Hi there,
Wow! Your site looks amazing and is super professional. The visuals, graphics, everything - just amazing!
Two small improvements: 1) text color - is there a way to make the body text a tad bit darker? The off black text is difficult to read as I review the page/text from top to bottom. 2) I would recommend changing the format of your services page. I noticed that in order to see the services i have to hover over the top of the word "Services" to see all that you offer, then select the 2nd or 3rd offering to learn more. I believe that by default when a user selects "Services" they should all appear on the actual page itself. Then, on the page, allow the user to see the services you offer and expand/collapse a button to learn more.
I hope that helps. Also, I would love some feedback on my website as well. I started a thread here in this community you should be able to find it pretty easily. Site name www.proguidance.org