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Everything posted by diegphoto

  1. Hi! I want to put a button in the navigation bar but only on one page of my website https://www.diegphoto.com/ and I don't know how to do it. Thanks in advance!
  2. @Beyondspace I have figured out how to fix the hover effect. The only thing that is missing is when you are viewing an image in the lightbox, the hover effect doesn't work in the arrows and the x. Thank you!
  3. It solves the problem but now the hover effect is opaque. I also noticed that the hover effect of the mouse don't work in lightbox.
  4. Yes! That solves the problem with form buttons. But there is still the problem that the mouse disappears on the white background of the contact. I think the problem is the 'mix-blend-mode: screen' but I don't know the solution. I think it does not disappear but looks very transparent.
  5. I find in the forum another code that it has the hover effect. The problem is that the hover doesn't work in button forms. also when the cursor is on the white background of the contact form, it disappears. The page is https://www.diegphoto.com/contacto Here is the new code In Design > Custom CSS @media ( hover: none ) { .cursor { display: none !important; } } * { cursor: none; } .cursor { --size: 10px; height: var( --size ); width: var( --size ); border-radius: 50%; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; transform: translate( -50%, -50% ); z-index: 99999999999; } .cursor.cursor-dot { background: #ed4c00; /* This defines the color of the cursor */ mix-blend-mode: screen; /* Delete this line if you dont want the circle to invert */ transition: width 0.6s, height 0.6s, background-color 0.6s; transition-timing-function: ease-out; } .cursor-dot.active { --size: 50px; background-color: #ed4c00; } In Settings > Advanced > Code Injection > HEADER. <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script> In Settings > Advanced > Code Injection > FOOTER. <script> $( ( ) => { $( 'body' ).prepend ( '<div class="cursor cursor-dot" style="left: 0px; top: 0px;">' ); $( window ).mousemove ( function ( e ) { $( '.cursor' ).css ( { left: e.pageX, top: e.pageY } ); } ); $( window ).mousemove ( function ( e ) { $( 'a' ).on ( 'mouseenter', function ( ) { $( '.cursor' ).addClass ( 'active' ); } ); } ); $( window ).mousemove ( function ( e ) { $( 'a' ).on ( 'mouseleave', function ( ) { $( '.cursor' ).removeClass ( 'active' ); } ); } ); } ); </script> Thank you!
  6. Hi!, I have the code to change the cursor of my web page, but now I need that when the cursor is over a category or text it hovers. The effect I want is similar to this page https://rafalbojar.com/ . I also attach files of how the effect looks. My website is https://www.diegphoto.com/ and the code that I already used is this: body, html, * { cursor: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/62ec9420d1df13083dc8f4ad/t/63a1bdedcf2ca4775ddbddbe/1671544301258/orange-circlepeque%C3%B1o2.png), auto !important; } Thank you in advance!
  7. Thank you very much!!!! This code works perfectly
  8. Hi! Yes, I mean visible for the visitors of the page. Right now the first image changes before being seen.
  9. Hi! In the homepage of my website www.diegphoto.com, I have code to autoplay portfolio categories. The problem is that the image of the first category is not displayed since the function is executed before the page loads. I would like to set a timeout, or a code so that it does not autoplay until the images are loaded. My site is diegphoto.com and the password is Asturias This is the code: <!--beyondspace autoplay Hover Portfolio start--> <script> (function(){ window.addEventListener('load', () => { beyAutoPlayPortfolio(4000); // change the speed of transition }); })() function beyAutoPlayPortfolio(e){let t=document.querySelectorAll(".portfolio-hover-items-list > li");if(t.length>1){let o=new Event("mouseenter"),l=null,r=function(){let i=document.querySelector('.portfolio-hover-item[data-active="true"]').closest("li").nextElementSibling;i||(i=t[0]),i.querySelector("a").dispatchEvent(o),l=setTimeout(r,e)};r(),t.forEach(e=>{e.querySelector("a").addEventListener("mouseenter",function(e){e.isTrusted&&clearTimeout(l)}),e.querySelector("a").addEventListener("mouseleave",function(e){e.isTrusted&&r()})})}} </script> <!--beyondspace autoplay Hover Portfolio end--> Thank you in advance!
  10. Hi! In the mobile view the text that appears in the footer for changing between portfolio categories is very big. I want to change the size of the text so that they don't step on each other. Attached photo of the problem. Thank you! My site is diegphoto.com/urbano and the password is Asturias
  11. I have the business plan
  12. Hi there!, I have tried to find how to do this but I have not been able to. I would like the images of each portfolio category to change automatically, when the mouse is not over them. What I want to do can be seen on this website www.alixelay.com (homepage). Also in this website (https://www.robinuthe.com/) Also, when the background image changes, the category it belongs to is highlighted. Thanks in advance.
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