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Posts posted by melody495

  1. 4 minutes ago, Aurora said:

    I'm confused now about the new code you suggested. Are you suggesting that in place of this:

    html * {font-family: 'Crimson Text' !important;}

    And I would do the same (replace html * with h1, h2, h3, h4, .sqsrte-large, p, .sqsrte-small?) for the italic style?

    Missed those. Don't need to change to what I suggested. Gone down a rabbit hole that you didn't have to, sorry!

    So what you have should already work. The reason navigation wasn't italics is because in site styles is it normal.

    If you need bold font, upload the bold font file, and I've updated below to include bold. 

    // Change font family for all text
    html * {font-family: 'Crimson Text' !important;}
    // Use this font for italics tex
    html * em {
      font-family: 'Crimson Text Italic' !important;
      font-style: normal !important;
    // Use this font for bold text
    html * b, strong {
      font-family: 'Crimson Text Bold' !important;
      font-style: normal !important;


    Let me know how it goes

  2. 1 minute ago, Aurora said:

    To simplify things for myself, I'm using only one font family (Google's Crimson Text) on my entire website.

    Ok, then you should do the following to override the font family:

    // set all font to the same font-family
    h1, h2, h3, h4, .sqsrte-large, p, .sqsrte-small {
    	font-family: xxx

    Then adjust all the other settings in Site Styles -> Font. Things like size, line height, line spacing etc. This would be the easiest way. Just ignore the font family in there, all other settings will work without CSS.

    Only use CSS where you can't change in Site Styles. Like you have for the navigation.


  3. Sorry, let me correct myself. You should be able to do bold and italic without uploading a different font file. 

    So in this example

    // Italic text everywhere
    html * em {
      font-family: Crimson Text Italic !important;
      font-style: normal !important;

    You could try

    // Italic text everywhere
    html * em {
      font-family: 'Crimson Text' !important;
      font-style: italic !important;

    They should look the same.

    If not, then you have to use the font file for Italic. Because Crimon Regular italics might not be the same as Crimson Italics.

    But might be safer to upload each of the variations you need so you can control exactly what they look like.

  4. 48 minutes ago, Aurora said:

    Why do I have to specifically target the navigation for the italic style?

    I'm asking because I'm worried that there might be other places that I'm currently unaware of that I would have to specifically target as well.


    It depends how you have your site styles set up, and what font design you want across your website. 

    By default, navigation is a "paragraph" font, specifically paragraph 2 (p2). So you can target p2 or  just navigation menu specifically. However, change p2 will change all text that use p2 style. This is where your font design across your website comes in.

    When you first created the website, you would have chosen which font-family to use for "heading" and "paragraphs". These settings are still there. SquareSpace by default assign a font style (family, size, line height etc) to each text type. If you go to site styles -> font, you can see all the different settings. Including navigation menu items.

    But if you want custom font, then you have to specify each of the font style you want, and tell SquareSpace to use them, where you want to use them. If you don't, it will use whatever is set up in site styles. There is a more generic way to set font family for custom font, but you can also target specific elements to set the font family, like you have done. See more below..

    All text in SquareSpace are one of the following; h1, h2, h3, h4, p1, p2, p3. You can set 1 font family for all the h's, and another font family for all the p's.

    Edit: see below.

    Hope that make sense and helps!

  5. 6 minutes ago, Aurora said:

    Thank you SO much! It looks great now ❤️

    I have one more question. I'm not using any bold styles on my website atm, but if I should use them in the future, would I need to upload those styles as well?

    Many thanks!

    You are very welcome 🙂 

    Edit: For bold style, yes, you would have to upload the relevant font file. Like you've done for the above.

  6. Hi, there are 2 issues.

    When you declared your new font, you are missing single quotes around the name, e.g. replace your first one with the below. Do the same for all your other custom fonts.

    // My own regular font
    @font-face {
    font-family: 'Crimson Text'; // font family name, this can be named as anything you want. Once here, this is the name you will use.
    src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/64bbec1009a61f1b8dfb39e9/t/6509d0807e6fd40c6b635a1d/1695142016438/CrimsonText-Regular.ttf);

    When you then want to use your font for something, you need to refer to the same name as per above. e.g. change your code below from this

    // ALL text everywhere
    html * {font-family: 'CrimsonText' !important;}

    to this. (the name you used is missing a space)

    // ALL text everywhere
    html * {font-family: 'Crimson Text' !important;}


    Now just check and make sure they all match up and should all be working.


    Let me know how it goes.

  7. 15 minutes ago, AmyMcKinney said:

    I can't figure out 1) why they're even there since I supposedly changed the icon out

    This is because in the code, you haven't changed them out, you added your new arrows to the old arrows. It's probably best not to manually delete SS elements, as might have unintended consequences.

    You could hide the old arrows, but not with the way the new arrows have been added. Ziggy's way is effective for what you need!

  8. 1 hour ago, 48thmediaco said:

    Here is the code I have input:


    Hi, which text is not working as you expect? What font are you expecting it to be?

    Also, is that all the code? As it seems cut off from the top.

    And the code to load the font file for Unbounded-SemiBold is not in your code.

  9. 1 minute ago, Alexsh said:

    When you mentioned deleting and recreating it, what exactly did you mean? I tried that, but it didn't work. The reason is that the order of the blocks is important, not the sequence of their creation... Or did I perhaps misunderstand you?

    Hi, I thought the order of creation matters, hence I said to create a new text block. But I think you just confirmed by testing that what matters is the ordering on the page, rather than creation.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Alexsh said:

    It seems like there's no pure CSS solution for revealing the text in the blocks sitting before the hover blocks.

    You are welcome! Just delete that block , and recreate it, then it would come after everything else, and your code would work as with the other pairing

    Edit: copy and paste (duplicate), and delete original

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