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Everything posted by thewriterb

  1. the center of #13 needs to centered in the space between #8 and #9. #13 it is displaying/placing to the left of the center between #8 and #9.
  2. Hi there, I am trying to center all the content/thumbnails in all my summary blocks on my website. I started with the following code to do this: .sqs-block-summary-v2 .summary-item-list { display:flex !important; flex-wrap:wrap !important; justify-content:center !important; } This code worked well for me, but I am still facing a centering issue. When a row is filled with thumbnails, everything looks fine. However, if there are only a few thumbnails after the filled rows, such as one or two, then these thumbnails are off to the left side. Please refer to the screen clip. I am using version 7.1. I am hoping there is a bit more CSS code to correctly center these types of rows. I have provided the link to the page I took the screen clip from below: Page URL: https://www.ofwhitewalls.com/rectangle-1 Thank you in advance for any help.
  3. Here is what I have found on my site when using Safari. I have one page that I use them on. One near the top of the page, the second mid way down. If I click on the top one it will not take me to the second one. But if I manually scroll down to the second link and click on it, it will work, taking me back to the top link. After that BOTH anchors links work just fine in Safari. If I leave that page and then come back to it, the top no longer works again. My links seem to work with other browsers. website: ofwhitewalls.com Update: If I on either my iPhone or iPad and using Chrome, I still have the same problem as if using Safari. On iMac using Chrome, no problems.
  4. I'm sorry, but I do not know how to write CSS code. My blog is a basic grid system. If you look at the first response were Tuanphan give me CSS code, that did exactly what I wanted, but only for the one page I sent them a URL link for. I sent the link not wanting for that single page, but as a link to a page in the Blog I want to do this to. I would like to be able to have all the page in this one blog display this way. I only want this for this one blog, and not effecting my other blogs. This first CSS code must be page specific. I was hoping this could be done to this blog without having to do a CSS code for each page. Thank you for your help.
  5. Strange, I cut and pasted that code in and nothing changed. I did that by leaving in the first code suggested and only by itself. also, if this code had worked, would it have only affected that blog? That is what i’m waiting to have happen. thank you for time and effort you have been putting in for me.
  6. i’m not sure if this helps, but here is the link to the blog, not just a page. https://www.ofwhitewalls.com/sequoia-blog
  7. Thank you. I must not have been totally clear. That code worked great for the blog page of the URL I posted. What I need is to have that happen to each of the pages in that blog. Currently there are 2 pages, but I plan on added more. Is this possible without having CSS code for each blog page? Thanks for you help.
  8. try this link. https://www.ofwhitewalls.com/sequoia-blog/Blog Post Title One-brdjw
  9. Hello, On my website I have a few blogs going, but I need to be able to have only one of them to display its two columns side by side, not stacked, when viewed on a mobile device. All my blogs are connected to their own summary block. I’m hoped there is a way to do this. I am a newbie when it comes to these things. CSS code to cut and paste is fine. Website: ofwhitewalls.com Here is a link to one of the pages in the blog I want to do this to. https://www.ofwhitewalls.com/sequoia-blog/Blog Post Title One-brdjw I am using 7.1. Thanks for any help.
  10. i’m hopping using some CSS code to change a display of a link. In some of my blogs, the first posting I am using as an “introduction” page. In these pages I have placed an archive block set to an index in order to make a “page index”. This is working just fine. What I would like to do is make the links to the pages appear like my hyperlinks. These links have a red color for the text and have a hover background. Now I found I can change a few text display setting of these links by using: .archive-item-link I can add an underline, and change the font size and weight. But when trying to change the color or add a hover using the code I have been using, nothing changes. Is this possible? Are these display settings set some where else? Or are the setting codes different? Here are the settings I am using for hyperlinks:{color:#ff0206!important;} a:hover{background:#c0c0c0!important; border-radius:4px!important; transition-duration: .4s;} Website: ofwhitewalls.com Here is a link to one of my introduction pages with a page index. https://www.ofwhitewalls.com/hexagon-blog/blog-post-title-one-89c3t-c8gkl I am using 7.1. Thanks for any help.
  11. Hello, First off I am a total newbie here. I am looking for a way to add a drop shadow to the images in my Instagram feed. I did find some CSS to do this: .sqs-gallery-block-grid .slide .margin-wrapper a.image-slide-anchor[href] {box-shadow:5px 5px 8px 2px rgba(0,0,0,025)!important;} It mostly worked. The problem is the image to the far right has its shadow cut off on the right. I believe I can see a bit cut off on the far left image on its left side, but not as visible. I have no idea how to get the shadows to work. In addition to adding a drop shadow on the Instagram feed, I also want to add drop shadows to one of my blogs that just has images on the posted pages. The gallery is the GRID. If it matters, I have a summary block connected to this blog. The code i tried for the Instagram feed also adds drop shadows to these images as well, with the same cutoff issue. I have added drop shadows to other mages, but there are just images. You see the Instagram feed on my home pages at: www.ofwhitewalls.com Here is a link to one of my images pages that have this issue: https://www.ofwhitewalls.com/blink-blog/blog-post-title-one-k63ak-cz9m6-b8j4l I am using 7.1. Thanks for any help.
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