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Posts posted by melody495

  1. 12 hours ago, Exileking said:

    Everything was working before i published. Seems like nothing is working font wise at all?

    Hi, replace this block of code

    @font-face {
    font-family: pixChicago';
    src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/653977e6631d6e2bb1418d04/t/65428be1564e95715793c4f8/1698860001828/pixChicago.ttf');
    @font-face {
    font-family: NeueBit-Regular';
    src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/653977e6631d6e2bb1418d04/t/65427b3493577f32c73cdefb/1698855733001/NeueBit-Regular.ttf');

    with this new code (missing a single quote at the beginning of the font-family name)

    @font-face {
    font-family: 'pixChicago';
    src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/653977e6631d6e2bb1418d04/t/65428be1564e95715793c4f8/1698860001828/pixChicago.ttf');
    @font-face {
    font-family: 'NeueBit-Regular';
    src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/653977e6631d6e2bb1418d04/t/65427b3493577f32c73cdefb/1698855733001/NeueBit-Regular.ttf');


    Try and let me know.


  2. Hi, remove FontURL at the beginning of your font file. From this, 

    @font-face {
        font-family: 'Northwell';
           src: url('FontURLhttps://static1.squarespace.com/static/629e828d31490d01d0f319ef/t/65497cac74a74b3d8224203c/1699314861015/Northwell.ttf');

    to this. Try and let me know

    @font-face {
        font-family: 'Northwell';
           src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/629e828d31490d01d0f319ef/t/65497cac74a74b3d8224203c/1699314861015/Northwell.ttf');


  3. Hi, if what you've pasted is all the code from your custom css, then you haven't loaded the font files necessary. You've referenced 3 font families, but only uploaded 1 font file.

    @font-face {
    font-family: 'PPNeueBit-Bold';
    src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/653977e6631d6e2bb1418d04/t/65428be1564e95715793c4f8/1698860001828/pixChicago.ttf');

    This here, you've loaded the font file for pix chicago and named it 'PPNeueBit-Bold'. So currently, all the font that you've set to 'PPNeueBit-Bold' is actually the pix chicago font. And the pix chicago and PPNeueBit-Regular font are not working because they haven't been loaded.

    You need to load each font file, one for pic chicago, one for PPNeueBit-Bold and one for PPNeueBit-Regular. Then, go through and double check the css style per element is as you expected.


    Let me know how it goes.

  4. 19 hours ago, Dieg said:

    As for the uppercase P, I'll change it, but paragraphs are working fine in all type of pages, what I'm having trouble actually are for headings.

    Hi, you don't have to change the P, but that block of code is not having any effect as is. By changing it it will start working correctly, but you have to double check that any changes from this is as you intend.

    19 hours ago, Dieg said:

    I've inserted a command for porfolios, summaries and other type of pages and I'm looking for the command to override the font in the videos and store page. If you can help me I'd appreciate it!

    That page is a lesson page, so what you have done doesn't include any CSS for that type of page. Try the below

    // change style for lesson title
    .lessons .lesson-title {
    	font-family: xxx; // put what font family you want here
    // change style for lesson category
    .lessons .video-category-nav-link {
    	font-family: xxx; // put what font family you want here


    Let me know how it goes.


  5. On 10/30/2023 at 7:47 PM, SarahPiano said:

     When I put a line on a page that doesn't have a white background, then it shows up. I don't know how to change the color. 

    Hi, have you tried going to Site Styles (the brush at to right corner) -> Colors, find line block and change the colour?

    On the page you are having issues, click on Site Styles -> Colors. Hovering on your page will tell you the theme that page is using. Locate the theme and click edit (the pencil icon), and change the line block colour for that theme.

    Let me know how it goes.

  6. On 11/5/2023 at 7:39 AM, bibo0903 said:


    I saw another topic and a member was able to fix this problem with the code down below though.. the code hasn't worked for me but I think its a step closer to the right direction. My video is already the same height of the image supposedly as well and it still behaves weirdly

    section[data-section-id="651597d004d0441072b29cc5"] .sqs-block-video {
        .sqs-block-content, .intrinsic, .embed-block-wrapper, .sqs-native-video  {
            position: absolute !important;
            top: 0 !important;
            left: 0 !important;
            bottom: 0 !important;
            right: 0 !important;
            padding: 0 !important;
        .video-player {
        	padding: 0 !important;
        	video {
        		object-fit: cover !important;

    Hi, this code is not making anything changes for your videos because the data-section-id does not exist on your webpage. That is unique, so you need to change it to the id for your section.

    change the first line to this and see?

    section[data-section-id="65432b8278396716f29e57a8"] .sqs-block-video {

    Beware the code will crop your video. Because your video is already at full width.


    On 11/4/2023 at 2:16 PM, bibo0903 said:

    I would like the video to fill its space completely, in order to always match the height of the picture next to it. I hope this makes sense! any help would be greatly appreciated! 

    Back to your original question though. I don't see any images next to that video, can you please clarify?

  7. 11 hours ago, MaryLou said:

    Hi, I had someone fix my website and he purchased this lightbox plugin and gave me no further instructions. How can I customize the design of the pop-up? Particularly the padding, color, border color and size of the X. I have tried so many different CSS tricks I know and nothing seems to work. 

    Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me resolve this!! 

    Hi, don't know which plugin you bought, but have you asked them?

  8. Hi, can you share the code you use to upload the custom font files? It seems like you have only uploaded 'MikadoBold' and 'MikadoRegular'. Check you've uploaded the other font family you need and let me know how it goes. Click save and refresh page to check. If not working, please share the upload code.

    Also, there is an error here. What are you trying to do with the last line?

    h1 {font-family: 'MikadoBlack';}
    h2 {font-family: 'MikadoBlack';}
    h3 {font-family: 'MikadoBold';}
    h4 {font-family: 'MikadoBold';}
    P {font-family: 'MikadoRegular';}

    The paragraphs selectors are as per below. Also note, that you've used an Uppercase "p", it should be a Lowercase "p".

    // p1
    .sqsrte-large {
    	font-family: xxx;
    // p2 
    p {
    	font-family: xxx;
    // p3 
    .sqsrte-small {
    	font-family: xxx;


  9. 2 hours ago, biancajade said:

    Was there ever a better solution implemented here? Surely it should be easy to increase the number of blog posts on display in a grid. I am still limited to 20. 

    Hi, if you do a search on the forum , there are a lot of threads that have covered this topic in detail. 

    In short, you need to use summary block, you can achieve the same look as blog page.

    The free workaround is to use summary block, this has a limit of 30. If you need more, you can have more than 1 block and so on.  You'll need to do some work using categories or tags to sort and filter them to how you want to display them.


    Plugins, the Lazy Load Summaries has options to load infinite items on a summary block. Or a Load More button. 


  10. Hi, if your video doesn't keep its aspect ratio, it will look distorted, which is probably not what you want to achieve.

    Since your video is wider than it's tall, the limiting factor is going to be the width. If you want to have it the same height as another image, then your video could go off screen or overlap what's to its right. 

    In editing mode, if your video block isn't already the same height of your image, do that first and see how it behaves, and if that does what you want it to do. 

    Let me know how it goes. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, Aurora said:

    For whenever I want to change anything anywhere... I thought it would be the same as for the italic style and the bold style, italic bold being another style since that's a separate file that I've downloaded when I downloaded the entire font family, see here: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Crimson+Text Does that make sense?


    Yes, so if you want each of those variations in the font family, then upload each and use them as you've named them. This is the clearest way to use them.

    You should also be able to use B and I in the text editor. B is Bold, if you want semi bold then  use CSS.

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