, or it'll do it for all footers. 

    section[data-section-id="65478ecdd795af0b96df3a7c"] footer#footer-sections {
    	z-index: 999;


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