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  1. I tried this code but nothing changed 😞 mikagu.me/work/instalment-only-card is it because I have other code that's 1) hiding the site logo from appearing 2) setting the box shadow?
  2. Hi all! I need a little help on centering my navigation tabs in header. Tried all the solutions in this forum and none seems to work for me. Maybe it's because I've already modified the code to hide my site logo? My site is as follow: mikagu.me. I've also customized the header so it only appears when you click into the projects. Thanks in advance for your help 🙂
  3. Perfect - this is so clear and worked like a charm. Thanks so much Creedon!
  4. Hi @tuanphan this header code works perfectly for my footer as well - thanks so much! Quick question - is there any way I can decrease the width of the line to about 75% of the screen size(about the width of the grid above)? Here's the URL to my website: mikagu.me Thanks so much!
  5. Thanks so much for your reponse Creedon! Hmm I tried adding new section but the padding on top and bottom is too wide that it looks disconnected with the rest of the article (https://www.mikagu.me/work/instalment-only-card). I am trying to round the corners of the two gifs in the "Designing for trust and confidence" section, mainly bc i thought rebuilding gifs would take much more time than coding it in squarespace. is there a way to target specific image blocks?
  6. Hi all! I'm trying to figure out how to add padding in between my two images in the section of "Designing for trust and confidence". Here's the link: https://www.mikagu.me/work/instalment-only-card (scroll to about the middle of the page). My goals are to: 1) Have the images in equal sizes 2) Have the padding in between images not too wide What I've tried was: a) Adjusted the height % & width %. However, it didn't work because it's leaving too much white space/padding on top and bottom. Below is the code I used(credit to @tuanphan in another post!): b) Added a code block but can't seemed to find how to reference an image in the code block. Any solution to a) or b) would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much! 🙂
  7. @creedon Posting here as it's relevant to this post's question 🙂 I tried the code you wrote up there - it works like a charm! However it turns all images into rounded corners. Is there anyway to turn just the pictures in specific sections into rounded corners on a specific page, but not others? E.g. on https://www.mikagu.me/work/instalment-only-card, I'd like to have round corners on only the phone mockups but not others. Really appreicate your help, creedon!!
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