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  1. I've blown a couple of days working on ideas from the forum, SS customer support, and even ChatGPT, and I still can fix this issue. It's as simple as: 1. I have a white logo that I want to appear on the background headers. 2. I want its alternate black logo buddy to appear on background-free headers. The issues have been as follows: 1. Despite being duplicates in every sense (apart from colour), the black logo appears in a different place and size to the (original) white. 2. Now, I cannot adjust the px size of the white logo. It's just big and intransigent. Surely, this is an easy fix? I've watched several YouTube videos that fix it with one line of code, but whenever I try it, the black logo is smaller and not as far left set as the white. I'm pulling my hair out and have exhausted all options. Other than redesigning the site from scratch so all page headers have backgrounds (I'd rather not start again). You can see from the two screen grabs how, on the home page, the image is larger and set further left (and higher). On the About page, however, it's smaller and set lower and further right). What am I missing here? Is this a page-style setting anomaly? πŸ™πŸΎ
  2. Paul, I'm fairly sure you've just nailed what a SquareSpace advisor totally failed to see earlier on today! I like this, as it makes for a smoother UX. The advisor's suggestions were: Add the deposit as a variant (this would mean there are four variants (single room 50% twin room 50%, etc.); Add more products (so the deposit was a product). Both feel beyond clunky and confusing to customers. I reckon I can make your suggestion work; thank you, brother!
  3. Currently creating a retreat site using a template. I'm not a coder. Customers must pay a 50% deposit on booking (the final 50% one month before the retreat starts). Can I add the option using standard commerce tools? Thanks in advance!
  4. I'd love to, but the site isn't live yet. The issue is that I've used SS's standard image sizing tool in the main header (as per the screengrab), so (obviously) when I add the same image into the CSS, it's smaller (the original size). Options as I see them are: Add the image size to the CSS; Insert a larger image into the CSS. The question is: is option 1 a possibility? πŸ™πŸΎ
  5. Okay, so this is a super-helpful thread, and using the code, I managed to insert an alternative black logo onto the other pages (without images). The problem I have now is the the custom CSS logos are not the same size as the original white png, because I adjusted the logo heights. How do I account for this adjustment in the CSS? πŸ™πŸΎπŸ’šπŸŒˆ Logo Height Mobile Logo Max Height
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